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meet nate :)

"And just where do you think you're tiptoeing off to, Little Miss Morrow?"

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"And just where do you think you're tiptoeing off to, Little Miss Morrow?"

Robyn squeezed her eyes shut in annoyance and turned around in her crouched position - midst tiptoeing - to see Rory and Arabella standing over her, their arms crossed and matching smirks on their faces.

"Ditching us again?" Arabella observed her nails before kissing her teeth, "Going to see people that are more popular than the likes of us?"

"Ignoring the impossibility of that sentence," Rory raised an eyebrow and casually leant his arm on Arabella's shoulder, "That seems like the case, Ara."

"Tut tut tut." Arabella shook her head patronisingly, "How unlike-"

"Considering I know exactly what both of you are going to say for the next 15 minutes, can I just dash whilst you resume the conversation amongst yourselves?" Robyn smiled smugly at her friends who pretended to look annoyed before bursting into laughter,

"You go ahead, my little sugar puff." Rory tapped Robyn on the nose and Arabella squeezed her cheeks,

"Don't stay out too late with your new little friends, Roro." the taller girl teased and Robyn swatted their hands away, shaking her head at them amusedly before running off to where she was supposed to be 5 minutes prior.

Smiling at the people she passed, Robyn rushed to the beech tree next to the Black Lake and sighed in relief when she saw a group of people laughing and joking underneath it. The small girl hurried over to them and felt her heart warm when they all cheered at her arrival,

"Robyn!" Eloise stood up from Sirius' lap and squeezed the girl in a tight hug, spinning her around and giggling when they both stumbled,

"Hey, Elle! Hi, boys!" Robyn beamed and waved at everyone else. She noticed that there was an extra person sat with the Marauders with cheerful, rosy cheeks and curly, brown hair and a soft irish accent who she knew to be Nathan Kennedy, a Sixth Year in her house.

"Robyn, you might know already - being telepathic - but this is Nathan, a friend of ours." Sirius gestured to the grinning boy who leapt up and flamboyantly kissed Robyn on both of her cheeks.

"A pleasure." he winked before pulling her to sit down with them.

"So what are you thinking for Robyn, Nate?" Eloise leant forward and everyone else had very eager looks on their faces. After looking in Eloise's head, Robyn frowned slightly,

"Nickname? What for?" she asked and the group looked surprised for a second before realisation dawned on their faces,

"Oh, Nate gives cute little nicknames to everyone he meets." James ruffled the boy's hair and Nathan puckered his lips teasingly at him,

"Indeed I do." he rubbed his hands together before pointing at each of the Marauders and shouting their designated names, "Eloise is Berry, Sirius is Joker, James is Specky, Peter is Pickle and Remus is Noodle." the boy looked very proud of himself as Robyn took a moment to find out the reasonings behind each name,

"Very profound." she nodded with a smile, "Now hit me with mine!" she clapped her hands excitedly and Nathan smirked, staring her dead in the eye. After a moment Robyn's face dropped as she stared at her fellow Hufflepuff, thoroughly unimpressed with the thought she just heard, "You're joking. That's very unoriginal considering Remus is bloody Noodle!" Robyn pouted and the others looked between the two of them,

"What was it?" Remus asked with a small smile and Nathan's grin grew as Robyn pulled a face,

"Birdie." Nathan stated proudly and Robyn looked at them all as if to say: 'see?!'.

"That's so cute!" Eloise cooed and Robyn rubbed her temples,

"But...but...Birdie?" Robyn repeated it as though it was an awful swear word,

"I'm Berry...because my hair was purple once." Eloise raised an eyebrow at the small girl, "Just accept it, Birdie. You have been christened."

"Brilliant." Robyn huffed before shrugging slightly, "I suppose it's better than Ickle Pickle." she poked Peter's side with a smile and the boy stuck his tongue out at her,

"I'm bigger than you, Birdie." he bumped into her side and she rolled her eyes,

"Not exactly an achievement, Petey. I'm five foot two."


The sun slowly began to set over the lake and cast a pinky glow over the horizon - something the Marauders and their two Hufflepuff friends were too busy to notice. It was only when Eloise tried to stifle a yawn and Sirius noticed that the group of friends decided to go back into the castle. Eloise pouted until Sirius gave her a piggyback and Robyn sighed slightly, wishing she had someone to do that for her. Even though he wasn't a legilimens, Nathan read Robyn's mind and scooped her into his arms - her being small enough to be carried easily bridal style. After getting over the slight shock of being lifted very abruptly to a tall height she wasn't used to, Robyn smiled at Nathan and rested her head on his shoulder,

"Thanks, Curly." she closed her eyes and felt Nathan chuckle slightly,

"Fair play, Birdie." he muttered as they walked towards the castle, the soothing rhythm of Nathan's steps lulling her to a soft doze. After a little while she felt someone shake her awake and her eyes fluttered open to meet a warm sea of chocolate brown,

"This is where we part ways, Birdie." the boy whispered with a smile and Robyn frowned, nestling her head into Nathan's chest and reaching out her hand to play with Remus' hair,

"Do we have to?" she asked, "We have so much fun together." she yawned but opened her eyes, patting Nathan's shoulder to let her down.

"Yep, it's almost curfew." James shrugged and Robyn huffed in annoyance before smiling at her friends. All five of them smiled back, Eloise's slightly lopsided due to her cheek being rested on Sirius' shoulder. The blonde shuffled forward and placed her forehead on Remus' chest, breathing in the sweet smell of chocolate and feeling him tense slightly. Letting out a soft giggle after hearing his panicked thoughts, Robyn smiled to herself,

"Cuddle me, you pillock." she muttered and felt Remus laugh softly before wrapping his arms around her,

"Night, Birdie." he said gently and Robyn smiled,

"Night, Moony."

'Awh that is beyond adorable...I'M GOING TO PLAY MATCHMAKER! Oh shit, Robyn can hear my thoughts...hi, Birdie...I ship it by the way...buy him chocolate, he'll propose in a second.'

'Uh oh, look at Moons getting some action.'

'If another Marauder gets into a couple before I win over my Evans I'm going to flip my shit.'

'Why are they hugging for so long?'


Robyn bit her lip to hold back a laugh at her outrageous friends. She was even more excited to hear Ara and Rory's thoughts when they meet her Remus- 'My Remus? Oh fuck, I'm in trouble.'

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