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"Robyn? Hello?! Are you even listening to me?" Rory waved his hand in front of Robyn's face and she snapped out of her trance,

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"Robyn? Hello?! Are you even listening to me?" Rory waved his hand in front of Robyn's face and she snapped out of her trance,

"Me? Yeah."

"Are you alright? You usually love it when I perform songs as dramatic readings." Rory frowned at his friend and Robyn nodded vigorously. She was thoroughly grateful that she was the legilimens and not Rory because then he would have known that she was plagued with images of his girlfriend Arabella passionately kissing James Potter in a dark corridor.

"Sorry, I'm just distracted." Robyn offered him a tight-lipped smile, "Thinking about Remus." he shrugged and made an attempt at a careless laugh but Rory didn't look convinced. He luckily didn't have time to ask any further questions as the door to the Common Room opened and Arabella stumbled in. Robyn sighed in relief and ran over to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her up to their dorm, ignoring Rory's confused shouts.

"Good morning to you too, Ro." Arabella flopped down on her bed and it was then that Robyn noticed she smelled of stale alcohol and her mascara was smudged. "You're probably wondering where-"

"Why the fuck did you kiss James?" Robyn crossed her arms and Arabella sat up in a flash as though someone had stuck a burning coal underneath her arse.

"I- I don't-"

"I fucking saw you, Arabella! Explain. Now." Robyn tapped her foot and Ara closed her eyes and her fingers went up to massage her temples.

"Figure it out yourself, I can't be bothered to talk. I'm too hungover." her eyes remained closed and Robyn shook her head before she dove into her best friend's mind.

'James and I went to the kitchens after helping Remus last night to get some dinner and ended up finding some Firewhiskey that the teacher's obviously stashed away. We got a bit carried away and danced around the corridors until James saw Lily. He told me he wanted to make her jealous so I told him to kiss me...and we didn't stop. James eventually went to bed but I had realised what I'd done so I went back to the kitchens, drowned my sorrows in even more liquor and fell asleep covered in elves.'

"For fuck's sake, Arabella. What are you going to tell Rory?"

"Umm, let me think about that for a second. Oh, I've got it: absolutely nothing." Ara opened her eyes and winced slightly at the disappointment on Robyn's face, "It'll break him." she added, more softly and Robyn sat down beside her.

"If you-" she paused as a particularly loud thought entered her mind,

'Ara kissed James?'

"Shit." Robyn muttered and ran to the door, flinging it open and revealing Rory. Ara gasped as she saw him. His brow was furrowed and his cheeks were covered in tears. His chocolate brown eyes revealed exactly what he was feeling. Ara was right. It broke him. His bottom lip was trembling and it shattered Robyn's heart to see the shock and pure hurt on his face

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now