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                               2 years later....

     "Is he coming back today?" Soobin asked Namjoon, who nodded animatedly, fixing his belt. "That's amazing! It's been so long since we all see him!"
     "Right. Nothing to be afraid of...." Namjoon nervously chuckled, his eyes widening at the chuckle at his doorway. Both Namjoon and Soobin turned around, seeing Yoongi standing there with his freshly dyed white hair. He dyed it when Hoseok and Jungkook dyed theirs. "Hey Yoongi. We didn't see you there."

     "Perks of having powers

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     "Perks of having powers. Hey Joon. Hey Bin, can you leave us for a bit and go help the others for the party?" Yoongi asked, his ebony black eyed trained on Namjoon. "Need to talk to Namjoon real quick." The young vampire nodded, his own black eyes shining. He slightly bowed to the vampires, walking out. "Now, what are you worrying about?"
     "It's been two years since Chungha took Jimin. We couldn't even go see him up there. What if he forgot about us, or lost feelings??" Chungha's deal, for some reason, was to take Jimin. She never told the vampires why, and they guess they'll know once Jimin comes back. It was tearful letting go as soon as he woke up.

     "JIMIN!!" Jungkook was the first to move, encasing Jimin in his arms. "Oh Jimin...."
      "Wha..." he said, curious gold eyed staring at them all. "What happened?"
     "You've been asleep for weeks." Yoongi sighed shakily, getting off of the wall to hug Jimin from behind. "Namjoon changed you when you died."
     "So that means I'm a vampire?" Jimin asked breathily. Taehyung and Hobi was next to move, screaming and pushing Jungkook and Yoongi off of the newly changed vampire, hugging him tightly. "I-I'm a vampire...!"
     "You are..." Taehyung sniffed, putting his face in Jimin's neck. "Which means that we won't be able to take blood from you anymore. Sucks~"
     "Tae." Hoseok choked out a laugh. "Not the time."
"Sorry sorry~"
     "Ok speaking of time, you two move. It's me and Joon's turn." Seokjin huffed, moving the two out of the way and tightly hugging Jimin. "I missed you darling..."
     "I'm right here...and I'm not going anywhere~" Jimin chuckled. He looked to Namjoon, who haven't moved a muscle. "Joonie?" the now vampire peered at the blue eyed vampire, holding out his hands. "It's ok...come hug me please..." Namjoon choked out a sob and walked over to Jimin, hugging him as well. "Oh Namjoon..."
     "I'm so sorry Jimin." he cried, his blue eyes glassy. "If you weren't here...if I didn't save you.."
      "Then I would be stuck in a toxic relationship Joon and you know that. I'm perfectly fine; look at me! I'm one of you now! I'm so glad you saved me...I couldn't ask for anything else in this life than to be with you all..."
     "Bet you're happy about that." Yoongi chuckled, suddenly back on the wall.
     "I am. I don't mind this life; as long as I can be with the men I love for eternity."
     "Y-You love us??" Taehyung asked incredulously, his green eyes widening.
     "Of course I do! I can't live without you guys, literally!" Jimin giggled. "Now let me
go I feel suffocated." Namjoon and Seokjin quickly let go, nervously chuckled. "Now, what did I miss?"

We Don't Bite(Jimin-Centric)Where stories live. Discover now