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Robyn wasn't sure why her legs carried her to Hogsmeade. She also wasn't sure how she managed to get all the way down there without being caught. But there she was, clutching her coat as tightly as she could, approaching the Three Broomsticks. She could hear lots of thoughts, drunken and merry internal monologues from round men with red faces, but the only voice in her head that she listened to was the young boy chastising himself. Robyn closed the door behind her and tried not to listen to Remus' thoughts, but they were too loud to ignore.

'What was I thinking? Of course I don't deserve someone like Robyn. I don't deserve to be fucking happy! I'm an abomination and the most beautiful girl with the sweetest heart is going to be with me? I was such a fucking fool.'

Robyn's chest ached for him but she finally approached the bar where he was sitting, a glass of amber liquid in his hand and his head down.

"Remus," she said quietly and she fiddled with the buttons on her coat. His head snapped up and his jaw slacked. Robyn caught sight of his red-rimmed eyes and was overcome with the smell of alcohol. "Are you drunk?"

"So you're talkin' to me now?" he slurred and Robyn sat down beside him, sighing softly and keeping her eyes cast downwards,

"Let's not have this conversation now."

"Well, when w-will we fuckin' have it then?!" he narrowed his eyes and some people looked over at them. Robyn bit her lip softly and lifted her gaze to his face. He was hurt, that much was obvious, but he was in no state to have a proper conversation with her.

"Later, Remus." Robyn said sternly and he scoffed loudly, taking a slug from his drink,

"Whatever, you go on back to R-Rory then."

"What are you talking about?" Robyn pinched the bridge of her nose and Remus finished his drink, slamming the glass down on the bar,


"I think you've had enough." Robyn muttered and shot him a sharp look. Remus glared at her,

"You can't tell me what to do anymore," he pointed a finger at her and even went so far as to jab it into her chest, "You're not my girlfriend." he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and grabbed the glass that the barmaid had put it front of him, downing it whilst staring Robyn in the eye. She reached for it and tore it from his grip,

"Stop it." she hissed and Remus breathed sharply through his nose,

"What are you doing?" he asked, leaning towards her,


"Why are you here, talking to me? You broke up with me, for whatever reason." he shook his head and wobbled on his chair, pointing a finger in Robyn's face again, "Y'know what I think, lovebird?" he spat and Robyn recoiled, hating the way he made the nickname sound, "I think you broke up with me for a different reason than that full moon. I think there someone else." he was getting louder and Robyn's lips parted, she felt a lump in her throat and hoped she wouldn't start to cry, "Is that it?" Remus got right in her face so she could see the heartbreak in his eyes, "It's Rory isn't it? You were fucking him behind my back."

Robyn gasped. Her eyes brimmed with tears and Remus leant back, regret filling his features as Robyn leapt from her chair and ran out of the tavern. She tried to muffle her cries behind her hand but it was too much and she sat down on the nearest bench, cradling her head, her sobs filling the night air around her. It took her a while to calm down but she finally lifted her head, breathing deeply and shivering slightly in the cold. She heard footsteps behind her and was preparing to see Remus stumbling over to her, it was only when the thoughts drifted into her mind that she realised it was someone else. Two men ambled over to her, obviously drunk, with leering grins on their faces. She sunk down on the bench as they stood in front of her, licking their lips and thinking hideous thoughts.

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now