Chapter 15

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Since they didn't know what Irene's plans were, everyone decided to go back to normal for now. They went on missions, leaving poor Jimin all by his lonesome. When all six of them were gone, he would go and bother the other coven members. The human would play around with Felix and Chan, and playfully hide from Jisung and Changbin. After a couple of days of playing around with the rambunctious vampires, Jimin suddenly bumped into Soobin, the vampire with the possessive streak and who hissed at him when they first met.
     "Hi...." Soobin muttered with red cheeks. He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
     "H-Hey...." Jimin stuttered back. "How are you-"
     "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry! About...that day. I didn't mean to snap at really was an accident.."
     "Hey it's fine! That is your....mate. Is that the correct wording?" Soobin nodded and Jimin continued. "So I really don't care.
You were just protecting your cute relationship."Jimin smiled his adorable eye smile and the vampire blushed.
"Thanks...." Soobin shyly smiled. "Thank you for forgiving me..even though I don't deserve it."
"You do deserve it. Hey...I'm gonna go and sightsee for a little bit until the others get back. Wanna come with me?" Jimin asked and Soobin shrugged. "I need a sightseeing partner in crime and no one is around. So now I want  you!"
"It's better than to be in here all day and not get a mission..." the tall vampire replied with a sigh and Jimin smiled.
"So is that a yes...?"
"It's a yes Jimin."
"Well then get dressed and let's go!"

⚠️warning: mentions of rape⚠️

The old man ran, turning corners and hopping over fences, trying to get away from those men. But once he hit a dead end, he knew it was too late for him. He thought he could get away....but he was already dead as soon as he decided to do what he did.
"Well well well...." someone sneered behind him and the man refused to turn his head, not wanting to look this disgusting....creature in their eyes. "Looks like I finally caught you~"
"P-Please sir!" the man screamed. "Please have mercy on my soul! What have I done to deserve this???"
"Well, if I can name've been raping your daughter for years, almost killing her. You also tried to rape her mother, but her mother had knocked you out before you could. So they called for me to take you out. Lucky me~" he saw the way that the man paled in realization.
"W-Wait! How d-did you know that?!"
"I know a lot of things. Some things that you can't even begin to comprehend. Now I'm done talking to you, I want to see you bleed." the man screamed as Namjoon took out his heart with his bare hand, but making the man stay alive as he forced the man to eat his own heart. Namjoon grinned sadistically when he broke the man's neck, killing the man instantly. " it's time to get back home to my Jiminie."

"This is really cool..." Soobin said as he and Jimin walked around a museum.
"I know right??" Jimin smiled. "I used to love coming here with my ex, but then we broke up and I started living with you guys. So I barely had the time...but now I do! Isn't this amazing??" Jimin turned to the blue eyed vampire, who was looking at the paintings in complete awe.
"This place is amazing!" Soobin whispered and Jimin quietly giggled.
"I didn't wanna come by thank you for coming with me."
     "It's the most I can do since I kinda blew up at you.."
     "I told you it's ok! I-" they heard a shushing noise and turned to see a elderly lady glaring at them. Soobin rolled his eyes while Jimin flushed in embarrassment. "Sorry..." the human whispered. "I always seem to fuck shit up....." Jimin walked away and sat down on an empty bench, putting his face in his hands. Soobin frowned and walked over to the upset human, sitting down next to him.
     "...Are you ok?" he asked, widening his eyes when he saw that the pink haired boy was crying.
"I-I'm sorry for being so dramatic.." Jimin sniffled and Soobin sighed.
"No need for tell me what's wrong."
"It's just that...ever since I started living with you guys, I seem to fuck everything up."
"Can you elaborate for me Jimin?"
"If I hadn't left Junseo and ran into that alley, their ex wouldn't be targeting them. It's basically my fault." Jimin's eyes widened when out of nowhere when the gangly vampire hugged him.
     "It's ok Jimin..." Soobin whispered in his ear. "None of this is your fault. Even if you weren't here, Irene would still be targeting all of us, and you would still be cheated on. So it's good you're here with us. You're safe with us, and I'm pretty sure the leaders won't let anyone hurt you. They don't want you turning out like Irene." Jimin wiped his eyes and smiled at Soobin, letting the vampire console him. After a while, it was time for them to go. Soobin got a call and left Jimin for a bit to answer. Jimin still had his face in his hands when someone sat down next to him.
"Mind if I sit here?" they said, and Jimin was pretty sure it was a woman by the sound of her authoritative voice. He nodded and she shuffled for a bit, until she calmed down. "You seem sad tiny human...mind telling a stranger what's bothering you? It helps to have someone to talk to..." Jimin picked his head up and the human widening his eyes when he saw a gorgeous woman sitting next to him. She had long silver hair that was tied in a bun with deep red eyes.
     A vampire.... Jimin thought and replied with a shaky breath,
"I'm just sad, but I'll get over it. Did you just call me a tiny human...?" she smirked and he gulped again, suddenly intimidated.
"Do I look like I'm remotely human?"
"No you look..."
"Yes, you look very pretty."
"Thank you tiny human. I am a vampire much like your companion that just left you here all by yourself. I came here to relay a message for you. From Irene." the woman frowned all of the sudden and Jimin had the urge to run away and find Soobin so they can go home. "She wanted me to tell you that if you leave those vampires now, she won't hurt you when everything comes to a head. She'll leave you be if you leave her lovers aren't right for them, she is. So it's better for you
to leave while you still can. Cause if you don't, she won't give you mercy." Jimin and the woman heard running footsteps coming towards them and they turned around to see Soobin coming towards them, looking furious. "Looks like it's time for me to go~you should listen to me tiny yourself!" Jimin turned to tell her off, but she was already gone.
"Jimin, who the fuck was that?!" he exclaimed angrily and Jimin sighed.
"I don't know...."

When Jimin and Soobin got back to the mansion, they were bombarded with Namjoon and the others, who took Jimin from the other vampire. They took the human to his room and sat him down.
"Are you ok??" Hoseok was the first to speak up. "Soobin told us over the phone about what happened at the museum.."
"What did that woman tell you Jimin?" Namjoon growled and Jimin flinched, making the vampires' eyes widen in shock.
"I'll tell you later when I take a nap. I'm tired and I want to be alone please..." he whispered and slowly took off his clothes, leaving him in only his boxers. "So please leave.."
"....Are you sure?" Taehyung asked and Jimin hesitated, then nodded.
"It's for the best." they all looked at each other, and reluctantly left the distraught human alone. They wanted to help, but there was nothing they could do since Jimin didn't want to say anything. So they left, unknowing of Jimin's plans.

Jimin woke up from his nap and sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling. He realized that woman he met was right. He wasn't right for them; he made everything worse for everyone. So he decided to leave. The human quickly put on a hoodie and jeans; packing up his belongings in a large bag and leaving his room. He'll miss it here...everyone was so kind, and they treated him like he was one of them. For the first time in his life, he felt included. But Jimin knew that this wouldn't last. They'll kick him out cause he wasn't one of them. He was human, and humans don't go with vampires. As soon as he was done, Jimin grabbed his bag and left his room. He wiped a single tear off of his chubby cheeks and touched the handle to the front door. He almost opened it when he heard a throat clear from behind him.
"Going somewhere..?"

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