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emily blunt as Aunt Lucy :))

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emily blunt as Aunt Lucy :))


"Tim, will you shut up and let the teenage girl sleep past 7 am?!"

"Absolutely not, Lucy Loo! I let her sleep in for as long as she wants every day of the year apart from Christmas. Even exams don't measure up to the importance of this holy day."

"Not sure that's the best mentality to have in front of your N.E.W.T student daughter, Timothy Morrow."

Robyn laughed softly as she pushed her duvet off herself and set her reindeer-covered fluffy socks on the chilly floorboards. She stretched and smiled to herself, gathering all the presents she had stashed under her bed (her dad would've opened them to see what they were if they were under the tree...even if they weren't for him) and began to walk downstairs. She had been invited to spend some of the holiday at Ara, Eloise and Remus' houses but had declined all offers, wanting to spend some time with her family. She was worried. The war was becoming more and more dangerous every day and she'd never forgive herself if something happened to her dad. Being in the order was just one step towards keeping him safe, being with him as much as possible was another. Robyn shook her head to rid them of such morbid thoughts and soon was smiling again, her light green eyes reflecting the flashing colours of the christmas lights wound around the banister of the staircase as she skipped down them. Her dad and aunt were still bickering when she walked into the kitchen but they stopped as soon as they saw her and Tim let out a shrill scream - presumably due to his excitement and not the sight of Robyn's bed head.

"SHE WAKES!" he bellowed and sprinted towards her, picking her up in a swift movement and continuing on to the living room, dropping a trail of presents as he did so that Lucy had to pick up. Tim discarded of his daughter on the sofa and grabbed the presents she was holding, rushing to the tree and beginning to divvy out the gifts, "Red, Red, Lucy, Red, ME, Lucy, ME, Red, ME, Red, Red- Crikey, Robyn are all of your friends rich?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"That's my girl."

"I really don't know if you're the best role model for this child, Timothy." Lucy sighed good-naturedly from her seat and Robyn giggled as Tim stopped trying to sneakily open the wrapping paper on a present to see what it was and gasped loudly,

"Excuse me, sister!" he put a finger in the air and wagged it around wildly, "My darling daughter Red Robyn Morrow is an exceptional example of how good of a parent I am, thank you very much!" he stuck his tongue out at his sister and gathered the three piles of presents, giving them to their respective owners. Robyn had a rather large deal more than her aunt and father so, once they had finished opening gifts and screaming and running around the room excitedly (in Tim's case) they sat and watched Robyn's reactions.

"Oooh, what lovely old books, I love The Great Gatsby! Oh, and it's a first edition! How lovely!"

"Who's that from?! That must have cost a fortune!"

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