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Laughs bounced off the walls of the little buildings in the village of Hogsmeade

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Laughs bounced off the walls of the little buildings in the village of Hogsmeade. Two people: one small girl with long blonde hair and rosy cheeks, and one very tall boy with sandy brown hair and scars littered over his face, were doubled over in the middle of the cobbled street. The girl was clutching to the boy for support as she was overcome with laughter whilst he chuckled, cracking jokes to make her giggle even harder. The students walking around the village smiled at the two people, their joy infectious as they stumbled down the street.

"What about her?" Robyn managed in between her peals of laughter, pointing out a woman sitting alone on a bench.

"Ok ok." Remus nodded with a smile, looking at the woman for a moment before putting on a very high voice, "I wonder, if I tuck my hair inside my coat and draw on stubble, will I be able to go back into Honeydukes and buy seven more kilograms of chocoballs?"

"Not even close." Robyn covered her mouth as she tried to contain her guffaws. Remus threw his hands in the air,

"I want to guess what at least one of these people is thinking." he pouted and Robyn removed her hands from her face to look around the street.

"Do him." she pointed at a student who was walking out of Flourish and Blotts, his arms laden with books.

"You're on." Remus smirked and cracked his knuckles, focusing very hard on the boy, "If Lacey Morgan won't love me for how I look maybe, if I am smart enough and offer to do all of her homework, she'll fall for me." he turned to Robyn once he had finished, a hopeful look on his face.

"Wow!" Robyn grinned and Remus' eyes widened,

"Did I get it?!" he clasped both her hands in his and Robyn pulled a face before bursting out laughing once more as Remus' face dropped,

"You were close though." Robyn offered once her giggles had died down and Remus raised an eyebrow,

"Was I really?"

"Yeah! He was thinking about Lacey Morgan, it was just much more explicit than what you said." she grimaced and shivered slightly. Remus chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders,

"Well, I'm sorry you had to hear that." he stuck out his tongue and Robyn smiled up at him,

"It's fine. He's no worse than you." she teased as she walked ahead of him and she heard him gasp behind her,

"Don't pretend I'm not the good boy of the Marauders, Birdie." he smirked as he caught up with her and Robyn turned her head to look at him,

"Hopefully not all the time." she winked and smiled at Remus' eyes widening,

"Robyn Morrow! You're not as innocent as you seem."

"Maybe I'm not but I'm no Lacey Morgan, that's for sure." she shook her head slightly and Remus snorted,


"Oh yes, I forgot how much the boy population of Hogwarts worships her." Robyn rolled her eyes,

"What do you mean?" Remus asked and the blonde beside him didn't notice the amused look on his face,

"Oh, please, Remus! She's the female equivalent of Sirius! Everyone is so enamoured by her boobs and her long legs. Every boy in our school would do anything for her." Robyn's voice was laced with distaste and Remus had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling so widely.

"Not everyone." Remus held both of his hands up and Robyn surveyed him with a raised brow, scepticism coating her eyes, "Honest!" Remus laughed, "Sirius slept with her in fourth year. Said it wasn't anything special."

"That's vulgar!" Robyn smacked the boy on the arm and his laughter deepened,

"This is Sirius we're talking about, Ro! Before he fell in love and turned soft. He used to be a playboy twat and said the same about loads of the girls he slept with...which happened to be most of the girls in Fourth Year and above."

"That's no excuse!" she went to hit him again but he grabbed her wrist and smirked at her attempts to free herself. She raised her other arm but Remus managed to get a hold of that one too, moving so that both of her hands were clasped in only one of his larger ones. Robyn gave him a look and a thought of his came to her attention, "REMUS JOHN LUPIN!" she blushed and Remus frowned before his eyes widened and he sharply let go of Robyn's wrists, his own cheeks flushing pink,

"Get out of my head!"

"It's not my fault! That was a very loud thought!"

"It wasn't supposed to be!" he ran a hand through his hair and Robyn couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips, "And now you're laughing at me."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Robyn couldn't stop as she bent over, clutching her stomach, "I just can't im-imagine you like that!" she gestured her hand towards him as she cackled to herself and Remus nodded his head slowly before moving forwards. When he was directly in front of her he lifted her chin with his finger, the close proximity of their faces being enough to cease Robyn's laughter. Remus took another step forward, pushing Robyn slightly so that she was walking backwards until her back hit a wall. Remus smirked as he towered over her, lowering his head to her ear,

"Looks like I'm going to have to change that then." he whispered, his breath fanning against the skin of Robyn's neck. He pulled back and looked very pleased with himself as he noticed Robyn's flushed complexion. "I want some chocolate." he announced, turning around and heading in the direction of Honeydukes. Robyn took a moment to collect herself. She put a hand to her chest and attempted to calm her breathing. After a minute she shook her head with a smile,

"Cocky bastard." she muttered before following after Remus, her heart still pumping a mile a minute. She couldn't say she wasn't enjoying Remus' newfound confidence around her. Nor did she dislike the flirting.

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