Chapter 23

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"I really like your hair..." Junseo nervously chuckled. "Blond suits you."
      "Stop the small talk and let's get on with it."
Jimin sighed and sat down next to the werewolf, who gulped. "What did you want to talk about Junseo. I don't have all night for your childish ass games."
     "Ok ok...well. I'm tired of the animosity between us. I know things went to shit between us but I want to fix it. I know you won't forgive me's worth a try to at least apologize. Park Jimin, I am so sorry for what I did to you. You didn't deserve to get cheated on or to get hurt by me. I almost killed you and for that, I can never forgive myself for that."
     "Junseo. I'm not going to say I forgive you but, we can at least try to be civil with each other. Ok? I just need time." Jimin replied, "What you did hurt me to my core because we used to be in love. What happened to us..? How did we get to this point??"
     "I don't know...I know I did love you. I used to love you to the moon and back. Then one day, I just..stopped. I don't know what happened to us, I just know I ruined what we had. And for that I'm sorry."
     "Do you...still see her? That girl. She seemed nice or whatever when I saw you two."
     "I felt so guilty about us that I didn't. We talk once and a while but that's it."
"Why don't you? You don't have to feel guilty anymore..."
"She went back to her realm..."
     "She wasn't human?"
     "No, she was a faerie."
     "Maybe it was because I'm human. Maybe humans and supernaturals shouldn't be together...."
     "Aren't you with those vampires? The first night we stayed here, the tall one with broad shoulders and pink eyes came to my room and threatened me to stay away from you. He sounded like he was in love with you."
     "That's Jinnie. He's mostly harmless unless you do something they pisses him off. Don't mind them; they are really possessive. I'm talking to them about that. But no, we aren't together...Ik just their blood bank."
      "Well damn. By the way that Seokjin talked about you says differently."
     "Really? What did he say??"
     "Well let me tell you...."


     Junseo groaned out loud when he heard hard banging on his door. He cracked his back and went to the door, opening it with a light growl.
      "Who is it?? It's the middle of the night!" the alpha opened his puffy eyes and then widened them, seeing a familiar face in the doorway. "Oh hello vampire. What do you want?"
     "I want you to stay away from Jimin." the pink eyed beauty hissed and his eyes widened in surprise. "I know your history and I refuse to let him talk to you again. So for your sake, leave Jimin alone or there will be consequences werewolf. He didn't deserve anything you did to him. He's an amazing person and I am really holding myself back from tearing out your vocal cords and eating them in front of your friends. This may sound selfish of me, but I'm glad you cheated on him you filthy bastard. Now he has us, and he'll never need you again. So I'll say this one more time, stay away from Jimin or I'll fucking kill you without mercy." and the man stormed off, leaving Junseo holding his quickly beating heart.

     "H-He really said that..?" Jimin sniffed; his tears flowing freely.
     "Yes he did. And he made me realize how shitty I treated you during our relationship."
     "We just weren't compatible Junseo. We know that now. And Seokjin is right. If you didn't cheat on me, I wouldn't have met them and made a contract with them. So maybe this is how it was supposed to go. Maybe its fate?"
     "Maybe...I'm glad we talked about this Jimin. We both have closure now. We can move on." Junseo grinned, and Jimin saw that same man he met five years ago at a bar. He was charming and handsome, which used to make Jimin swoon. Now it just makes the human nostalgic. So Jimin just smiled and hugged the alpha, who hugged him back with tears in his eyes.
"Me too. We do have closure. Now it's getting late; we have training in the morning. Let's go to bed." the man nodded and the two got up from the stairs, going inside. But they were met with two standing, angry figures. "Oh shit."

Hoseok and Seokjin stood in front of the human and alpha angrily. Hoseok had a nervous smile on his face and Jin was rapidly tapping his foot.
"I thought I told you to stay away from Jimin." the older vampire growled with his arms crossed. "Now I'll have to kill you." Junseo gasped while Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Can y'all not do this right now?? We were just talking. He's not gonna kill anyone right?" Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes, glaring at the two vampires. "Good. Now, hoodnight Junseo I will see you in the morning for training." Jimin smiled and swiftly hugged by alpha, walking away. He didn't think and bumped his shoulders onto Hoseok and Seokjin's shoulders, walking off to his room. Seokjin glared at Junseo and scoffed.
     "This isn't over." the pink eyed vampire hissed and walked up the stairs to follow Jimin, with Hoseok quickly following behind the other vampire. Once they were gone, Junseo smiled to himself.
Jimin doesn't know it, but they all love him. Wonder how this will turn out for them... he thought with a smile and walked off to his own room, whistling.

     Jimin grunted as he closed his door, walking towards going to his bed. And that's when Seokjin and Hoseok burst open in his room as well.
"Why the hell were you talking to that mutt??" Jin asked angrily, locking Jimin's door.
"I was just talking calm down." Jimin rolled his eyes and sat down on his bed. "Didn't we just talk about this?? I don't need protecting!"
"We know Jimin but...we like protecting you. It's hard not to." Hoseok sighed and sat down next to the human. "You're human, so
you're fragile goods."
"That still doesn't give you the right to be mad at me because I talked to my ex. We both just wanted closure and we got it." the blond looked up at Seokjin, who gulped nervously. "He told me that you went to his room when they first came here."
"O-Oh really..?" Jin stuttered, sitting down on Jimin's other side. "What else did he say..?"
"He told me everything Jin. But I don't care about that. I, frankly find it unfair." Jimin huffed and crossed his arms.
"What do you find unfair Jimin?" Jin asked.
"How you guys are immortal and I'm You guys will love forever and I won't. You'll forget about me and find someone else."
"Jimin...we'll never find anyone else. We will always want to be with you." Hoseok told the human sternly. "No one else does it for us. So don't doubt yourself."
"Then I wish to be one of you." Jimin bluntly said. "I want to be a vampire."

"Ma'am?" Joy asked, seeing her mistress above many new warriors. The tall woman grinned sadistically as they all drank from dead humans. "Is it time yet?"
     "Give them a warning first. Tell them we're coming." Valaria smirked, looking around at her army. "And we're not holding nothing back. No mercy."

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