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the gif is so quick it's giving me anxiety

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the gif is so quick it's giving me anxiety

but its so cute so it stays 

Robyn was rather enjoying being a girlfriend. She spent her evenings and weekends in the Marauder's Dorm, lounging on Remus' bed with her boyfriend's arms secured around her. She had gotten so used to the warmth and chocolate smell that accompanied Remus' hugs that he had given her some of his jumpers to do his job when he couldn't but it was no match for the real thing. The only time that Remus' embrace wasn't comforting was once a month when Robyn sat by his bed in the hospital wing, clutching his hand and staying awake until he woke up - just to make sure he was ok. Robyn knew that he had survived over 150 full moons in his lifetime (156 to be exact) but as she sat beside him, her eyes roaming over his pale skin, littered with cuts and scars, she couldn't help but pray that he would be alright. As soon as he did wake up though, and his eyes landed on Robyn next to him, the white walls of the Hospital Wing reflecting off her pale hair and making her look like an angel, he couldn't help but smile at her. So, after a night of pain and suffering, he was able to wake up to her stroking his face which made it all worthwhile for him. Robyn didn't realise that Remus had opened his eyes and continued to trace her fingers over the scars littering his arm, yawning softly. Remus twitched his fingers to stroke her hand and Robyn's head snapped up,

"You're awake." she whispered and audibly sighed with relief. Her lips spread into a grin and she reached forward to brush his hair out of his eyes, "How are you feeling?" she asked softly and Remus smiled,

"Bit sore but I'm okay." he lifted his shoulder in a shrug and Robyn nodded, pulling her arm back and stifling another yawn, "Are you tired?" Remus frowned and checked his watch, "It's 3 am! Why are you still awake?"

"I always stay awake until I know you're alright." she said gently and Remus noticed her drooping eyelids. He sighed and took a hold of her hand, pulling her to lay down beside him,

"Go to sleep." he whispered as he fastened one arm around her waist, the other going to play with her hair. Robyn nestled her cheek into his chest and held him tightly,

"Night, my moonboy." she said drowsily, her voice coated with sleep,

"Night, my lovebird." he responded and heard her giggle ever so quietly, "Sweet dreams."


"Well well well! Lookie what we have here!"

"Shh, Sirius. You're going to wake them."

"Good! They're dirty, the pair of them. And in the Hospital Wing of all places!"

"I know for a fact that you and Eloise have done it in the Hospital Wing." Robyn opened her eyes and sat up, smirking at the dark-haired boy, "And not just because I can read your mind, Remus told me he heard it." she giggled and Eloise covered her face with her hands and Sirius threw his head back with a laugh,

"That was a good night." he smirked and threw his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders,

"Shut up, already! That's my sister." James looked at Sirius with a disgusted expression but the boy merely winked at him. Eloise uncovered her face and smiled at Remus and Robyn cuddled up on the bed,

"Is he still asleep?" she cooed at the peaceful-looking Remus and Robyn turned to look down at him, his face completely relaxed and his lips parted, soft snuffles coming out. "That is the cutest snore I have ever heard Moony do." Eloise commented and Sirius scoffed,

"He definitely does not sound like that normally." he let out his usual bark of laughter and Remus' eyes fluttered open. He stretched out his long limbs and rubbed his eyes with his fists, his lips pouting as he did so. Robyn's heart warmed as she looked at the adorable sight that was her sleepy boyfriend and she leant down and pressed a kiss to his cheek,

"Morning, Sunshine." she greeted quietly and he smiled up at her,

"Mornin'." he said in a raspy voice and took notice of his other friends in the room, "Breakfast?" he held out his hands like a toddler and James smirked, passing him a plate with a bacon sandwich on. Remus smiled happily and sat up, getting his wand and slicing the sandwich in two, handing one half to Robyn. The couple munched on their breakfast contedly as their friends pulled up chairs, beginning to chat about lessons.

"What do we have first?" James leant against the end of Remus' hospital bed as Sirius sat in a char with Eloise on his lap,

"Transfiguration with Minnie." his sister answered as Robyn fed her a bite of her sandwich, giggling as she had to wipe ketchup off her friend's cheek. ,

"What about you, Birdie? Busy preparing for OWLs?" Sirius smirked and leant back on the back two chair legs, causing Eloise to squeal slightly and hold on tightly to his shoulders.

"I guess." Robyn shrugged and ran a hand through her messy hair, "I just struggle so much with Charms. Ara has tried to teach me but I just can't get the hang of it."

"Moony's good at Charms." James offered and Robyn looked to her boyfriend who nodded in confirmation,

"Yeah, I can tutor you if you want." he smiled and Robyn perked up,

"Oh, yes please! I can handle everything else, it's just that one class. Maybe it's because I get distracted when Flitwick is talking and imagine him as a baby." she said casually and her friends frowned, "He'd be so tiny." she put her thumb and forefinger close together and Remus chuckled,

"I'd be happy to help you, sweetheart." he put a hand on her knee and she beamed at him,

"I reckon we should keep an eye on them during their tutoring sessions." Sirius very audibly whispered to his girlfriend and the couple turned to look at him, "If they're prepared to do it in the Hospital Wing, they'd do it anywhere." he finished and was met with Remus throwing his pillow at him whilst Eloise and James laughed loudly. Robyn smiled as Remus argued with his best friend, her heart warming as she looked at the faint scratches on the Marauders' faces and arms from accompanying Remus the night before.She knew they would do anything to protect their friend and becoming unregistered animagi was just further proof. Robyn met eyes with Eloise and the girls smiled at eachother, the Gyrffindor rollign her eyes and gesturing to her boyfriend who was sticking his tongue out at Remus childishly. Robyn giggled and Remus' hand came to rest on her thigh as he continued to sass Sirius. Robyn sighed contetedly as the Marauder's laughs filled the empty Hospital Wing, she had made some good friends.

robyn n remus specialise in fluff 

cutest relationship DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS


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