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Robyn's dormitory door slammed open so loudly the room shook but, because Robyn's boyfriend was one of the five noisiest people in the school and often enjoyed entering rooms dramatically loudly, she hardly looked up from her book. Ara didn't though. Her head whipped up and she gasped in surprise. Pleasant shock also came over Robyn when she noted it wasn't one of the Marauders that had come banging into her room but Rory.

"Hi." he breathed, his eyes trained on Ara as she lay on her bed, staring back at him with equal ferocity.

"Hi." she responded and Robyn decided to speak to clear the tension,

"Well hello, Rory! How did you get up here into the girls' dorms?"

"I jumped."

"You jumped?"

"Ara, I came to speak to you."

"You jumped up an entire staircase?!"

"Robyn," Ara's eyes didn't stray from Rory's face, "Fuck off please."

"Mm, yeah that makes sense." Robyn nodded and grabbed a jumper from the end of her bed as she stood. She patted Rory on the shoulder when she walked past him and smiled to herself, hoping Rory and Ara would make up and her little trio would go back to normal...well, as normal as it could be when they're all nuts. Robyn strolled in the direction of Gryffindor Tower, the sleeves of Remus' jumper hanging way past her hands and flapping as she swung her arms. She had a warm feeling in her chest as she announced the password to the portrait of The Fat Lady. She and Remus had got back together and she couldn't be happier - Remus had assured her that he was going to let her in more regarding his curse as long as Robyn promised that she would never skip into a shack with a werewolf. She had done so happily. She was very relieved that everything was back to how it was before with Remus. She hated the time she spent away from him, it was just so much better when they were together. Robyn reached the Marauder's Dorm and rapped on the door,

"It's me!" she called and she heard a charm being muttered so that the door swung open. She was met with the sight of Remus lying on his bed with a book open on his chest, Sirius and Eloise cuddled up on the bed to his right. "Were you really too lazy to get up and open the door?" she teased as she snuggled in beside Remus, pressing a kiss to his lips in greeting.

"I was actually in the middle of a riveting conversation with my best friends and I didn't want to stop it." he responded and Sirius audibly laughed, "Something to say, Padfoot?" Remus smiled sarcastically at him and the boy smirked,

"A riveting conversation was it?" he raised an eyebrow and Eloise giggled. Robyn took a look into Remus' mind to find out what they had been talking about.

"You were telling them off?" she asked and Remus rolled his eyes,

"It makes me sound boring when you say it like that." he muttered and Sirius said something under his breath that made Remus turn around and glare at him, "I am fun!" he protested,

"You were giving us a lecture because you walked in on us, Moony." Eloise smirked, playing with Sirius' hair, "That doesn't scream fun."

"It screams disgusting!" Remus pointed a finger at her and she laughed, "I don't want to see that." he shuddered and Robyn bit back a smile,

"Poor, Remmy." she stroked his cheek, "He's been exposed to nudity, he's not used to that." she pouted and Sirius and Eloise howled as Remus' mouth dropped open,

"Aren't I?" he challenged, poking Robyn in the side, "You wouldn't think so with how much you enjoyed yourself."


I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now