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Robyn was having a mental breakdown

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Robyn was having a mental breakdown. Though it was for a...questionable reason. Robyn wasn't losing her mind because she had admitted to Remus that she liked him, nor because he admitted the same thing about her. No, the reason for Robyn's fully fledged freakout was because of a birthday present - or, more specifically, her lack of one for a certain Remus Lupin.

"Robyn! Calm down, you can literally look into his head to see what he wants!" Arabella tried to calm her friend down from where she was watching on her bed with a magazine. Robyn stopped pacing to look at her best friend as though she was a moron,

"Do you think I haven't already surfed through his thoughts like a lunatic? Of course I have! My first thought was to invade his privacy, you absolute twunt." Robyn raked her hands through her hair and carried on pacing,

"You know, you swear a lot for such a little thing." Arabella commented before closing her magazine and sighing, "And you looked through his mind so why are you still racing around the room like a deranged hedgehog?"

"Because Remus John Lupin is a horrible horrible person and only wants my company as a birthday present!" Robyn crossed her arms and looked revolted at the thought of Remus' request,

"What a dickhead!" Arabella reprimanded and Robyn nodded,

"I know! It's like he doesn't know me and my indescribable need to buy people presents at all." the blonde girl pouted and flopped down onto her bed, "And it can't just be any old present because it's Remus and-"

"You're in love with him. Yeah, yeah, that's understandable." Ara nodded and Robyn threw a pillow at her,

"WHY IS MY LIFE SO DIFFICULT!" Robyn threw her hands in the air and, in amongst all of her whining, didn't hear the door of her dorm opening,

"Why is Ro screeching? Did she accidentally forget how much of a nonce Fergus Reed is and look into his mind again?"

"I think the more important question, Rory, is why you are currently being carried in the arms of a fifteen year old girl." Ara sounded very unbothered by the entire thing and Robyn turned her head to see Rory being carried bridal style by a girl in their year,

"Hi, June."

"Hi, Robyn."

"How else was I supposed to get up here?" Rory asked in a 'duh' tone and turned to June, "You can put me down now, thanks, babe." he smiled and everything suddenly made much more sense as June's cheeks flushed bright pink. Ara and Robyn shared a look as Rory was put down and winked at June as she left the room. The boy smiled at the two girls before realising they both looked disgusted and frowned, "What?"

"Ummm, since when were you a man whore?" Robyn sat up and tilted her head,

"I beg your pardon!?"

"Rory, you are acting like Sirius Black before he fell hopelessly in love with Eloise and changed as a man." Ara crossed her arms. Robyn turned to her and put her hands on her cheeks,

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