Chapter 8

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     The three burst inside the mansion, the other vampires waiting at the door for them. They stopped and stared at the older vampires.
     "Where did you guys go??" Jin hissed, the first to confront. "We came home thinking that Jimin was here!"
     "We just went to the mall cause Jimin said he needed new clothes." Taehyung calmly explained. "Calm down Jin, we're here now." Jin rolled his eyes and retorted,
"You can't just bring Jimin places without telling us!" Jin hissed as Namjoon sighed and patted Jin's shoulder with a frown.
     "Calm down Jin. It's ok. Imagine him
being here and the intruder killed him, or hurt him in some way. It's good that he wasn't home." Namjoon said and Jin huffed.
"Whatever..." Jin crossed his arms and looked away. Namjoon smiled and then frowned.
"Ok. Now that everyone is here, let's discuss what happened."

"Ok so the vampire's scent is mostly prominent in Jimin's room. It seemed like they touched everything. The smell is familiar, but it's like they masked it somehow..." Namjoon explained. "I'm sorry Jimin, but they trashed your room a bit, and they broke your vanity mirror." Jimin sighed and looked away.
"It's fine I guess. I can just buy another. I'll find one another day."
"But it also seems like the rouge vampire went in our rooms as well, touching our stuff and shit. But none of our stuff is broken or tampered with like Jimin's." Hoseok sighed and rubbed his temples. "Thank god."
"So what do we do?" Jungkook asked and everyone shrugged their shoulders.
"We don't know. They were only here for a short time...Han and Hyunjin ran them off before they could do anymore damage." Yoongi rolled his eyes and leaned into the seat, the seven of them sitting in their large living room. Taehyung had his arm wrapped around Jimin's shoulders and turned the t.v. to a different channel. Jimin subconsciously snuggled into the green eyed vampire's side and quietly sighed. The other vampires side-eyed the two with jealous eyes. Taehyung glanced at them and smirked mischievously.
"Ah, I'm hungry...I could really use something to...bite." Taehyung grinned mischievously as his arm slowly went down to Jimin's waist and gripped it. Jimin's eyes widened and the others narrowed their eyes.
     "Ooook that's enough for today!" Jungkook suddenly yelled out loud. "It's getting dark and humans need their beauty sleep, even though Jimin doesn't need any beauty sleep since he's already beautiful!"
"Uh thanks..?" Jimin smiled with a confused expression.
"Anyways, go to bed Jimin."
     "B-But it's only seven o-" Jimin was interrupted by Jungkook putting his hand over Jimin's mouth.
     "Dont backtalk your elder. Sleep now." Jimin rolled his eyes and stood up.
     "Whatever. You look younger than me...and I have to go hang up my clothes anyways!" and Jimin left the room with a huff. When the pink haired human was gone, the other vampires glared at Taehyung.
      "What?" he asked innocently. "We have a contract with Jimin for his blood, so why can't I take any? Kook's just jealous.."
     "In front of us?" Jungkook scoffed and Taehyung nodded with a grin. "And I am
not jealous!"
     "Yea. Don't lie, some of us in here have exhibitionism kinks..." Jin and Hoseok's eyes widened. "Like take Namjoon and Yoongi for example. When I was drinking from this one girl, they came in the room and watched as we fucked sooo...don't be a prude Kook. So if you guys need me, I'll be in Jimin's room." he waggled his eyes and quickly shifted out of the room. "And you are jealous!"
"I am not jealous!!" Jungkook yelled at Taehyung's retreating figure. It was quiet for a bit, until Namjoon suddenly spoke.
"I forgot about that..." Namjoon looked thoughtful and Yoongi snorted. Hoseok hummed noncommittally and grinned to himself, sliding out of the room undetected.

Jimin closed his door silently and looked around, not seeing anything in disarray. He tilted his head as he spoke out,
"Did they lie?" he asked to no one in particular. He did jump when someone answered back with a chuckle.
"No, but we had Chan and Changbin clean it up for you." Hoseok smiled, closing his door with a glint in his red eyes. "I heard that Jungkook and Taehyung brought you some...interesting items.." Jimin giggled and shrugged his shoulders.
     "Probably, but I don't know. They didn't show it to me." Jimin answered, digging into his bag for the clothes he just bought. "Did they talk to you about it?"
     "Only Tae did. He showed it to me too."
     "Oh that's good. What did he buy? Hope it's not stupid or anything..."
     "Just some lingerie.." Hoseok smiled as Jimin choked and looked at the brunette vampire in surprise.
"They bought me what?!" he glared. The vampire nodded and walked closer to the human, who slowly backed away.
"Oh yea, he bought a bunch. All types and different colors that would look so good on you...would you maybe want to try a pair on for me?"
"Doing it without me Hobi?" a voice darkly chuckled and Jimin gasped quietly, turning around to see Taehyung leaning on the wall peering at them in the corner of his room.
"Nah, just working him up." Hoseok replied, not taking his eyes off of Jimin as he gently pushed the human onto his bed. "Blood tastes better that way, when he's all excited. And don't try to lie Jimin, we could smell your enticing blood spiking up right now." Jimin gulped and slowly nodded. "Perfect. Tae." Hoseok snapped his finger and Taehyung quickly flitted over to him with a raise of his perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "Go get the bag from your room. He'll be in the bathroom waiting for you." Taehyung glanced at Jimin with a smirk,
"Yes sir. I'll be there shortly." and shifted away with a dark smile. Hoseok looked at Jimin with dark red eyes. "Now tiny human, you mind going to the bathroom and wait for Taehyung?" the red eyed vampire stared down at the trembling human on the bad and grinned sharply. Jimin felt his cock twitch in his jeans and he nodded softly.
"I-I'll go..." he whispered.
"Good boy." Hoseok cooed ruffled Jimin's hair. Jimin shakily got up and walked out of the room, closing the door and walking towards the bathroom in a daze. Once he got there, he opened and closed the door. He stood there for a bit, contemplating his existence, then slowly took off his clothes. When he was left in only his red boxers, he sat on the edge of bathtub and waited for the green eyed vampire until he heard a knock on the door. He quickly went over to the door and opened it, not expecting to see Jungkook at the door staring at him with unreadable eyes.
"K-Kook?" he asked, looking around. "What are you doing here?"
"Taehyung told me to give you this.." Jungkook replied, giving Jimin a familiar bag.
"O-Oh...thank you. Will you be j-joining us?" Jungkook shook his head and Jimin pouted a bit. "Why?"
"Jimin, you're only one person. A bunch of vampires sipping on you won't be a good idea. Plus, I have control issues. I might hurt I'm gonna go to a club or something." Jimin didn't like the pang of jealousy that went through his heart, but he squished it away for the time being.
"Ok..." Jungkook smiled a bit and closed the door. Jimin sighed and silently looked inside the bag. He widened his eyes and gasped.
"What the fuck is this??"

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