Chapter 14

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Jimin woke up pouty, but happy, his body under a cold, naked body. He yawned loudly and stretched his body, slipping out of bed.
"Morning..." Jungkook mumbled, getting out of the bed right after him. "How was your sleep?" He bent down and kissed Jimin on his plush, swollen lips, making the small human smile sleepily.
"I slept ok...tired still.." Jimin replied with a pout and rubbed his eyes. He blushed when he noticed that the vampire didn't have a shirt on, only black boxers. His long black hair was ruffled and he blew a rebellious strand of hair out of his eye. Jungkook grunted and took a hair tie from his wrist, tying his hair up. He looked back up, smirking when he saw how red Jimin's face was?
     "Like what you see?" the vampire asked, his purple eyes flashing. Jimin went redder and shyly nodded. "Use your words." The human gulped and shakily said,
     "Y-Yes I do..." Jungkook stalked towards Jimin, making the pink haired boy back away until his back hit the wall. In a flash, Jimin had both of his wrists pinned above his head by one of Jungkook's large hands. He gulped and Jungkook sighed, leaning down and sniffing Jimin's neck.
"You smell so good.." he growled and Jimin whined. "Am I the only one who didn't get to suck your blood?" Jimin shook his head and Jungkook sighed, wrapping his other hand over Jimin's neck. "Words Jimin."
"Noooo." he whined softly, making the vampire smile. "Hoseokie and Taehyungie didn't...."
"Guess they'll be last..."

"Good morning mistress..." the servant whispered, rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning~" Irene whispered in her servant's ear, making the small girl shiver lightly. "How do you feel?" the blue blue eyed vampire rubbed the human's back and smiled.
"Spent and hungry. You took a lot from me last night; are you ok?"
".....I am fine. I need to go." In a flash, the blonde woman moved from the bed and went to her closet, getting clothes and getting dressed for the day. "Go and find me more
blood. Malania wishes for more. This time she want male blood." the servant girl nodded, taking her clothes and putting them on.
"As you wish mistress...." she whispered, leaving the room when she was done. As soon as the human left, Irene smiled and her eyes went dark.
"Soon Malania....we will have all of the blood and you will finally be revived." she whispered.

     "Where is Jungkook and Jimin?" Hoseok asked once the five of them got back from their mission.
"Probably in bed." Yoongi replied shortly. "And probably fucking."
"Without us? Rude.." Taehyung pouted.
"Should we go check on them? You know how Jungkook is.." Jin asked.
"I'm sure they are both fine...." Namjoon smirked. "Now let's go and see what the others found out about Irene." the five of them went inside of the mansion, bumping into Beomgyu on the way inside.
     "Oh hi guys..." the young vampire smiled and the others waved. "How was the mission?"
     "Fulfilling..." Hoseok smirked. "I'm full....and I want to see our tiny human.."
     "Did you guys get anything from looking at the crime scene?" Namjoon asked Beomgyu and the boy frowned.
     "We found out that the blood wasn't drained by a vampire. None of the bodies had bite marks. They were drained by something else..." the older vampires glanced at each other and looked back at Beomgyu.
     "Well that's not good..." Yoongi said.

     A knock was heard on Jimin's door, surprising Jungkook and he looked away from Jimin's naked, sleeping body.
     "Who is it?" he asked quietly, careful not to wake up the human.
     "It's Tae, Kook." someone answered and in a flash, Jungkook got up from the bed with his clothes on, opening the door and letting the older vampire in. "We have a situation. Let's go."
     "What about Jimin?"
     "He'll be ok, we just have to tell you something really quick." Jungkook nodded and the two vampires left. They met the uuiothers in the living room all sitting down and talking. "I have Kook. He was with Jimin."
     "Sit down Jungkook." Namjoon commanded and Jungkook gulped, sitting down next to Taehyun and Soobin.
     "What is this about?" he asked.
     "I'm afraid that what happened with Irene years ago is happening again. She is trying to resurrect Malania again, the queen of the vampires. I don't know why she keeps trying to bring that horrible woman back, but we need to stop her again. We stopped Irene before she made Malania stronger, but now we don't know where she is nor do we know if Malania got stronger. She feeds off of human blood and only human blood."
      "....Who is Malania anyways? She doesn't sound too bad." Hueningkai asked the older vampires in the room. "Most of us don't know who she is..."
      "She is the most dangerous vampire to ever exists." Seokjin hissed. "She was the first vampire to exist in this world. She birthed all of the elder vampires and they sired vampires who sired us and many more. She fed on many human lives without mercy, killing a lot of people. A mass genocide. This happened years ago, way before we sired you guys. The elders feared that she and her followers would soon kill all of the human race, so they decided to kill their maker, assuring everyone that no more humans will die. They then made every vampire sign a rule that they would no longer kill the humans. Only drink from them, and taking their memory."
      "Guys...?" someone murmured and they all watched as Jimin waddled in the living room rubbing his eyes. "What happened?"
     "Hi Jimin!" the young vampires yelled.
     "Hi everyone..." Jimin smiled sleepily and waved with swollen eyes. "I woke up without anybody." Jungkook grinned sheepishly when Jimin glared at him. "Why did you leave?"
      "Sorry Jiminie. We needed to talk to the coven, something vampire-related." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded, walking over to Hoseok and plopping himself onto the vampire's lap.
     "Hi kitten~" Hosoek smiled and Jimin put his nose in the vampire's neck. "Aw kitten is tired!"
      "Anyways..." Chan started, "What will we do? Are we going to stop her again?"
     "Malania had an army when she was alive. When the elders killed her, they all either went into hiding or killed themselves." Changbin suddenly said and everyone looked at him in surprise. "What? I like vampire history...don't judge!"
     "Is she gonna find them?" Yeonjun asked fearfully. "If she does, we're doomed."
     "She might already have them. We just don't know at this point. All we can do is wait and see what her next plan is...." Namjoon sighed and put his face in his hands. "If she succeeds and she brings back Malania, everyone in the vicinity will be in major trouble...."

     The blonde woman walked down the dark staircase with a smile. When she finally reached the bottom, she was face to face with a large door. She twisted the knob and opened the door. She saw the familiar casket and grinned sadistically. Irene walked over to the clear casket and looked down.
     "We almost have all of the blood master..." she whispered and she heard the familiar voice in her head.
     Good...that means I'll be here soon....and they will all pay for what they did to me!

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