Chapter 3

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     Waking up in the middle of the night is not Jimin's favorite thing in the world. He groaned and sat up in his bed. He looked around the dark room and noticed that his window was slightly ajar. He got up with a loud moan and went to close the window when he realized something. His window was locked when he went to sleep. Jimin gulped and shakily closed the window. Sighing to himself, Jimin jumped when his stomach loudly growled in the quiet of his room.
Oh right, I didn't eat today. God I am really forgetful right now. Guess I'll go eat or something to fill my stomach for now... Jimin thought, walking out of his room and trudging to the kitchen. When he stepped in the kitchen, he didn't notice a person leaning on the counter until they made a guttural, almost an inhuman noise. Jimin whipped his head to the noise and gulped when he saw Seokjin leaning on the counter with his hand on his mouth, distraught clear in his blank magenta eyes. Jimin slowly went up to him and tapped his shoulder, making the broad shouldered vampire jump in his place. Jin turned around and narrowed his eyes when he saw Jimin.
"Oh it's you." he scoffed.
"Um...a-are you ok?" Jimin asked, taking a step backwards when Jin took his hand off of his mouth to show his elongated fangs.
"G-Get out of here!" Jin hissed, his pink eyes flashing magenta. "Unless you want me to kill you!" Jimin whimpered a bit and took a step forward towards the weak vampire. "I haven't had blood in a couple of weeks, so unless you want me to suck you dry of your blood and leave you here as a bloodless wad of flesh, then I suggest you fucking leave. Now!" Jimin shook his head determinedly and Jin raised his eyebrows in frustration.
"No! You look horrible!"
"Of fucking course not! I haven't had blood in weeks!"
"I want to help you! I'll hurt my conscience if I don't help you!"
"Then what do you want to do?!"
"...Drink from me."
"What?! That is fucking absurd! I'll kill you and then Namjoon will kill me!"
"You are too weak right now and you need blood! So drink from me. Unless you want to go feral! I'll be ok..."
"...What if I don't stop.? What if I kill you?"
"Then it's fine. I have nothing to live for anyway." Jin gulped dryly and walked towards Jimin slowly with dead, hungry eyes. Jimin walked back until his back hit the counter behind him. Jin caged him with his arms and leaned down to his neck.
"If I kill you, you asked for this. So don't blame me for your death." Jin whispered. In a flash, Jin's fangs pierced Jimin's pale and unmarked neck. The human gasped with glassy eyes and held onto the vampire's shoulders and braced himself. Then he felt Jin start to suck and he moaned. Jin smirked against his neck and put his thigh between Jimin's legs, making Jimin grind against his thigh. Jin sucked harder and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist.
"That's the aphrodisiac coursing through your veins." Jin chuckled and Jimin whimpered. "It makes the experience much more...enjoyable to you and me.."
"P-Please..." Jimin whimpered and Jin smirked against his neck.
"Please what?" he asked derisively, making Jimin pout. "What do you want, human. You want me to help you with your little problem?" Jin grabbed Jimin's waist and made the human grind into his thigh, giving Jimin the friction that he needed. He sucked harder and Jimin's eyes rolled to the back of his head. They were so busy that they didn't hear voices coming closer and closer towards them.

"My human was so clingy.." Hoseok scoffed and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "That were probably so enamored with me that they didn't wanna leave me!" The five of them just got back from their hunt and they were heading to their individual rooms until they heard a moan come from
the kitchen and the scent of blood and arousal cloyed around them. They all glanced at each other and stalked to the kitchen. They quietly opened the door and they saw Jimin caged against their counter by Jin, who was drinking the blood from Jimin's pliant body. Jungkook tried to walk to them, but was stopped by Namjoon.
"Wait. Let this continue. This is an interesting development in the plot..." Namjoon said, looking straight at the scene in front of them with a smile. So the five of them watched as Jin and Jimin groped and fondled each other in their kitchen.

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