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leng ting n dat

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"Hi, guys." Robyn smiled as she sat down on the sofa next to Rory and cuddled into his side. Arabella stared over from her armchair and Rory turned so they could share a wide-eyed look. Rory then poked Robyn's head and the girl frowned as she swatted at his hand, "What on earth are you doing?"

"It's really her." Rory breathed, "Robyn is voluntarily spending time with us, Ara." the boy brought his hands to his mouth and Arabella gasped,

"Us? Not her popular band of pranksters? Little, irrelevant us?"

"Oh, do shut up." Robyn rolled her eyes and her friends began to laugh, Rory pulling her into him and kissing her head,

"Awh, I missed you Roro." he mumbled as he rested his cheek on the top of her head and the girl smiled,

"I missed you guys too." she looked up at Ara who fanned her eyes jokily. "I'm sorry I've been so distant."

"Don't worry, Ro." Ara smirked, "If I was granted an opportunity to spend time with Sirius Black, James Potter and Remus Lupin then I would most definitely take it." a devilish grin spread on Arabella's face as she moved to sit on the sofa, leaning very close to her friend, "So tell me," she began eagerly and Robyn untangled herself from Rory's grip, leaning against his side instead, "Are they really as attractive as everyone says?"

"You've seen them all before, Ara." Robyn pulled a face and heard Rory snort behind her,

"Yes, Robyn." Arabella said exasperatedly, "But you have been up close and personal." The girl raised her eyebrows and stared at her friend expectantly. Robyn sighed in defeat,

"Yes, they're all very attractive." she mumbled and Arabella leant back,


"They're teenage boys, Ara, not celebrities." Rory said somewhat coldly and Robyn felt a pang in her heart for him,

"Very sexy boys, Rory." Arabella corrected with a smirk.

"Speaking of." Robyn muttered as a thought drifted into her head,

'What are the Marauders doing in the Hufflepuff Common Room?'

'They're here to see their new band member no doubt.'

'Robyn is so lucky.'

"What do you mean?" Arabella's head whipped around as she followed Robyn's line of sight. "OH MY LORD THEY'RE HERE!" Arabella whisper-shouted and proceeded to fall of the sofa,

"Arabella, bloody get up." Robyn spoke through her teeth as the Marauders noticed her and started making their way over, "Ara, they're coming! Get off the floor, you swine!" Robyn grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her back onto the sofa just in time.

"Birdie! What a pleasant surprise!" Sirius chirped, a smirk on his face as he sat on the armchair Arabella had previously been seated in, pulling Eloise onto his lap.

"You're in my Common Room, Pads." Robyn raised an eyebrow, "Just admit you're obsessed with me." she flicked her hair and, as the Marauders laughed, Rory and Ara looked at their 'cool' friend as though they didn't know who she was.

"Not going to introduce us, Birdie?" Remus asked as he leant against the mantlepiece and James and Peter sat down on the floor.

"Oh, sorry." Robyn smiled and ignored Rory and Arabella's loud thoughts, "This is my friend Rory Nelson."

'Birdie? They have a nickname for her? And she is acting so...popular. I love it. Robyn is the coolest person in the world. I'm so proud of my lil' baby-'

"And this is Arabella Hazelton-Gore."

'DID SHE JUST SASS SIRIUS FUCKING BLACK?! I have never been prouder to call her my best friend. Oh shit, you can hear me...in that case: I HAVE NEVER BEEN PROUDER TO CALL YOU MY BEST FRIEND!'

"Rory and Ara, this is Remus Lupin, Eloise Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Though I'm sure you knew that already."

"Charmed, I'm sure." Arabella smirked as Rory saluted,


"Well, it's certainly nice to finally put the faces to names." Eloise smiled warmly,

"Birdie doesn't shut up about you two." James teased and Robyn leant forward to smack his head. Arabella and Rory both started making exaggerated cooing sounds and Rory cuddled and kissed Robyn whilst Arabella pretended to wipe a tear,

"Awh, Roro! Aren't you just the sweetest little thing." Arabella smirked evilly and Rory pulled Robyn even tighter into his chest, stroking her hair,

"Bless your little cotton socks! She loves us, Ara, I knew it!"

"Oh, bugger off, you insufferable cows." Robyn giggled as she tried to escape Rory's grasp and failed miserably. Rory tightened his grip and Robyn's laughter deepened. Thoughts began to enter her mind and she listened closely to each one.

'She's so different with her Hufflepuff friends, that's so cute.'

'Looks like Birdie isn't as tough as we thought...Interesting.'

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say Robyn and that Rory bloke were together.'

'This Common Room is so close to the kitchens I could just- no...well? No one would notice...okay, I'm going. TRIFLE HERE I COME!'

'That cannot be platonic. Why is she laughing so much? He's literally choking her. And he's not the only one who wears cardigans...his are just more colourful and...cooler.'

The last thought got Robyn thinking slightly. She wasn't going to be naive and say the usual 'I wonder why Remus is acting so strange' because she wasn't only telepathic, she also wasn't stupid. What was confusing Robyn was why it gave her pleasure to see him getting jealous. It was a horrible thing to do, but Robyn couldn't help but snuggle that little bit closer into Rory's side once a conversation was struck up. She didn't stop him when he pressed a kiss to her head. She wanted a reaction. And boy, did she get one:

'They're definitely a thing. Oh, for fuck's sake Remus, of course she's going out with him. She's beautiful and he's beautiful. He has years of friendship over you. You were stupid to have thought she was available in the first place. Absolute idio- oh no. Oh FUCK! Robyn is looking at me very closely. Too closely. Fuck she can hear me! Fuck! Shit! Bollocking bugger balls! She fucking knows.'

It was then that Robyn pulled out of Remus' mind, sending him an apologetic look but that didn't seem to help. The tall boy stood up properly and turned to leave,

"Rem? Where are you going?" Eloise asked and all attention turned to him. The boy faltered, panicking. But then he noticed that there was someone missing,

"I'm going to find Peter." he answered before all but running out of the Common Room.

"That was odd." Sirius commented and Robyn stood from the sofa, muttering a small,

"Excuse me." Before running out after Remus.

"That was even odder."

"Hardly, they're obviously going to-"

"Shut up, Sirius, you horrible boy."

"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking, love."

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now