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dis timofee morrow ^^

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dis timofee morrow ^^

'dat's fookin obi wan kenobi' - that one tiktok sound

"Do none of your friends like you or something?" Tim put his hands on the back of the sofa that Robyn was curled up on and leant down so his head was next to hers. Robyn looked up from the pages of her book and raised an eyebrow at her dad, "You've been sat here reading for a fortnight! When are you going to see Ara or Rory or Remus or one of your new friends that you've told me about!?"

"Ara is in Bora Bora, Rory hates me and Remus is at Potter Mansion with everyone else." Robyn explained and her dad stared at her wide-eyed for a few moments.

"There's so much to unpack here." he muttered and vaulted the sofa so he was sitting beside his daughter, his elbows resting on his knees and his chin resting on his palms. "Storytime!" he chanted and Robyn smiled softly.

"Ara's in Bora Bora because her family is exceedingly lavish and wealthy."

"Indeed. She'll have a gorgeous tan no doubt." Tim nodded his head,

"I was invited to Potter Mansion with them all but I thought I ought to spend some quality time with my old man." she punched him softly in the shoulder and he beamed,

"The best way to spend your time, of course."

"And Rory hates me because I saw Arabella kissing James and didn't tell him even though he should probably know who his girlfriend has been snogging behind his back." Robyn sighed and Timothy scratched his head,

"Well, Rory and Ara finally got together so that's good."

"Not so much anymore."

"No, I suppose not." Tim frowned slightly which he did not tend to do, "Has Ara had a chance to explain herself...I presume there's a reason."

"She was drunk." Robyn told him and Tim pulled a face,

"We've all been there."

"But no, he didn't give her a chance."

"Poor Rory." Tim always liked Rory. Whenever the boy went to visit Robyn, Timothy would revel in how laid back and effortlessly cool he was - something the man aspired to be but was far too excitable to achieve.

The small family of two was sitting in a comfortable silence when there was a sharp tapping against the window. Robyn looked to the honey brown owl on the windowsill and immediately beamed, hopping up to let it in and detach the parchment tied to its leg. She opened Remus' letter and her smile widened as soon as she saw his blocky handwriting spelling out her name.

The Littlest of Lovebirds,

Stop pretending you don't know where my favourite jumper is, I literally saw it in your trunk before we left! You can keep it though, it looks better on you. (That was such a cliche line, apologise for my unoriginality.)

I hope you're having a good time with your dad - say hi from me! I'm still upset that you didn't come to James and Elle's though. I miss you. I thought I knew what missing someone felt like...I didn't. I keep smelling your perfume on clothes from my trunk and I try not to touch them so much because I don't want the smell to go. Christ. I'm pathetic! I turn into a monstrous beast once a month but all it took to tame me was a 5 foot 2 blonde with freckles and a surprising swearing problem.

Speaking of my awful alter ego, my letters might be sparse over the next week because there's a full moon coming up. But, don't worry! I survived nine years of them without my friends, I can survive one or two now.

Can't wait until I can see you again, I just want to go back to being able to cuddle you whenever I wanted :(

Don't burn your little skin in the sun!

Lots of love

Your Moonboy


Robyn held the letter to her chest and felt her cheeks heating up. It had only been two weeks since she had left Hogwarts but she was already longing for Remus. The jumper she had indeed stolen still smelt of chocolate and woodsmoke and she liked to pretend it was him giving her a hug.

"Letter from loverboy?" a voice came from the sofa and Robyn remembered that her dad was there. She turned and the man was lying on his stomach, his chin on his fists and his legs moving back and forth, "Are you eloping?"

"No." she giggled as she sat on the floor next to the sofa, her face bright which made her dad smile widely, "There's a full moon soon so this might be the last letter for a while."

"Full moon?" Tim asked and Robyn looked up at him. She hadn't told him yet. Uh oh.

"Ummm, yeah. Remus is a werewolf." she said quietly and Tim's eyes widened,

"He's a what?"

"He was bitten when he was four by someone called Fenrir Greyback." Robyn carried on and her father's jaw dropped, his face paling. "What is it?" Robyn asked and Tim grabbed her hand, jumping from the sofa and running through the cottage until they reached the back door. The pair of them faced the huge mural on the back of the house and Robyn looked at her dad for an explanation. Tim pointed at the werewolf,

"Do you know who this is?" he asked and Robyn shook her head,

"It's just a werewolf."

"No, Red. It's not." Tim rubbed the back of his neck, "I never told you the story behind the mural because I didn't want you to think bad of our family." the man gestured to the painted werewolf again, "Your aunt Lucy and I weren't the only children Grandma and Grandpa had. We have a brother."

Robyn was frozen. She had never heard of an uncle. Even on the rare times that she had been in her father's mind she had never heard of such a thing. It must have been such a deeply-buried memory that she had never seen it. "His name was Felix and he was just like any older brother. Teasing, protective, strong." Tim carried on and Robyn listened intently, the mural making slightly more sense, "As soon as he found out that Lucy was a witch though, he changed. He became distant and began spending more time away from home. We all just thought he was with some no-good friends until one day I was walking in the forest and I- I watched him murder a deer." Tim cast his eyes downwards and Robyn's throat went dry. "Everything was different after that. He was mean and angry. He hated everything and everyone, especially our parents. He resented them for favouring Lucy. He thought she was a freak. So one day, he left. He ran away from home and the only explanation he gave was in a small note he left for me. A few years later, I was reading a newspaper that Lucy had received from an owl and I saw him on the front page. My brother Felix. But he had changed his name. Felix had been bitten by a werewolf and, from then on, he was Fenrir Greyback...the murderer." Tim finally looked back up at Robyn and the girl was in shock. Her uncle was the werewolf that infected Remus? Her mind was whirring. How was she going to tell her boyfriend that it was a member of her family that cursed him for life? Not to mention the other crimes he had committed. The blood-thirsty, murderous, unforgiving maniac that fed on children was her dad's brother. And Sirius thought his family was bad.


fenrir greback = felix morrow

who woulda guessed

not me! 

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