Chapter 27

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"Did you talk to him?" Namjoon asked, which Yoongi nodded. The taller vampire was standing outside of Jimin's door as Yoongi was coming out. "Was he upset? What am I saying of course he was upset. Humans are so sensitive.."
"Yes, but it cannot be helped. He is human; we are vampires. He will die and we will live; it's fitting that he's upset Namjoon. But there is nothing we can do; he is upset by the truth. Is everyone training?"
"We were waiting for you." Namjoon got off of the wall and walked away, with the older vampire following him. They walked outside, seeing the others waiting for them. "He's back everyone so no need to worry."
"Is Jimin ok?" Junseo asked, which made Jungkook hiss. "What? Do you have a problem?"
"He is fine. Jimin does not need you worrying over him." the purple eyed vampire glared at the werewolf, who rolled his eyes.
     "Whatever. I will check on him later." Jungkook was about to storm towards the alpha when Jin held him back. "Jeez...temper much?"
"Calm down Kook." he commanded and the younger vampire huffed. "Let's get started on this training." they all continued with the training, unknowing that Junseo secretly left them, waking towards the mansion.

     "Ma'am?" Joy asked Valaria, who grunted. "Um..."
     "What is it Joy?" she replied. "I am trying to think and you are preventing that."
     "Where is your army?"
     "They're waiting for me in the Other World, which is where I am about to go."
     "The Other World? What is that?"
     "Nothing to concern yourself with until I tell you the coordinates. Meanwhile, I need you to fetch someone for me at this location here." the tall vampire slid a piece of paper to the human, and she picked it. "Can you do this for me darling~" and the girl blushed.
     "O-Of course I can ma'am! I am at your service of course!"
     "Good. Now go." and Joy nodded, running off. "Now that she is gone, our plan is coming into action....wonderful..."

Jimin was startled out of his thoughts by a soft knock on his door. He got up from his bed and yelled,
"Who is it??" and a familiar voice replied,
"It's me Jimin." Junseo said and Jimin quickly opened the door for the werewolf. "Hey." Jimin went and sat down on his bed again, his face in his hands. "You ok?"
"No. I just wanna help them...but I can't."
"You really want to be a vampire huh."
"I just with them, you know?? I don't want to die and leave them."
"....Do you love them Jimin?"
"I-I think I do. But I haven't told them yet. I wouldn't even know how to start that conversation. Like, 'Hey! I am just a human who will eventually die and you will stay alive! I am in love with you guys! Even though I will die, I just wanted to tell you!' That is fucking ridiculous Junseo."
"Jeez Jimin, no need to take it out on me."
"Sorry...I'll die and they will be alive, and they will probably find some other blood bag to suck on. I am no one important...."
"Oh Jimin you know that's not really seems like they love you."
"I don't know..." and that's when they heard urgent knocking on the door. Jimin stood up and went to check. "Hello?" no one answered, which Jimin shrugged at. He opened the door, which was a big mistake. The human fell to the floor with a grunt, blearily looking up from the floor. A woman stood above him with a bat.
"I'm sorry." she said and swung down.

About an hour later, and training was done. All the supernaturals were sitting around drinking refreshments to cool down.
"That was a good session." Namjoon grinned. "Good job everyone." everyone cheered and fist bumped. They all sat around, talking. That's when Taehyung noticed something.
"Will Jimin be coming back?" he asked.
"I don't know, but I have Jisung watching him in there." Namjoon replied. "Why?"
"I feel I don't know why, but I do."
"Me too." Hoseok felt over his chest, his unbeating heart still in his chest. "My chest hurts." in the corner of his eye, Namjoon noticed the man of the hour running towards them.
"Jisung, is Jimin ok??" Taehyung asked and the vampire gulped.
"H-He's gone." Jisung huffed out, his breath short due to him running. "Sires, he's gone!"

     Jimin woke up with a groan. He sleepily looked around and hissed, his head banging.
"You are finally awake~" a voice purred and Jimin gasped. "Oh. You are jumpy I see.."
"W-Where am I...?" the human muttered, rubbing where the girl hit him. "Who are you? What the fuck..."
"I am Valaria, or as your vampires used to know me, Malania." and Jimin gulped.
"W-What do you want with me?? Why am I here?!"
"I want your blood of course. And I want you dead. Well, the Irene part of me that is still there, wants you dead. But no matter, that isn't why I have you here for now. You are bait. So just sit there and look pretty for me." a woman came out of the darkness and Jimin's eyes widened. She was beautiful; with long white hair that stopped below her waist, shiny emerald green eyes and dark red lips. She was naked however, strutting towards Jimin. She harshly tilted his head to the side, grimacing at the hickies laying there on his neck. "How crude..."
     "A-Are you going to kill me now?" Jimin asked, licking his bottom lip.
     "No. I will wait until them and their army arrives, then I will set off my own army. I will be in here with you, watching as everyone you ever became attached to dies in front of you. Then I will kill you in front of Namjoon and the others. And then, I won't have anyone to stop me from killing every single human on this miserable planet." her bloodied nail dug into Jimin's cheek, making it bleed. She walked away from the blond, but Jimin gasped.
     "Wait!" he yelled, getting her attention.
     "What is it human?" she scoffed, crossing her arms across her breasts. "I do not have all day."
     "What happened to the werewolf in my room???" and Valaria grinned sadistically. She snapped and a figure fell to the ground with a sickening crack. Junseo laid in a pool of his own blood, groaning softly. "JUNSEO!!"
     "This is the remaining parts of your little werewolf. He was giving my darling Joy a run for her money so she took him as well. Then I did my job. Here he is, he won't last long so say your goodbyes~" and she disappeared. Jimin quickly got up from the ground, running towards the alpha with shaky legs.
     "Jimin..." Junseo smiled, trying to sit up. Jimin slid to the ground and put the wolf's head in his lap, sniffling softly. "Don't cry..."
     "H-How can I not?? Why would she do this to you?!" Jimin was full out sobbing, tears falling down his face. "Stay alive ok?? Don't you dare die on me Kim Junseo!"
     "I-I just...Jimin I'm so sorry.."
     "S-Sorry for what!? We're ok now!"
     "We are..?"
     "We are Junseo, so stay alive so we can be friends again ok??"
     "That's all I know." and taking the last of his energy, he grinned. Then he immediately began to cough up blood, which Jimin wiped away with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Thank you for forgiving me Park Jimin."
     "That's w-what friends do Kim Junseo." the alpha smiled softly, his eyes slowly closing. Until they didn't open back up. "J-Junseo..? JUNSEO??!?"

😄haha there is more sadness coming up warned for more angst :3

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