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"You don't have to go, Red! You could stay at home with me and paint all day and eat scones and I could make you recite your times tables once a week and-"

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"You don't have to go, Red! You could stay at home with me and paint all day and eat scones and I could make you recite your times tables once a week and-"

"Times tables? She has to go to school, Tim." Lucy smiled softly at her niece and gave her a hug, "I'll look after him."

"I've already hidden all of the sharp scissors." Robyn whispered and felt her aunt chuckle under her breath.

"But I need to use scissors sometimes, Red." Tim protested, trying to stand up straight and look grown up (a hard feat whilst wearing a bright pink, knitted jumper with a teal 'T' on from one of Lucy's friends called Molly...Timothy chose the colour scheme).

"I left the zig-zag scissors in an easily-accessible place, Dad. Don't worry." Robyn reassured him, a grin on her face despite the anxiety she was feeling about leaving her family.

"Oh, good." Tim looked relieved and turned to his sister, "Want to do some arts and crafts today, Luce?"

"I have to save people's lives, Tim." she said regrettably and Robyn giggled behind her hand, picking up her trunk and looking for a certain head of sandy-brown hair across the platform.

"But surely you have time to make one pipe cleaner friend?" Tim pouted,

"Why don't you make me one and send it to me in time for when I arrive at Hogwarts." Robyn offered and her dad positively beamed,

"A marvellous idea, Red!" he pulled her into his chest and squeezed her tight, "I'm still going to miss you though." he mumbled and Robyn swallowed, trying not to cry as she held her dad tightly,

"Me too."

"You're going to be late, darling." Lucy said and father and daughter separated. Robyn smiled once more at her family, thankful that their thoughts were fear-filled about the upcoming war like hers. She didn't want their lives to be plagued with worry because of something that they couldn't control. That's why she hadn't told anyone about her being in the Order - it was something no one could control or change but her.

"See you soon." she waved and began walking away, her heavy heart making it difficult to take those steps towards the train,

"I'll send you a pipe cleaner buddy for each one of your friends, Roro!" Tim bellowed, waving maniacally and Robyn giggled,

"Can't wait." she called back and turned around, trying to keep the smile on her face, something that was made much easier as soon as she heard footsteps approaching,

"It'll be Summer before you know it." Rory nudged her side with her hip, knowing exactly what her frown was about and Robyn sniffed,

"Yeah," she muttered and linked arms with her friend, feeling better just from one smile from her best friend,

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