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the prettiest lil muffin in the business

the prettiest lil muffin in the business

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Robyn had a problem. Eloise knew that Robyn had a problem. Robyn knew that Eloise knew that she had a problem. Eloise did not know that Robyn knew that she knew Robyn had a problem. Although, she probably should have, considering Robyn quite literally knew everything that was going through her head. The reason that Eloise knew about Robyn's problem was mostly that the little blonde girl was acting extremely strange and kept stealing glances across Gryffindor Common Room whilst she was supposed to be doing Herbology, but also because Eloise Potter was nowhere near as oblivious as her brother or her boyfriend. Eloise, deciding she didn't want to embarrass Robyn by outright asking what she was looking at, she thought she ought to think it. The only flaw with this plan was that Robyn, despite not reading at that precise moment in time, was far too preoccupied to have any thoughts wiggle their way into her head.

Robyn was frowning heavily as she stared at her textbook, but her eyes were unmoving...except, of course, for when she flickered them upwards to stare at a certain someone lounging on a red sofa in front of the fire. The Marauders had invited Robyn to do her homework with them in Gryffindor Tower, even though their work was entirely different as Robyn was in the year below, and Eloise, Robyn, James and Sirius had taken a seat on one of the tables by the window. Robyn asked if Remus and Peter were going to join them as she passed the sofa they were lying on but the werewolf simply grumbled something about being tired and didn't even lift his head to look her in the eye, meanwhile Peter shook his head and held up a Chocolate Frog as a response. Robyn began to worry. Remus hadn't even looked at her. Did that mean he was angry at her? Had she done something? Should she grope around in his mind to find out? No. That was immoral. Instead, Robyn decided that looking up at him every 2.5 seconds was a better idea.

Robyn looked up once more and felt her cheeks heat up as she stared at him. Peter had moved to the armchair to have a nap so Remus was taking up the entirety of the sofa, one of his long legs was hanging over the end of the couch and his arms were crossed over his face, his pink lips still visible underneath them. Robyn couldn't look away as he shifted position slightly and his t-shirt rode up to show a sliver of his stomach, a large scar peeking at her as it zig-zagged past the waistband of his jeans. Robyn felt something hit her leg and snapped out of her reverie, her head moving so quickly back to her page that her chubby cheeks wobbled. Robyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself when she heard,

'Birdie! Birdie! Robyn, I know you can hear me! What's going on? Why are you staring at the sofa? What's on the sof- ...... Remus is on the sofa. You're staring at Remus. You're blushing. ROBYN WHY ARE YOU STARING AT REMUS AND BLUSHING!?'

"Shh, Elle." Robyn muttered, not looking up at the girl in the hopes of not being noticed. She failed.

"She didn't say anything." Sirius chuckled and Robyn lifted her head to see the boys giving her strange looks whilst Eloise looked like she was about to shit fireworks.

"Thoughts." Robyn said simply with a jokey roll of the eyes and recognition dawned on the boys' faces.

"I see." James went back to his work but Sirius continued to stare at Robyn,

"What was she thinking?" he stage-whispered and Eloise finally stopped bouncing around with wide eyes and a red face to slap her boyfriend in the arm.

"Get your mind out of the gutter."

"Hold the phone, you get your mind out of the gutter. You don't know that's what I meant." Sirius crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend, a smirk on his face,

"I can confirm, that is exactly what he meant." Robyn said quietly and Eloise smiled triumphantly whilst Sirius huffed in annoyance.

"Bloody, mind reader. Ruining everything."

"What's she done now?" a gruff voice sounded from behind Robyn and she froze, her heartbeat speeding up. She internally cursed herself for being so school-girly and pathetic, it was just Remus.

"I outed him for thinking dirty thoughts about Eloise." Robyn turned to face the tall boy with a cheeky smile. Remus looked awful and Robyn's smile faltered. She hadn't caught a full view of his face when she came in because he was covering it but now she saw he had dark circles under his eyes and he looked pale. Remus must have noticed Robyn staring worriedly at him as he lifted one side of his mouth in a smile and patted her head,

"Don't worry about me, Birdie." he muttered quietly but that didn't exactly put Robyn at ease. James pulled back a chair for the boy to sit at and, as he did, Robyn caught him wincing and clutching at his side. The girl waited until Eloise, Sirius and James got bored of homework and began to chat amongst themselves, which took a total of 47 seconds.

"You're making it very hard for me to not worry, Remus." Robyn whispered and the boy looked up at her, looking confused before she gestured to where he was holding his rib and sighed slightly.

"I'm fine, Robbo." he half-heartedly joked and Robyn raised a sceptical eyebrow, "Full moon's in three days." he gave in and Robyn's heart immediately dropped.

"Oh, Rem-"

"I'm fine, Birdie really, it's nothing I haven't handled before." Remus tried to calm her with a smile and included himself in the conversation between the other three. Robyn wasn't convinced because, whilst Remus said he was ok, he was thinking something entirely different.

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