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issa lil' filla 

Robyn slammed closed her book with a sigh

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Robyn slammed closed her book with a sigh. She had just finished Pride and Prejudice for the sixth time and was now stumped on what to read. She had read all of the books she brought from home at least thrice as well as everything in the library. Deciding that perhaps they'd brought in some new fiction last week, she was desperate, the small girl meandered down to the library, in the hope of finding something suitable to curl up in front of the fire with. She reached one of her favourite places at Hogwarts and started strolling down the aisles, her fingers brushing the dusty spines as she tried to find one she couldn't recite by heart. After about 10 minutes of searching Robyn sat down at a table and pouted at the shelves, very bored and very irritated. She knew that if she didn't find a good book soon then she'd have to endure an entire evening of listening to the thoughts of whiny teenage girls and smug teenage boys. Just as she was about to give up and ask Arabella to punch her in the face so she was knocked out all night, her eye caught on to something. Frowning, Robyn walked towards the interesting looking book and picked it from the shelf. It was hidden behind the spines of some other books so Robyn had never seen it before, neither had anyone else it seemed. It was in such perfect condition, Robyn wouldn't have been surprised if it had never been opened. Running a finger softly over the spine, Robyn sat down at a table and opened the first page:

The Life of a Lycanthrope - Werewolves: What You Didn't Know.


Robyn wandered back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, the werewolf book still open in her hands and her eyes trained on the words. She had been unable to put it down, finding out things she'd never even considered and a deep pity for the creatures began to brew within her. She reached the barrels and, still not looking up from the page, lifted one hand to knock the tune of the rhythm that was permanently ingrained in her mind. She walked forwards for a bit and sat down on the sofa, not registering that she had sat on Rory until she felt hands on her hips as he moved her to sit beside him with a chuckle.

"Bit distracted are we, Ro?" he asked with a smirk and the girl nodded, her pale green eyes scanning the words on the page speedily. "Whatcha reading?" Rory rested his head on the girl's shoulder and squinted at the book.

"Werewolves." the girl muttered distractedly and Rory raised an eyebrow,

"Ooh! Is it all gruesome and gory?" he asked with a wicked smile but it disappeared in shock as Robyn slammed the book shut and glared at him,

"Actually, it was saying how poorly mistreated the poor people are." she said icily and Rory reared back slightly, not used to seeing the little blonde looking so vicious, "There's this utterly unjust stigma around them but they really can't help who they are! Most werewolves spend their lives isolating themselves so they don't hurt anyone, do you know how lonely life would be if you had to just sit in a dingy room, trying not to claw yourself to death?! No! Because you're a human and so am I and we know nothing about the trials and troubles of this unfortunate life!" Robyn's face had gotten rather flushed as she got angrier and angrier and her chest was heaving as she breathed heavily.

"Woah, it's okay, Robyn." Rory said with wide eyes as he rubbed the girl's upper arms, unsure of what spurred her outburst.

"Sorry, Rory." the girl muttered as her rage subsided, "This book has just really opened my eyes on what lycanthropes really have to go through."

"I get it." Rory lifted one side of his mouth cheekily, "Next time I hear anyone say a bad word about werewolves, I kick em in the gonads." he grinned as Robyn giggled, "Just lads though, you'll have to deal with the girls." he pointed at her and she nodded with a grin,

"I'll charm some of their hair to fall out everytime they say something mean." her eyes glistened mischievously but as soon as Rory raised an eyebrow they dimmed a bit, "Fine, I'll get Ara to charm their hair...but it'll still fall out!"

"That's my girl." Rory smirked as he threw an arm around her shoulders and she leant into his side. They sat there for a few moments, Rory with his eyes closed, smiling contentedly, until Roybn spoke,

"Ummm, Rory..." she whispered,

"Mmm?" Rory hummed, his long fingers tapping a rhythm on her shoulder,

"I love you and all, but I haven't finished the book yet-"

"Say no more." Rory chuckled as he reached over her to pass her her book, keeping his arms over her, "You carry on, bookworm."

Robyn smiled happily to herself as she reopened her book, a comforting warmth radiating through her from her best friend as the various thoughts from around the room, that had begun to get louder, settled down and all Robyn was able to hear running through her mind were words about werewolves: who they were, what they did and how they could be helped. Robyn payed particular attention to that last bit. She didn't know any werewolves personally, but she knew that as soon as she did she would do anything necessary to make their difficult lives that bit easier. The problem with Robyn Morrow was, as well as being a bit too empathetic for her own good, her main source of joy was that of others. Robyn knew that she wouldn't be really happy until she helped someone and knew that she was the cause for improving someone's life, however small. The discovery of The Life of a Lycanthrope provided Robyn the opportunity to do just that and she knew she would, she just didn't know when. 

sorry it's been so long :/

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