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Robyn said goodbye to her dad and Aunt Lucy as she got ready to board the train to her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Robyn said goodbye to her dad and Aunt Lucy as she got ready to board the train to her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had spent most of the summer holidays in her sunny garden with Remus, relishing in the feeling of his arms around her and the sweet smell of chocolate and woodsmoke that surrounded her like a hug. She was going to have to go through her last year without her loving boyfriend by her side and she was very scared of being by herself, not to mention that, instead of being safe and sound in his dorm with his troublemaking friends, Remus was going to be fighting battles and risking his life with the Marauders instead.

"Only one more year, Red, make the most of being in that wonderful castle with all of the beautiful food and weird, funky troll things."

"House elves, Tim." Lucy corrected and Robyn giggled softly,

"Yes, that's what I meant." he said before turning to his sister and lowering his voice, "Don't undermine me in front of Robyn, Lucy, I want her to think I'm still powerful and all-knowing."

"Oh, I don't doubt that she thinks just that, Tim."

"Good good." Timothy beamed and pressed a kiss to his daughter's head, "Ta ta then, Red! Don't dawdle or you'll miss the comfy train and I'll have to give you a piggyback to Scotland which might be alright for an athlete like me but I don't think Lucy will be able to keep up."

"Bye, Dad." Robyn smiled,

"Good luck on your exams, Ro." Lucy told her and she pulled a face,

"I forgot about those."

"Worse comes to worse, draw a pretty picture and they'll give you full marks! That's what I did." Tim said proudly and Lucy rolled her eyes,

"Says the unemployed man with pink rubber gloves on."

"Oh, did I forget to take them off after doing the washing up?" he looked down at his hands, "At least they go with my outfit."

"Bye!" Robyn said with a laugh and she ran towards the train, letting her aunt and dad bicker about whatever it was that Tim inevitably got wrong next. Robyn stepped onto the steam engine and walked down the length of it immediately tuning into the thoughts going through her mind, using them once again to track down her best friends, ignoring the empty feeling she felt when she remembered that she had five less people to spend the train journey with.

'Hogwarts is going to be so quiet without the Marauders here...BLISS!'


'I need a new skinny, pale boy to obsess over...REGULUS BLACK! Trading Sirius in for the new model.'

'Should I have the chicken or the beef at dinner tonight?'

'I wonder where Ro is, her Dad and Aunt Lucy have been arguing on the platform for the past fifteen minutes.'

Robyn grinned at Rory's thought and went into the compartment to her right. Rory and Ara were cuddled up on one side, the former looking out of the window and playing with his girlfriend's hair as she read a magazine.

"Hello, lovebirds." Robyn greeted and felt a pang to her heart as she unintentionally had said Remus' nickname for her and had fallen into the seemingly bottomless hole of missing him again.

"Robyn, darling!" Ara leapt up and embraced her friend, kissing her on both cheeks, "How I've missed you, you little hermit."

"Yeah, I spent the whole summer with Remus." she smiled sheepishly and Arabella beamed,

"I'm not surprised, cheeky minx." she winked and Robyn briefly hugged Rory before sitting down opposite the couple and taking a deep breath, preparing herself for the following year,

"Ready for N.E.W.T.s, Roro." Rory wiggled his eyebrows and Robyn groaned loudly, covering her face with her hands,

"Oh, fuck off!"

"Apparently not."


"Students! This year is the most important year of your schooling. It is what every lesson, exam and essay has led up to: your nastily exhausting wizarding tests."

"She says this as if we haven't been reminded of them for the past seven years." Ara whispered and Robyn hummed in agreement. She had her cheek rested on her hand as she boredly doodled on her piece of parchment, not listening to what McGonagall was lecturing the class about. "Honestly, if they're anything like O.W.L.s then we'll be as good as gravy." Ara continued, "I reckon it's all just scaremongering...what did Remus say they were like?"

"Fine," Robyn looked up, "He did incredibly of course, along with James, Elle and Sirius but he was the only one who revised."

"I will forever hate the Marauders for being naturally smart."

"Peter wasn't too happy with his results apparently." Robyn said and Ara pulled a face, "Rem said he ran off when they got their envelopes and didn't speak to anyone for days until he turned up at Elle's window in the middle of the night."

"Eloise's?" Ara frowned,

"Yeah, I don't think he expected Sirius to be in there with her though, Remus said he climbed through the window and Sirius went to ask him what he was doing and he screamed and jumped out again."


"Can you include me on the goss please? I'm very bored." Rory's head appeared in between their shoulders and the girls giggled,

"We're talking about exams."

"Oh, fuck off then, everyone's boring." he moaned,

"Are you three quite finished?" McGonagall's voice came from across the classroom and Rory leant back in his chair instantly,

"Yes, Professor."

"I should think so," she gave them a stern look and continued with her talk, leaving Robyn to stare at the desk, a blank look on her face until the silence was interrupted with:

'I'm so bored.'

'What's for lunch?'

'Nobody has said anything about my new haircut and I think I'm going to cry.'

'McGonagall's animagus shouldn't be a cat it should be something mind numbingly boring...like a sloth.'

'Morrow looks fit today.'

Robyn's head snapped up and she stared at Harvey Brady. He was looking right back at her, a smirk on his lips as his eyes scanned over her. She suddenly felt very warm and very...looked at. She had never had to suffer anything like that before, if anyone had tried to look at her in any way other than fleetingly then Remus would have punched their head clean off their shoulders...and every boy at Hogwarts knew this. Robyn swallowed and looked away from Harvey, trying to ignore his eyes burning into the side of her face. It was going to be a long year.


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