Chapter 26

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     Jimin and the others were all in the front of the black mansion, with the six vampires in front of them.
     "Ok guys listen up." Namjoon said, looking around at the supernaturals. Werewolves, faeries, witches, and the other vampires were all standing around, awaiting orders. "We need to train you to destroy Malaria. Knowing her, she probably changed her name to fit her new life. And she had probably gotten stronger over these past couple of weeks. This is the beginning of the end, which is almost here. We all need to be prepared for war. She will not stop until every human is dead."
"This sounds scary..." Felix whispered to Changbin, who nodded.
     "Taehyung and Jungkook will train the werewolves; they are better built for it." Yoongi said, "Jin and I will train the witches. Hoseok will train the faeries; he is more lanky and agile like them, so he is better to teach them."
      "What about me?" Jimin asked. "What will I do?"
"You will have to stay home. I will allow for someone to stay home with you." Namjoon explained, which set Jimin off.
"What the fuck why?? Is it because I am human?! Well I have been trained in Taekwondo and Kendo for like half of my life! I would be a hell of a lot more help if you would just change me!" he yelled, surprising the other supernaturals around. "If I was a vampire as well, I would be able to help more!"
"Being a vampire isn't what it's all cracked up to be Jimin!" Seokjin scoffed and Jimin bristled.
"Fine! If you want to for me to stay human until I die, then that's fine by me! I'll leave to save you the pain of watching me die!" and the human stormed off, tears brimming his eyes.

                ⚠️tw: mentions of rape⚠️

The blond quickly ran into the mansion, running up until stairs to his room. He locked his door and slid down onto the floor, finally letting his tears out. He sobbed until his eyes were red and raw. But he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a scoff.
"What the hell are you crying about?" he heard a familiar voice sneer. The human gasped and looked up, seeing Yoongi glaring at him. The vampire was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, the epitome of elegance. "Why did you run away??"
"You guys don't take me seriously. I want to help you and be by your sides forever..." Jimin sniffed, standing up to walk to his bed. He sat down and leaned his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "If I die, you will probably take someone else as your human lover. You did the same to Irene when she ran off. I am her human rebound."
"Shut up. You aren't the rebound Jimin, so shut that shit down. We love you Jimin, but you have never said it back to us. So we will diligently wait for you to say it back. Jimin, do you wish to know our backstories?"
     "If you are comfortable with it..." Jimin replied and put his hand on the black haired man's thigh, rubbing it comfortably.
     "Well, Namjoon was the first out of all of us. He was created by Malaria, surprisingly."
     "What?! Really??"
     "Yes. She made him to be her lover. And he was for a couple of centuries. Then he realized how cruel she was and he left. He wandered for a while, until he came across a small village. That's when he found me, dying of a disease. He changed me, which i resented him for it. My parents were dead; they died of an attack of our village trying to protect it. I wanted to be with them in the afterlife, but he changed me. I hated him for a while, until I stopped. I didn't wish to be bitter, I knew my parents were happy wherever they were."
     "I'm so sorry Yoongi..."
     "It's ok...we were in some sort of relationship with each other, though we didn't say anything about it. Then we found Hoseok being beaten to death in an alleyway. I had changed him, which he didn't mind. We asked him if he wanted to travel with us, and he agreed. He was always so happy, which I never understood. Until he told me that he needs to be happy for us. He wanted to be our happy pill when we were down. He joined us, then we met Jungkook."
     "What happened to Jungkook??"
     "Calm down and let me tell the story Jimin."
     "Oh sorry...please continue hehe."
     "We found him being attacked by some werewolves. He was almost dead, until Namjoon changed him. He immediately grew fond of Namjoon and started to follow him everywhere, like a puppy without a damn owner. He begged us to let him come, and Namjoon agreed. You have a sort of attachment to your sired vampires, since we are connected by blood. That's why Jungkook was so wary of the wolves at first. Now you see he is roughing it up with Yugyeom and BamBam. He's changed..and for the better."
     "Why is this all so tragic?!"
     "Well, you are going to feel worse after what I am going to say next."
     "Oh dear..."
     "We found Taehyung being...raped in an alleyway. We killed the men and Hoseok had changed him. Taehyung was grateful, but he didn't stick with us for long. He didn't want to be with the men who gave him a life of damnation. He left for a while, and we caught him at a village one day sucking the blood from Seokjin. He had accidentally changed him. He was terrified; sobbing and crying in Hoseok's arms about his dead friend Seokjin. There was so much blood, we didn't think he would survive. But Jin did, and he was not happy. Me and Namjoon explained to him what happened, and he wasn't surprised at all. He and Taehyung were actually friends, until he followed Tae into an alleyway to find him sucking the blood from a classmate of theirs. They had fought, resulting with Jin turning. So the six of us traveled together, still in an unlabeled relationship. But we are happy...and then we met Irene."
     "You don't have to explain her to me. I already know.." Jimin scoffed. "You guys went through so much..."
     " wasn't great. But we managed, and we loved each other. Though it took a while to trust each other. After the Irene business, we wanted to expand our family, and make money doing so. So we went around, changing humans with horrible pasts and presents. We wanted them to be better. It was all consensual though, we asked him and we didn't change them if they refused. Namjoon erased their memories if they refused so they wouldn't know about us. It used to be a punishable offense if humans knew about the supernaturals. But now it's not."
     "So Bang chan and the others; you guys changed them?"
     "Yes we did. It was bad at first; they hated to see their friends and families die from old age. What I want you to take away from this Jimin is that..we don't want to hurt you. We don't want to watch you watch everyone you love die. Just...please think about this decision. If you still wish to be changed, then we can arrange that for you." and for the first time, Yoongi smiled. He smiled and kissed the human on his cheek, disappearing into his thick black smoke. He left, leaving Jimin in his scrambled thoughts.

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