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Robyn and Arabella were telling one another what they had done over the Summer

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Robyn and Arabella were telling one another what they had done over the Summer. Arabella's was significantly more extravagant than Robyn's, her parents having taken them to their holiday home in Il de Ré, but Robyn enjoyed spending a week in a cottage in Wales, despite having to close her eyes and run past the dining room because of the stag head on the wall.

Arabella was complaining to Robyn about how the sea water dried out the ends of her hair when the compartment door slid open and someone walked in. Robyn couldn't see their face due to the sheer amount of sweets weighing them down but she could tell who it was just by his stance...and the ends of his burgundy scarf.

"RORY!" Robyn and Arabella leapt up from their seats and simultaneously tackled the boy.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Rory chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the girls' shoulders, "Let a man breathe, ladies." he winked at them and they both rolled their eyes with a smile as the three if them took their seats. Rory had grown over the Summer, now looming at least a foot over Robyn who was a measly 5 foot 2, and had cut his afro to just slightly longer than a buzzcut.

"So, how was your Summer, Rory?" Arabella beamed and flipped a wave of her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder, leaning in towards her friends.

"Decent." The boy shrugged with a smirk, "I got Tristan to apparate me to Beijing and spent two weeks living with an old man who taught me how to make the best dumplings." Rory crossed his arms and lay back in his seat. Robyn raised her eyebrows and let out a whistle.

"How did your parents let you go to China?" she asked and Rory raised an eyebrow,

"Who said they knew?" he crossed his arms behind his head and lifted his legs up onto Arabella's lap opposite him, "They thought I'd gone to a Charms Camp in Devon."

"There's no such thing as a-"

"They don't know that do they?" Rory interrupted Arabella and she shrugged, examining her nails.


The trio of friends settled into a casual conversation. Robyn was resting her head on Rory's shoulder and the latter's legs remained on Arabella's lap whilst his head was back and his eyes closed. The scuttling sound of the trolley sounded in the corridor and Arabella perked up.

"OOoh!" she shifted Rory's legs off her and stood up, straightening her skirt, "I've been waiting hours for a sugar quill."

"I thought you swore off sugar since you learned that it gave you spots." Robyn tilted her head and Arabella shrugged,

"I'm a witch, worst comes to worst I'll charm my skin perfect again." she smiled sweetly,

"You guys want anything?"

"Yes!" Rory yelled, not opening his eyes,

"What do you want, Princess?" Ara crossed her arms and a smirk spread across Rory's lips,

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