Chapter 5

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He screamed, alerting everyone in the vicinity. The tiger seemed to be taken aback and it backed up. A puff of black smoke appeared by Jimin and Yoongi arose from the smoke. The raven haired vampire glanced down at the large tiger and rolled his eyes.
"Get the fuck up from the ground Taehyung and transform back you idiot." he huffed and crossed his arms in agitation. The tiger puffed air out of his nose and then the tiger suddenly transformed back into Taehyung, who laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. The green eyed vampire didn't notice he was naked until Jimin squealed and hid his face with his small hands, face an alarming red. He looked down and covered his....part with his hands and grinned brightly.
     "Oops. Sorry I scared you Jiminie!" the taller vampire smirked and covered his mouth as Jimin curled into himself.
     "I should've stayed in my room and took a shower the next day..." he moaned.
     "But you couldn't because you had a sex dream and you came all over yourself." Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly and Jimin widened his eyes.
     "Namjoon told you about my dream??!" he screeched with a red face. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Taehyung and smirked, who cheekily grinned with dark eyes.
     "Duh. He tells us everything, we're a family. He told us it was about the six of us." Taehyung laughed out loud and Jimin moaned in his hands.
     "I'm leaving. I didn't come out of my room for you guys to make fun of me." Jimin hissed, getting ready to leave when Yoongi tapped his shoulder.
     "Will you have an answer to our contract tomorrow..?" he asked with a sudden serious expression on his face. Jimin nodded and Yoongi nodded back, teleporting away and leaving Jimin and Taehyung in the hallway. They glanced at each other and Jimin looked away with a blush high on his cheeks.
     "Y-You should go and get dressed. I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight." Jimin waved and hastily walked away. Taehyung looked down at Jimin's plump ass and sighed happily.
     "He has the most fattest ass I've ever seen."

     Jimin woke up with a mild ache in his back. He groaned softly and got up from his bed. He bent over to stretch his back and that's when he noticed a pair of feet in front of his face. He yelped and stood back up straight, his face in Jin's chest.
     "G-Good morning Seokjin..." he whispered and Jin raised an eyebrow.
     "Just Jin is fine. I came here to see how you were feeling. I heard that you had an...interesting night last night." Jimin blushed and Jin smirked.
     "You can say that again..." the human laughed. "Where is everyone?"
     "Namjoon and Yoongi went to work. Me and Hoseok had a day off. Jungkook is working out in our gym and Taehyung is lounging about in his dog form so watch out for a big lap dog ready to pounce on your lap."
     "Oh. I was wondering if I can go to the grocery store to get some food..."
     "Nonsense. I left late last night and I got some human food for you. I'll cook for you so just get dressed and meet me in the kitchen. I am cooking for you. Don't be late." Jin commanding him shouldn't be such a turn-on, but here we are. So Jimin shooed Jin out of his room so he can get dressed. He finally got around to putting away his clothes and stuff last night so he went into the closet and picked out a pair of jeans and a blood red hoodie. He put on his red sneakers and walked out of his room. Once he was out of his room, he smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen and he moaned in delight, basically floating to the kitchen. He walked in and seen Jin at the stove stirring something. He saw Jungkook and Hoseok sitting down at the corner watching him cook. Jimin hummed delightedly and sat down next to Hoseok with a smile.
"Oh hey Jimin! I heard you had a sex dream about us!" Jungkook said as a greeting and Hoseok snorted.
"Can we not talk about this please??" Jimin groaned and Jin chuckled.
"Blame Namjoon. He told all of us." Hoseok smirked and looked back at Jin, who stopped stirring and turned the stove off. He proudly smiled and turned to the three of them with a cheeky smile.
     "I did it. I cooked a stew for the first time. How do you like me now Jungkook??" he grinned and Jungkook rolled his eyes. Hoseok and Jimin laughed at the way the two vampires bickered. That's when Namjoon walked in the kitchen, seeing Jungkook and Jin arguing heatedly. He smiled and looked at Jimin, who looked back.
     "You ready to talk now Jimin?" he asked the human, who nodded with nervous eyes. The blue eyed vampire reached out his hand to Jimin, who looked at it and took it with a smile. He lifted Jimin off of the seat and flipped him around so he was tucked into Namjoon's side. He wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist and walked out of the kitchen, with the others rushing to follow them. Jimin blushed heavily at being manhandled. Yoongi suddenly appeared in black smoke next to Hoseok and started walking next to the red eyed vampire. Taehyung was running far behind them, running to catch up. Soon, the seven of them were walking side by side with Yoongi and Hoseok on both of Namjoon's sides. Jungkook and Taehyung were walking behind them talking about some new game. Jin walked ahead of them with an impatient scowl.
     Once they arrived to the kitchen, Jungkook suddenly swooped Jimin away from Namjoon and picked him up bridal style. He ran over to a seat and sat down, sitting the human onto his lap. Jimin blushed and the others complained under their breath. Jimin cleared his throat and tried to answer, but someone walked in. They opened the door and stormed over to Namjoon. Then someone else walked in after the blonde. The blonde had bright magenta eyes while the one with purple hair had lavender eyes.
     "Sir Kim! Can you tell this imbecile to mind his own fucking business??" the blonde hissed, crossing his arms.
"Sir Kim! He shouldn't have random ass people in our room!" the other growled. Namjoon cleared his throat and pointed over to Jungkook and Jimin. The two younger vampires looked over at them and blushed profusely. "Oh shit we are so sorry Sir Kim!! We didn't know you were in a meeting..."
"It's fine you two. Jimin, this is Lee Felix and Bang Chan." Namjoon introduces with an amused smile.

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     "I-It's really nice to meet you!" Jimin got up from Jungkook's lap and went over to the flustered vampires, giving them a big eye smile and a hug

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"I-It's really nice to meet you!" Jimin got up from Jungkook's lap and went over to the flustered vampires, giving them a big eye smile and a hug. "You're really cute Felix!" Jimin giggled and pinched Felix's cheeks.
"U-Um....thank you.." the vampire smiled with flushed cheeks. Bang Chan scoffed and tugged Jimin away from Felix.
"I'm Bang Chan and you are very pretty..." he flirted and tilted Jimin's chin up with a grin. The six elder vampires glared at the younger vampire. Chan looked around and sheepishly chuckled, letting go of Jimin and went back to the side of Felix.
      "You two need to leave for a bit. We are in the middle of an important conversation." Yoongi stated calmly. Felix and Chan nodded and left the room arguing. Namjoon laughed fondly and looked back at everyone else sitting down. Jimin went back and sat down, this time in Jin's lap.
"Let's discuss this arrangement. So Jimin, do you agree?" Namjoon asked, looking deep into Jimin's chocolate eyes.
"I had to think about for a while, and I have nothing to lose. So I accept." Jimin replied. They all smiled at him and Jimin squirmed from the attention.
     "I'm glad you agreed." Yoongi said. "But first you will need to sign a contract with us." Jimin nodded and he felt Jin's arms wrap around his waist and the vampire's plump lips next to his ears.
     "Maybe next time when I take your blood, I'll fuck you too and make you
cum harder than in your dream." he whispered and Jimin shivered on top of the broad shouldered vampire. Hoseok, who was next to Jin, smirked and whispered in his other ear,
     "And maybe I'll join you two.." Jimin moaned quietly and everyone's attention landed on the three. They saw Jimin moving on top of Jin and their eyes darkened with lust. Taehyung was on the other side of Jin and he slid his hand across Jimin's thigh.
     "Put on a show for us mkay?" Namjoon smirked, leaning his chin in his hands, staring deep in Jimin's eyes. Taehyung started rubbing Jimin's inner thigh and Jin was about to kiss Jimin when someone barged in once again. Namjoon hissed and looked at the door. "Who is it now?!" a woman walked in this time, sauntering over to Namjoon and gave him an envelope with a flirty smile. He shooed her out hastily and opened the door. They stopped their ministrations on Jimin's body and looked at their coven leader in interest. He read the letter and rolled his eyes.
     "What is it Namjoon?" Taehyung asked, his hand not leaving Jimin's inner thigh. He moved it up a bit, startling the human.
     "Damn it! Someone is requesting our help." the blue eyed vampire groaned, standing up and dusting off his shoulders.
     "I never asked, what job do you guys do anyways?" Jimin asked, swatting away Taehyung's wandering hand drifting farther and farther up his thigh. A hand tried to sneak up his shirt and he pulled that one away.
     "Oh we're assassins." Hoseok shrugged nonchalantly. "No biggie."

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