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Robyn, Rory and Arabella were thoroughly confused at the directions they had received for Remus' birthday party but made their way to the seventh floor corridor anyway, knowing by now that blindly following the Marauder's wishes was better for eve...

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Robyn, Rory and Arabella were thoroughly confused at the directions they had received for Remus' birthday party but made their way to the seventh floor corridor anyway, knowing by now that blindly following the Marauder's wishes was better for everyone involved. Robyn had made quite an effort for the party. Partly because it was her potential boyfriend's birthday but mostly because Ara forced her into a flowery dress and attacked her face with makeup brushes, leaving the poor girl no choice. She nervously brushed off the skirt of her pale green dress and played around with her hair. Ara tutted beside her and swatted Robyn's hands away from her hair, fluffing it up and bringing some strands over her face,

"Don't mess with the masterpiece, Ro." she scolded and Robyn rolled her eyes, nerves still clear on her face as she bit her lip. Rory wrapped his arms around his friend and sent her a reassuring smile,

"Don't be nervous, sugar puff. Lupin loves you." he gave her a squeeze and she took a deep breath, nodding her head. She thought of the room that the Marauders had carefully described to her and, to the three friends' shock, a door magically appeared on the wall. Rory's eyes widened and Arabella's red-painted lips parted in surprise.

"The Marauders never cease to amaze me." she muttered as the three of them walked through the door. They were greeted with the sight of a room greatly resembling the Gryffindor Common Room but with a few changes such: as a full on bar, a dance floor with its very own disco ball and the biggest liquor cabinet Robyn had ever laid her eyes on.

"Birdie!" Eloise screamed and threw herself at the girl, "You're here! Yay let's get this party started!" she pulled away beaming and Robyn noticed a glass full of an amber liquid in her hand. Robyn giggled softly as Eloise enthusiastically greeted Rory and Arabella and she took the time to look at who else was in the room. The Marauders had said that Remus didn't want a huge party so they had only invited Robyn, Rory, Arabella, Nathan and two Gryffindor girls that Robyn knew to be Eloise's friends: Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon. Each of the Marauders made their way over to Robyn to attack her with hugs so she could clearly smell the alcohol they had been too impatient to wait to drink. Sirius squeezed her tightly whilst James did the same on her other side,

"Moony couldn't wait for you to get here, Birdie."

"He's been talking about the date all week."

"Will you two shut up and leave her alone?!" Remus asked tiredly and James and Sirius giggled as they pulled away from her, winking. James skipped over to presumably try and win over Lily Evans whilst Sirius ran up behind Eloise and scared her by grabbing her sides and tickling her. Remus sheepishly smiled at Robyn and the girl smirked at his nerves that hadn't been present when it was just them alone,

"You look scared, Lupin." she teased and Remus rolled his eyes,

"I am not scared, Morrow." he scoffed and Robyn raised an eyebrow, "I'm a big, strong werewolf! Why would I be scared of someone as small and cute as you?" he crossed his arms and Robyn nodded slowly,

"Okay. Kiss me then." she tilted her head playfully and Remus' eyes widened, taken by surprise,

"What?! Now?"

"Yep." Robyn popped the 'p' and took a step towards him, "If you're not scared...kiss me." she asked again and a smile spread across Remus' face,

"If you say so." he muttered and moved so he was directly in front of her, his large hands closing around her hips as hers went around his neck. He leaned down and connected their lips, feeling Robyn smile against him as their friends erupted in whoops and cheers. The pair pulled apart and Robyn laughed, curtseying and waving as though she was the star of a stage show. Remus chuckled and threw his arm around her shoulders, leading her to the big red sofa in the corner of the room, telling her to wait whilst he got them some drinks. Arabella and Rory walked over to her and sat either side of her, grinning widely,

"Looks like you're having fun." Rory nudged her with his elbow and took a bite of the liquorice wand in his hand and she winked,

"A blast." she nodded and the boy laughed,

"Well, me and Ara have just realised that we forgot to bring Remus' present." he pulled a face and Robyn's eyes widened,

"Oh! It completely slipped my mind!" she went to stand up but Arabella put a hand on her shoulder,

"You stay here, me and Rory will nip back and get it." she assured her and Robyn relaxed slightly,

"Really? That's so kind, thank you!" she put her arms around both of them for a hug and they laughed,

"It's fine, Ro! We'll be back in ten minutes." Rory gave her a quick squeeze before he and Ara left the room to go back to the Hufflepuff Common Room. As Robyn watched her friends leave, she felt the sofa dip beside her and the comforting smell of chocolate and woodsmoke made her lips involuntarily curl up at the sides.

"You're beverage, madame." Remus put on a posh accent and Robyn giggled,

"Why thank you, good sir!" she chimed back and took the glass from his hand, taking a dainty sip and wincing as it burned down her throat,

"First time trying firewhiskey?" Remus guessed and Robyn nodded with a grimace, "I can get you some butterbeer if you want. I'm sorry I just presumed-"

"It's fine, Rem." Robyn laughed softly and took another sip, "It's really nice." she coughed and Remus bit his lip to conceal a smile. Robyn heard footsteps and after a second someone had grabbed the firewhiskey from her hand and replaced it with a glass of a frothy, yellow drink that she knew she much preferred,

"Trying to get your girlfriend drunk already, Noodle? Such a bad influence." Nathan scolded jokily as he sat down beside Robyn and Remus rolled his eyes good-naturedly, "Poor impressionable Birdie!" Nathan pulled her into his chest and petted her hair, making her laugh, "I may have to steal her away from you for her own good, Noodle!" he shouted and Remus narrowed his eyes playfully, taking a hold of Robyn's hand and pulling her back to his side,

"Don't make me hurt you, Nate." he threatened with a reluctant smile on his face and Nathan threw his head back with a guffaw,

"Don't worry, big guy. She's all yours." he winked at the pair before dancing over to Eloise and Sirius and stealing the girl from her boyfriend, placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek and saluting at Sirius as he salsa danced her away from him. Remus smiled at the irishman and took a gulp from his drink, his hand still holding Robyn's,

"How's your day been then, birthday boy?" Robyn nudged him with her side and he looked down at her,

"It was good." he nodded, the alcohol he had drunk flushing his cheeks and glazing his eyes, "Better now though." he smirked and Robyn reached up to tap his nose,

"Keep it in your trousers, Lupin." she winked and he chuckled softly. The sound of the door opening made everyone look over to see Rory and Arabella returning. Their reappearance made the joyful chatter stop abruptly as everyone stared open-mouthed at the pair of them. They both frowned in confusion as Robyn's glass slipped out of her hand and landed on the ground. Her eyes landed directly on Arabella's smudged lipstick and the red smears all over Rory's mouth. Arabella looked at Robyn quizzically before turning to Rory and dropping her own jaw. She shakily gestured to his mouth and a laugh could be heard across the room as Nathan came to his senses. He ran over to the pair and conjured a mirror, wrapping his arm around Rory's shoulder and showing him his own face,

"You've got a bit-" he giggled and Rory's eyes widened as he furiously tried to wipe the remnants of Arabella's red lipstick off his lips.

"This party just got very interesting." 

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