Chapter 25

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     Jimin woke up to Jin and Hoseok's arms wrapped around his waist. The human groaned and tried to sit up, but the arms around his waist tightened. He let out a soft mewl and laid back down, feeling a pair of lips attach to his naked shoulder.
     "Where do you think you're going?" he heard the voice on the right of his whisper. Hoseok kissed his shoulders and Jimin sighed sleepily, closing his eyes in contempt.
     "Good morning Hobi." the blond smiled and Seokjin kissed him gently on his lips. "And Seokjinnie~"
     "Technically it's good afternoon doll." Jin murmured on Jimin's plush lips. Jimin gasped and glared at the two vampires, who smiled at him.
     "What do you mean afternoon?? What time is it?? Did I oversleep?!"
     "About two in the afternoon so yes you did oversleep." the red eyed vampire chuckled. "You ready to get up?" Jimin nodded and looked around, noticing his room was cleaner than when he went to sleep.
     "You cleaned my room?" Jimin asked, looking to Hoseok. He knew the older vampire was a clean freak. "It looks cleaner..."
     "Yea. We washed your sheets and gave you a bath. It was after you had passed out like a tiny little kitten~" Hoseok explained and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. Seokjin did the same, the two vampires quickly getting dressed to take Jimin out of his room. "Do you want one of us to carry you to eat?"
     "...Yes please." Jimin sighed and crawled over to the edge of the bed, hissing at the pain in his lower back. "My back hurts..."
     "We went a little rough on you darling~" Seokjin smiled as he dug into Jimin's closet. He picked out clothes for the human and Hosoek dressed Jimin up in a white shirt, jeans, and his black converse. Jin then picked up the blond and Jimin wrapped his legs around the pink eyed vampire's waist, the three of them leaving Jimin' room. As they were walking to the kitchen, they bumped into
Yoongi and Taehyung.
     "Hey you three!" Taehyung grinned and walked behind Jin to kiss Jimin on the tip of his button nose. "You guys were kinda loud last night. Woke up the entire mansion with your screaming~"
     "I know. Jiminie here is pretty loud when he gets fucked." Hoseok smirked and Jimin blushed, hiding his face in Jin's broad shoulders. "Is there food cooked for everyone? Jiminie is pretty hungry..."
     "Yea. Jinyoung cooked for everyone who needed to eat. So meaning, not us vampires. We went out last night while you two were with Jimin and got some blood. We didn't have sex with them though so don't worry Jimin."Yoongi said and the two other vampires nodded, while Jimin blushed at the black eyed vampire's statement. They all went their separate ways, with Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin going to the dining room. When they got there, Junseo, Jennie, Bambam, and Jackson were sitting there already, eating happily and talking animatedly to each other.
     "Hey Jimin! You ok?" Jennie asked worriedly, looking at the human. "You sounded like you were getting murdered last night~" Jimin gasped and looked up from Seokjin's shoulders, seeing everyone secretly smirking. "Sounded fun. Wish that was me and Lisa..."
     "I-I wasn't that loud!" Jimin whined, motioning for Seokjin to put him down. The taller did, and Jimin wobbled to the dining room. He quickly took a seat and grabbed a plate from the middle of the table, putting food on his plate. He sat down next to Jennie, who grinned at him. He then glanced at Junseo, who smiled at him. Jimin smiled back and Jin glared at Junseo, and he sat on the other side of Jimin while Hoseok sat on the side of Jimin. One by one, the four other supernaturals left, leaving Jimin and the two vampires. Then, out of the blue, Namjoon shows up. "Oh hey Joonie. How was your night?"
     "Hey you three. Mine was good, but I bet yours was better Jiminie~" the blue eyed vampire chuckled and sat down. Jimin flushed while the other vampires just smirked slightly while helping Jimin eat. "Could've invited me."
     "They could've invited all of us." another voice scoffed and they turned around to see Yoongi standing in the corner with his arms crossed. "A bunch of traitors..." and the black haired vampire went and sat down as well. Then Jungkook and Taehyung came in as well. Soon, it was all seven of them sitting down at the table and watching their human eat with fond smiles. They glanced at each other, wondering about the future. He's human; he'll die eventually. They won't have him forever...they'll be lonely again...
     After Jimin was done eating, Jungkook picked him up and was about to take him out of the dining room when someone suddenly burst into the dining room.
     "Boss!" Felix yelled with Changbin running behind him.
     "What is it??" Namjoon asked, quickly standing up with the other vampires standing up as well.
     "We have a major problem right now."

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