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"Remus!" Robyn ran down the corridor, breathing heavily as she tried desperately to catch up to the boy, despite him not even running

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"Remus!" Robyn ran down the corridor, breathing heavily as she tried desperately to catch up to the boy, despite him not even running. Robyn sighed as she internally wished there wasn't a foot height difference but she shook her head as she sped up, "Remus, wait!" Robyn shouted even louder but the sandy haired boy continued to ignore her, "Wait!" she bellowed again and frowned as she started to get angry. The blonde girl stopped running, stomped her foot on the stone floor and squeezed her eyes shut, "REMUS JOHN LUPIN, STOP RIGHT THERE BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Robyn opened her eyes to see Remus finally stopping in his tracks. He turned around and stared at the girl with wide eyes,

"That was a very good big girl voice, Robyn."

"Don't patronise me, Moonboy."

"Or you'll make me? Is that a threat or a promise?"

"You're acting very blasé for someone who was literally running away from me thirty seconds ago." Robyn smirked as she crossed her arms and Remus chuckled, beginning to make his way towards her,

"I hardly had to run." he raised an eyebrow, "Your little legs can't keep up with me when I walk." the boy teased and Robyn rolled her eyes,

"Doesn't change the fact that you were trying to get away from me." the girl raised her eyebrows and looked at him expectantly,

"Are you going to ask me why or are you just going to dive into my mind and get it over with?" Remus leant against the stone wall, again plastering a smirk on his face but Robyn could see through it, "You don't seem to have a problem with rifling through my thoughts." Remus muttered and his disinterested facade dropped for a few seconds. Robyn sighed and stepped towards the scarred boy,

"Look, I'm sorry I keep reading your thoughts, I really am." she walked closer still and Remus looked up at her, "But it's not my fault you think so loud."

"I what?" Remus pulled a face and Robyn bit her lip as she thought of a way to explain it.

'She's biting her lip. Remus, stop looking at her biting her lip. Remus, stop thinking about her biting her lip. Oh, fuck...hi, Ro.'

"Hi, Rem." Robyn giggled and Remus pinched the bridge of his nose, "This is what I mean!" Robyn threw her hands in the air, "You have a permanent internal monologue. Your thoughts always find their way into my head, even when I'm not trying to listen!"

"Well, I'm not bloody telling them to!" Remus ran a hand through his hair, "And it's not like you tend to avoid my mind. You look at me more intensely than you do anyone else and I know your mind read-y face!"

Robyn blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear,

"I do not." she mumbled and she heard an intake of breath,

"Yes...you do." Remus whispered and Robyn looked up at him sheepishly, "YOU FANCY ME!"

"How delicate." she rolled her eyes but a smile tugged at her lips, "Well, you're one to talk, Mr Jealous of Rory."

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