Chapter 20

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     "L-Let go of me please." Jimin stuttered, yanking his wrist out of the vampire's hold. He held it and glared at Hyunjoong, who cackled.
     "I was just trying to help you. Don't get your panties in a twist tiny human~" Hyunjoong chuckled, leering at Jimin's bare legs. "Now why are you out without your little protectors hiding you?"
      "They left to talk to the see if they would help with this..fight with Malania. And they aren't my protectors; I can defend myself."
     "Oh really? Do you know the true story of the vampire queen?" the human shook his head and Hyunjoong grinned sharply, his incisors shining. "Well follow me and I'll tell you the story of Malania, the cruel vampire queen."

                   ⚠️tw: mentions of rape⚠️

     "She wasn't a vampire her whole life like some of us. She was turned against her will by the vampire who raped her. She grew angry and resentful of the vampire community and she decided to raise hell with her horrible antics. She killed and changed humans, making them into her brainwashed army. Newly changed vampires are very strong and bloodthirsty(another thing stolen from twilight🌝), and they are prone to be impatient and irritable.
They ravaged this world for ages until someone stronger than them all destroyed her, burning her and her army's bodies. Her name was Gaia, and she had large grey wings and about three sets of eyes. It was a glorious battle, and it lasted for an hour. She killed all of them with one fell swoop of her wings and she burned them. But Malania took her life energy and she died on the battlefield next to the vampire queen. After all of that, it's been almost a millennium since we have heard anything from Malania and her being brought back from the dead is really something to worry about here..." when Hyunjoong was done, Jimin looked up at him.
     "Wasn't she already dead? Why would she be brought back from it? Aren't vampires basically the walking dead?" Jimin asked.
      "Well...we may be already dead but we can be brought back from it if that makes sense."
     "I still don't get it but ok. So we would have to kill her for the third time and burn her?"
     "Yes. And make sure that no one brings her back for the fourth time. She may be resurrecting her former as of right now..." Hyunjoong sighed but suddenly, he was harshly thrown against the wall by an invisible force. Hoseok held him by the throat, snarling and hissing. Jimin felt someone push him and he looked up to see Jungkook and Taehyung standing in front of him.
     "What the fuck is happening here??" Namjoon growled.
     "We came back to see Jimin out of bed and here you talking to this...idiot." Jin glared at the man held on the wall. "Did you try to kill him while we're not here?? I'll fucking-" but he was interrupted by Jimin.
     "I came out of bed by my own accord!" he huffed, trying to push the two vampires out of his way. Jungkook and Taehyung reluctantly moved and the pink haired man stepped up. "I came out to find anything to eat! I'm human; I need to eat to stay alive! You guys weren't here so I came out to find something and I bumped into Hyunjoong here. He told me about the past of Malania. So just leave him alone and let's go back." Jimin rolled his eyes and walked off. Hoseok quickly let go of Hyunjoong and they all ran after their human.

      "Jimin wait!" Namjoon sighed, Jimin opening the door to their room. He grunted when the human just ignored him and started to get dressed, putting on his jeans and a large white shirt that looked like it belonged to Hoseok.
      "I'm not this...fragile human that needs your rescuing!" Jimin glared, picking up his bag. "I was fine talking to Hyunjoong by myself! He was just telling me what you wouldn't! This woman is extremely dangerous and you guys want to fight her! What the fuck?! You could die?!"
"We're already dead." Taehyung snickered and Jimin glared at him. "Sorry. No time for jokes I see..."
      "Jimin. We didn't want to tell you cause we didn't want you to worry. Guess it's too late for that." Yoongi explained as Jimin zipped up
his bag. "Where are you going??"
"I want to go back to the mansion. I don't like it here anymore." the human just sighed and walked back out of the room. "I'll be in the limo if you need me." and he left.
"What the actual fuck is he mad at us?" Jungkook asked nervously. "He's never been mad at us before."
"Yea. It feels weird." Taehyung huffed, sitting down on the bed. "Guess we have to go..."
"Come on guys let's go." Yoongi said, the six of them taking their stuff and walking out. They quickly caught up to their human, who saw them in his peripheral vision and rolled his eyes. They all walked to the door, but stopping when they saw the five members of the Vampire Council standing by the door.
"Leaving already?" Jungmin asked and Namjoon nodded.
     "Yes. We must get to our coven and give them the news. Then we must get to the Werewolf Council and talk to them." the blue eyed vampire explained.
     "I see. We wish you well on your travels." Kyujong looked at them and gave the vampires and human a small smile. "It was lovely to see you six again."
"Wish we could say the same." Jungkook muttered under his breath and Yoongi elbows him in the side. The five older vampires nodded and the seven of them walked out of the large estate, going to the limo and going inside. It drove off into the night and Kyujong sighed.
"Do you think they'll bring her down?" Hyunjoong asked in the quiet.
"Wish I could know. Though that human gave off a weird, almost powerful aura. It filled me with curiosity. Maybe that human will be the key to ending this battle once and for all..."

Valaria stood in a large red circle, muttering to herself. Her diligent maid stood to the side, holding a large bucket of baggied human blood.
     "Joy." the tall woman called out the small girl's name, who jumped in her spot. "Bring me the blood."

     "Yes ma'am

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     "Yes ma'am." she answered, walking over to his mistress. She chuckled and smiled at the human, who blushed. Valaria then opened a large book, siting a spell to bring back the dead. They were at the same burial site where Irene found Malania's ashes buried deep into the earth. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and Joy gasped. Valaria started to site faster, her eyes glowing an unnatural shade of green. Bones started to emerge from the ground, taking the shape of a human. Then the bones grew tendons and flesh, changing their forms into something familiar. Soon, about fifty men and women stood in front of her.
     "Is that our mistress?" some whispered.
     "She looks so different.."
     "She changed f0rm!"
     "She's back for us!"
     "My beautiful pets!" Valaria yelled and the talking ceased. "I was Malania, but then I changed my form. Now I am Valaria, and I want my revenge! Don't you want revenge too? After they killed you all and burned you?!"
     "Yea!!!!" they yelled back.
     "Drink my saplings..." she purred. "Joy, throw the blood bags." the maid nodded and took the large bucket, throwing the bags of blood to the bloodthirsty vampires. They immediately grabbed them and started to drink, gulping them down. Some even started to fight over the bags. "No need to fight; there is some for all~"
     "Miss? What happens now?" Joy asked the woman, who turned to her with a sickening smile.
     "Now? It's a battle!"

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