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"And the wand movement?"

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"And the wand movement?"

"Swish and flick?"

"Correct! You've just completed the material we learnt in First Year!" Remus blasted confetti out the end of his wand as he lay on his stomach on the green grass next to the Black Lake and Robyn smacked his arm, rolling her eyes playfully.

"I asked you to tutor me not patronise me, you meanie." the girl played with the quill in her hand and Remus nudged her arm with his head, his sandy brown hair tickling her skin and making her squirm slightly,

"I'm not a meanie." he pouted up at her and she raised an eyebrow. "I think you're picking it up really quickly!" Remus protested as he rested on his elbows in front of him. "You'll be ready for your O.W.L. in no time, Ro. Promise." he gave her a sweet smile and she couldn't help but return it as she gently pushed his hair out of his eyes,

"I hope you're right." she muttered quietly, "Otherwise I'll never become a mediwitch." she continued to softly run her fingers through Remus' hair as he frowned,

"I didn't know you wanted to be a mediwitch." he said and Robyn shrugged her shoulders. Remus, sensing that there was something she wasn't telling him, sat up properly, "What is it?" he asked and Robyn looked up at his concerned face,

"I only realised it a couple of weeks ago." she avoided his eyes and Remus noted that her gaze flickered to rest on his scars.

"It's because of me isn't it?" he guessed and his lips twitched slightly as he tried to hold back a grin. Pink spread across Robyn's cheeks and she shrugged again,

"I suppose so." she whispered and Remus reached forward to grab her hand, making her look up at his twinkling eyes, "I just realised after seeing you in the Hospital Wing every month that I want to be able to help you. So why not get trained so I'll be able to help lots of people?" she sounded embarrassed but it faltered as Remus' face split into a grin. "What are you smiling at?" she poked his cheek and he leant forward to press a kiss to her lips,

"You are the most incredible girl I have ever met." he whispered and Robyn looked up at him curiously,

"Because I want to clean up wounds and give people headache potions?" she scoffed and Remus looked at her seriously,

"Because you're selfless and kind without expecting anything else in return."

Robyn tilted her head and looked up at her boyfriend, her lips involuntarily curling into a smile at the sight of the sun reflecting off his hair and making it look like bronze. "So is it just because of me that you've decided your future?" Remus sent her a smirk and leant back on his hands, looking scarily like Sirius with his smug expression.

"No." Robyn laughed and messed up his hair, "I thought that my ability could be useful because I can see exactly what people want and need even if they don't ask for it. Also, my aunt is a healer and I used to love listening to her stories about saving people." she picked at the grass and smiled at the thought of her Aunt Lucy.

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now