Chapter 33

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     Jimin.... a voice coiled in the air, making the body on the ground mumble. Jimin wake up~ the body moaned a bit, and then turned around. JIMIN!!! the human gasped awake, looking around. sleep like the dead. Well, you are dead so....
     "Gaia??" Jimin yelled, looking around for the woman.
     Jimin I am no longer here. I am going back to rest.
     "B-But what about Valaria??"
     She's going somewhere where she can't escape anymore. Me, however, I am leaving to go to my resting place. It was lovely to finally meet you Jimin~
     Jimin, would you like to see your life? and at that Jimin nodded. The white, empty world he was in changed, and the human gasped in awe. There were videos all around him; about him, surrounding him. Jimin awed in amazement and ran a hand through his now blond hair.

     His life basically flashed before his eyes, showcasing himself

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     His life basically flashed before his eyes, showcasing himself. First, it showed his birth. His mother and father were around him, crying happily. His father kissed his mother's forehead, making Jimin gulp.
     Then, it was his first time crawling. His parents surrounded him, screaming in delight as his baby self giggled.
     Now, it was his first time walking. His parents were a little subdued, but happy nonetheless.
     "Look at him!" his mother giggled, watching as Jimin's father picked baby Jimin up. "He's so wonderful~"
     "He has our genes of course! He's going to be great!" his father chuckled, tickling under the baby's chin.
     Jimin wiped the tears from his honey brown eyes, staring at the videos with wide eyes.
     It was Jimin's first day of kindergarten, waving goodbye to his parents with a wide smile, a missing tooth in his mouth. His parents were hugging each other, watching their son go with teary eyes.
      Then, it was time for Jimin's first day of middle school, which Jimin was alone with blank eyes. His dear grandmother waved goodbye to him, a gentle smile on her face. His parents were arguing more and more, mostly about bills and Jimin. Jimin could barely even sleep since they would argue at night. His parents weren't perfect, but they still loved each other.
     Then, Jimin's worst nightmare. The day of the crash. Jimin and his parents were driving to go to a place for Jimin's twelfth birthday. They were driving, and yet again, his parents were arguing. They failed to notice that they drove on the wrong side of the road, and they also failed to notice the car coming towards them. They crashed, leaving Jimin an orphan.
     His life flashed before his eyes; the funeral, his last day of middle school, his grandmother's funeral, finally leaving the city to go to college, and meeting Junseo.
     All of this has shaped you Jimin. Gaia spoke in his head. Now, there are people who want to see you Jimin~ Gaia's voice then disappeared, as did the videos. The blond wiped the tears from his eyes, and that's when he heard footsteps behind him, turning around and paling at the sight.

     Namjoon grunted as he laid Jimin down on the bed, smiling and caressing Jimin's cold cheek. The vampire sighed and sat back up, turning around and walking out. He went to the living room, where everyone sat around animatedly talking to each other.
"Sana you did such a good job today!" Chan exclaimed excitedly to the faerie, who giggled.
"You did too Chan!" she smiled back. "Well all did!"
"I'm just happy none of us died." Yeonjun chuckled, making Beomgyu and Changbin chuckle beside him.
"I'm just glad it's over." Jennie sighed and bit the tip of her nails. "Now we can relax back at the cove back home."
"Ahhhh." Lisa smiled. "I've missed being home. I can make some portals for everyone to go home!"
"Yea that'll be great." Jackson sighed. "This has been tough. We didn't see Junseo come back with Jimin and that girl, so we could only assume he's dead." Namjoon frowned, noticing the sadness emanating from the werewolves. "We need to do a proper burial for him once we get home."
"I'm sorry for your loss." Jihyo patted Jackson's back sadly. "I've never talked to Junseo but you guys loved him." Yugyeom and Bambam smiled at the girl, nodding their head in thanks.
"When will you guys leave?" Namjoon asked, looking to their newly found friends.
"Probably tomorrow if you don't mind us staying a little while longer." Lisa smiled.
"Of course we don't mind! We're glad to keep you guys around for another day."

Jimin ran to his parents, falling into their hands.
"Jiminie!" his dear mother cried, hugging her son as tightly as she could. "My Jiminie!"
"You grew up well son." his father tearfully smiled. "We missed you so much..."
"I've missed you as well!" Jimin sobbed, rubbing his face against his mother's shoulders. "You have no idea!"
"Jimin we're so sorry..." his mother sniffed. "If we weren't arguing that night...."
"Your life wouldn't be like wouldn't be involved in their world." Jimin's eyed widened when his father said that, looking to the man.
"Y-You know about Namjoon and the others..?" the human man asked, his eyes filling up with tears once again.
"Yes we do. We've been watching you Jiminie." his mother smiled gently. She was always the most gentle one out of his parents; more compassionate than his more sterner father.
"I....I love them. But I'm here, and I'm conflicted. I want to be back with them Mom and Dad. I need to be!" Jimin started to cry again, looking around frantically. "I-I need to go. I love you guys!" Jimin quickly stood up and ran off, his parents watching him go.
"He gets that from you." his mother sighed fondly, watching her dear son run away.
"He gets that from both us darling." his father chuckled, kissing his wife's cheek. "I'm glad we're ok."
"Oh darling I am too~no more arguing huh?"
"No more arguing..."

Jimin ran as fast as he could, feeling as if he's running nowhere and everywhere.
Jimin what are you doing...? Gaia's voice came into his head.
"Why are you still here?!" Jimin hissed, running faster.
Where are you going??? You can't leave here!
"Yes I can and I will! I need to be with them! I may have missed my parents, but I need to be with Namjoon and the others! I need them!"
Park Jimin you are truly a wonder~ Gaia's voice chuckled. Go. Run as fast as you can. Get to them. Tell them you love him.
"Thank you Gaia! I will!" Jimin grinned as big as he could, running faster. But as he kept running, it slowly felt like it would be hopeless. But he heard a voice, a familiar voice.
Jimin wake up please....we all miss you. It was Jungkook! I miss you....we all do. It's been two weeks since Namjoon bit you, and you've been asleep this whole time.
"Namjoon bit me?? Like...changed me!?" Jimin gasped, slowly stopping his running. "So that means...." the human's eyed widened, his smile getting bigger. "I gotta get there!" Jimin yelled, and then, a bright light shined before him. "Guys...I'm coming!" Jimin started to run again, this time into the light.
Come on baby....come back to us..!

Jungkook held Jimin's cold hand, sniffing quietly. Taehyung and Hoseok stood behind him, and Namjoon and Yoongi were leaning on the walls.
"Come on baby...." the purple eyed vampire sighed, furrowing his eyebrows. "Come back to us!"
"Wait Jungkook let him go." Namjoon demanded, looking focused. "His hand moved." the youngest vampire gasped, letting Jimin's hand go quickly as if it burned him. They all watched closely.
"Maybe it was something else Joon." Seokjin said sadly.
"No it wasn't I saw his eyes flutter!" the blue eyed vampire hissed, staring intently at their Jimin. It was quiet for a bit, and then they opened. His beautiful eyes opened. Bright gold eyes stared at the vampires, with no one saying a word.

only the epilogue coming up! be on the lookout :p but yay! jimin isnt dead! i do NOT like major character death, or sad endings💀all my endings will be happy lol so i hope you all have a good day or night!

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