Chapter 24🔞

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     "Do you wish to go to sleep Jimin?" Seokjin asked and Jimin shook his head, leaning on Hoseok's shoulder.
"No I'm not tired Jinnie..." Jimin whispered in the quiet of the room and he got off of Hoseok's shoulder and laid down on the bed. Jimin looked up and noticed Seokjin and Hoseok staring at his torso, which he looked down. The shirt he was wearing lifted up a bit to show off his pale stomach.
"Jiminie...." Hoseok murmured and Jimin hummed, stretching his arms above his head and making his shirt ride up even more. "Do you have any marks from last time you gave blood to one of us?" the human sat up and shrugged. "Do you mind taking off your shirt so I can see?" the red eyed vampire starred at Jimin intensely, which made heat coil in the bottom of his stomach.
"Come on Jiminie be a good boy for Hobi." Seokjin stood up, as well as Hoseok. The two vampires stood over the small man, which made Jimin gulp. The blond slowly took off his shirt, leaving his torso bare. The pink eyed vampire leaned down towards Jimin's neck and kissed it gently.
"All unmarked again.." Hoseok scoffed. "Looks like me and Jin will have to mark you up again..." and Jimin gasped when he was suddenly pushed down on the bed, with Seokjin and Hoseok hovering over him. Jimin whined when Hoseok started to play with his nipples, squirming.
"Shhh..." Seokjin soothed before leaning in and claiming Jimins lips in a gentle kiss. It set Jimin on fire and his hands automatically reached out to grab the back of Jin's back, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Jimin whimpered even more when Hoseok went to the other side of his neck and started to suck on it. The human moaned against Seokjin's
plush lips, causing the other vampire to chuckled mockingly and back off.
"J-Jinnie?" Jimin murmured, his eyes cloudy. Hoseok let go of Jimin's neck and pulled Jimin's hair, making the blond arch his neck as he trailed tiny, fiery kisses down his beautifully pale neck. Hoseok and Seokjin stared heavily as Jimin whined and bucked his hips up, pouting.
"Such a needy human." Hoseok growled as he pulled on Jimin's hair again and kissed him again while Seokjin savagely attacked his neck, sucking and biting it harshly. But they stopped once they smelled the familiar scent of blood. They looked down at Jimin, who touched the small wound on his neck and brung his bloodied finger to Jin's lips.
"Are you two thirsty? You can drink.." Jimin said, baring his neck to the aroused vampires.
"Are you sure Jimin? It's two of us and I don't want you to get hurt." Seokjin warned and Jimin whined.
"I did it with Namjoon and Yoongi! I am ok!" the human grunted and the two vampires smirked.
"Such a naughty little human~" Seokjin mused before he sucked the blood off of the blond's small chubby finger. "I didn't know that Jiminie was such a bad boy..."
"I'm not a bad boy!" Jimin huffed with a pout. "'M a good boy."
"Really?" Hoseok scoffed, "Prove it." and the red eyed vampire bent down to run his fingers down Jimin's toned stomach.
"Please..." Jimin begged, making grabby hands at the two vampires.
"Please what Jimin?" Seokjin asked as he bent down to attack his human's pale neck once again. All Jimin could do was moan and whimper, causing Jin to laugh mockingly as he pulled back. Hoseok trailed his hands down Jimin's stomach, his fingers teasing the edge of the younger's cotton shorts.
"Tell us what you want Jimin." the red eyed vampire said, looking Jimin directly in the eye. Jimin moaned in his throat and looked away, but Hoseok quickly took his other hand and grabbed Jimin's chin. He forced Jimin to look at him. "Look at me. What. Do. You. Want?"
"I-I want both of you." Jimin said quietly, pouting a bit.
"You have on too many clothes..." Seokjin hissed and Jimin smiled.
"I only have my shorts on. You might have to take them off~" the human spread his legs and smirked a bit, watching as their eyes flashed. But suddenly, much to Jimin's surprise, Hoseok growled and took Jimin's shorts in his hands, ripping them in half. "Hey!
My shorts!"
"You can buy some more." Seokjin rolled his eyes while Hosoek took the cloth from Jimin's hips. The human picked his hips up and bucked them up, his cock hard and leaking through his white boxers.
"Such an eager little thing," Hoseok said with a smirk as his eyes raked over Jimin's pliant, naked body. The predatory tone, sounding dangerous and low, sent a shiver down Jimin's spine and he arched his back with a moan.
"Do something! Please!" the human grunted pitifully. Jin looked down at the man before him, watching as Jimin riled himself up. Hoseok stood up to take off his clothes, and Jin did the same. All Jimin could do was lick his lips at the sight before him.
"Do you like my cock or something?" Hoseok asked, his tone cruel and mocking. "Because you keep staring with your eyes all wide, as if I'm a piece of meat." Jimin looked away and nodded shyly. "Aw look at the baby, ready to be fucked dumb." Hoseok's dominating and mean attitude had Jimin almost ready to cum, his cock painfully hard and leaking beads of precum in his boxers, even before anything had happened. Seokjin took off all of his clothes and went back on the bed, taking off Jimin's boxers. So now, everyone was naked and hard. Jin's fingers brush against his cock head, teasingly spreading the pre-cum all around before leaning in and attacking his ravaged neck once more. And he suck his teeth into the human's neck, making the human moan louder. He started to suck his blood, making Jimin tremble.
"Jin...." Jimin moaned and whimpered, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. "I-I'm going to-"
"Not until we say you can~" Hoseok smirked, holding the base of Jimin's dick.
"Noooo why did you stop me!" Jimin started to outright sob, tears flowing down his chubby red cheeks.
"Control yourself or you don't come at all." Jin said with dark eyes as he slowly wrapped his large hand around Jimins throbbing cock, stroking him lazily with one hand as he held Jimin in place with the other. Jimin pleaded and begged, but to no avail.
"So fucking pretty when he begs~" Hoseok smirked and Jimin blushed at the praise. Jin laughed softly as he leaned in and slowly took Jimin's cock in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head before he licked up the underside of his shaft, careful to keep one hand firmly at the base of the human's member to keep him from coming. Jimin was incoherent with pleasure as he moaned and whined like a baby, shuddering as Jin blew him. The pressure in Jimin's abdomen was almost painful now and he felt as though he would never recover.
Hoseok smirked at the reactions coming from the young man because of his older vampire bother and he suddenly let go of the base of Jimin's dick, making the human come instantly. Jin swallowed everything, popping off of Jimin's dick with a smirk, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Hoseok licked his lips as he leaned in slowly to claim the human's lips in a harsh kiss, biting his lower lip hardly. He started to grind down on Jimin, making Jimin moan into the kiss. He reached out to touch the red eyed vampire, and he was surprised when his hand was suddenly smacked away.
"Put your hands above your head. You aren't allowed to touch." Seokjin glared and Jimin whined, but obliged with the order. Moments later, Jimin suddenly yelped and moaned as he felt two sets of lips sucked and teased all the sensitive places on his torso.
     "Don't tease...." Jimin pouted, his nerves on fire.
     "And who are you to demand anything~" Hoseok cooed mockingly, making Jimin blush in shame. The red eyed vampire bent down to kiss Jimin, dominating his pliant mouth. As the two kissed, Jin dug into Jimin's bedside drawer and grabbed the lube. As Jin kissed and licked his way down the Jimin's reddened torso, he smeared lube from the jar he had grabbed onto his fingers, tracing Jimin's rim teasingly. He paused when the boy tensed slightly and only continued when the boy nodded with a muffled whine, as Hoseok was still kissing him. Jin gently slid one finger into the human's hole, stilling as Jimin adjusted to the feeling. Jimin gasped at the feeling, his whole body tensing before relaxing. His eyes glazed over and he sighed, his chest heaving up and down.
     "You okay?" Hoseok asked, taking his lips from Jimin's swollen ones. The blond could only nod and signaled for the man to continue.
The pink eyed vampire took things slow, working his finger in and out of Jimin's opening, kissing and petting him with his other hand. He smirked when Hoseok bent down and bit Jimin's collarbone, milking blood out of him. Jin added a second finger, slowly stretching their tiny human. Jimin gasped and trembled, his hips bucking up.
     "Seems like you like it~" Hoseok told Jin, a smirk in his raspy voice. Jimin's pupils dilated and rolled back in his head as Jin hit his prostate, causing him to almost cum right there.
     "Do you want more?" Seokjin asked as he started scissoring his fingers. The human nodded and the vampire added another as Hoseok sucked hickies everywhere on Jimin. Jin was careful not to hit Jimin's sweet spot, working him until he thought he was sufficiently prepared. Hoseok sat up and the two vampires watched with rapt attention as Jimin's sweet little hole clenched around nothing.
     "Do you want both of us?" Hoseok
whispered in Jimin's ear as the blond panted.
     "Yes..." Jimin stared at both of them with wide, innocent eyes which made the two vampires almost bust a load.
     "Alright." Seokjin smiled, "Hobi, lay down on your back and let Jimin straddle you." the younger vampire nodded and laid down, grabbing Jimin's waist to pull the petite human onto his pelvis. He grinded his cock between Jimin's asscheeks and grunted.
     "Tell us how bad you want it Jiminie~" Seokjin purred as Hoseok slid into Jimin. The human gasped and shuddered, feeling as if he would tear in two. Seokjin was behind him, flicking Jimin's nipples. Hoseok and Jin both shared evil looks as Jin bent low and Hoseok leaned up, each of them attacking a side of Jimin's poor marked neck, sucking down. Neither of the men paid the human any attention as Hoseok bent his head down, taking a nipple in his mouth and circling it with his tongue before clamping down.
     Pleasure and pain once again shot through Jimin's weak body as Hoseok started up fuck
up into him, his body bouncing up and down. And that's when Jimin felt a finger go through him. Hoseok fucked him while Jin fingered him, and the poor man was getting overwhelmed fast.
     "Such a. pretty boy getting fucked." Seokjin smiled as Jimin bounced on Hoseok's thick cock. Then out of the blue, Jin pushed Jimin down so he would be laying on top of the red eyed vampire as he fucked him. He still fingered Jimin though, adding two more
fingers inside.
     "Jinnie I'm ready..." Jimin whined, wiggling his ass a bit. Jin was mesmerized by the way Jimin asscheeks jiggled and suddenly, he slapped it. Jimin gasped while Hoseok stopped moving.
     "You ready." Seokjin asked, putting lube on his cock and Jimin nodded. Jin then hovered over the human's body, pushing in with Hoseok. And suddenly, Jimin came. His vision went white and he trembled on top of Hoseok, and he started to sob. Hoseok and Jin stared in surprise as Jimin's come squirted onto Hoseok's chin.
     "Wow that was fast." Hoseok chuckled and Jin forced Jimin to sit up. Hoseok grinned and flicked Jimin's cock, making the human's dick twitch. Jimin was not used to this side of these two and was eager to please his hyungs. So the blond started to grind down on their cocks, moaning quietly.
     "Does Jiminie like that?" Hoseok mocked as he pinned Jimin's hips down. The human
nodded, earning him a sharp smack on the ass from Jin. Hoseok and Jin started to move at the same time, not giving Jimin a time to breathe. The human bounced between the two,
gasping and spluttering.
     "Look at Jiminie being such a good boy~" Jin purred, giving the younger man an adoring look.
     "Jiminie is a good boy?" Jimin murmured quietly, the slapping of skin music to his ears.
Jimin just moaned between the men, knowing he could only nod. Everything felt like it was on fire and Jimin just wanted to cry. He loved it when the two vampires gave him praise and then degrade him. Hoseok and Seokjin fucked up into Jimin, and the red eyed vampire tweaked with his nipples. Jim smirked and buried his cock in Jimin's ass, and the human's eyes rolled back in his head as he arched his hips. Hoseok started to purposely hit his ball of nerves inside of him. They went on both sides of Jimin, milking his neck dry. Jimin felt his climax approaching and he looked to the vampire in front of him.
     "Can Jiminie come please???" Jimin begged with wide, glassy eyes as they sucked his blood.
     "Since Jiminie asked so nicely~" Hoseok smirked and the two picked up speed, grunting and groaning in Jimin's ears as they felt their own climaxes growing steadily.
     "Make us come Jiminie~" Jim commanded with a crooked smile, knocking Hoseok's hand out of the way and wrapped his own hand around Jimins swollen shaft, slowly stroking the human as they continued to drive in to him.
     Jimin was on the edge of tears with want. Jimin bounced and bounced, until he burst. He came beautifully, white ropes squirting onto Hoseok's chest.
     "Fuck that was beautiful...." Seokjin moaned, turning his attention back to Jimin with a smirk as the blond began to whimper.
     "Can you help us come Jimin?" Hoseok asked, "You don't have to say yes." Jimin groaned, his body twitching in oversensitivity. The human nodded and the vampires pounded into him, their orgasms quickly approaching. Hoseok and Jin buried themselves into their lover as deeply as they could, them coming at the same time. Jimin fell on top of Hoseok, panting heavily. The vampires slipped out of him and they laid Jimin between them, petting Jimin as he fell asleep.

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