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this scene in spiderman has given me SO MANY rem gifs oh my lord

"So how did Sirius like his gift?" Arabella asked from where she was painting her toenails on Rory's bed, reaching over to help her boyfriend who was smudging black nail polish all over his fingers

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"So how did Sirius like his gift?" Arabella asked from where she was painting her toenails on Rory's bed, reaching over to help her boyfriend who was smudging black nail polish all over his fingers.

"Oh, he loved it. He called him Elvendork..." Robyn blew on her freshly purple fingernails and pulled a face at Sirius' strange choice of name for the kitten she and Remus had got for his birthday.

"Of course he did." Ara muttered, "What colour did you want again, Natey?" she turned to the curly-haired boy who was sat cross-legged at her feet, his hands resting on her knees,

"Banana yellow." he grinned and Robyn giggled, shaking her head at Nathan who winked at her. At that moment the door slammed open and the girls jumped, causing pink and yellow nail polish to go all over the floor.

"Oopsie poopsie!" Sirius chimed, skipping into the room and sitting down next to Robyn. Eloise strolled in after him, rolling her eyes at the mess and whipping out her wand to clean the floorboards.

"This is why we knock, darling." she said to Sirius and he swatted his hand at her in a non-commital gesture. He turned to Robyn and rested his face in his hands, his eyes going from her face, down to the nail varnish in her hand and back.

"Do you want me to paint your nails, Pads?" she raised an eyebrow and the boy gasped shrilly,

"Oh my! I mean...should I?" he turned to Eloise who was leaning against the bedpost, a bored look on her face, "Do you think I would suit it, love?" he asked as though he didn't already know the answer,

"I'm pretty sure you can pull anything off. You're Sirius Black." Ara muttered as she concentrated on Nate's now yellow nails.

"Why, thank you, Bella!" Sirius beamed and Elle rolled her eyes, "My answer is yes then, Birdie." Sirius clicked his fingers and held his hand out to Eloise who reluctantly placed a charcoal grey nail polish in his palm, "Lucky thing I brought my own then isn't it." he clapped his hands and hurried off to wash his hands.

"He looked at the map didn't he?" Robyn asked and Eloise gave her a look, "He knew we were painting our nails didn't he?"

"He likes to be involved." Eloise stage-whispered and sat down on the bed next to Robyn just as Sirius returned. He happily flopped onto the floor and gave a hand each to Eloise and Robyn,

"Can you do this hand red, love?" he asked and Eloise smiled to herself, "Then we'll be matching." he grinned and his girlfriend giggled,

"I don't think I'll ever get over how fitting your patronus is, Pup." she patted his head tenderly and began to paint his nails.

"Where's Remus?" Robyn hummed thoughtfully and Sirius smirked,


"What's Remus doing in detention? Shouldn't that be you instead?" Rory asked and Sirius gave him a dirty look over his shoulder,

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now