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Robyn was sat in Nathan's dorm eating chocolate Hobnobs and talking about boys

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Robyn was sat in Nathan's dorm eating chocolate Hobnobs and talking about boys. She was trying not to drop any crumbs on Nate's bedcovers but he had no such qualms as he munched on happily, making rather a mess for a seventeen year old boy.

"Ro, stop staring at the crumbs on my bed, I like them." he wagged a finger in her face and she looked up at him, smiling softly,

"You like having biscuit crumbs in your bed?"

"Yes, I do," Nate nodded his head and finished off his Hobnob, wiping off his hands and adding more crumbs to his collection, "They exfoliate my skin while I sleep."

"I don't reckon they do, Nate."

"Of course they do." Nate picked up some crumbs and rubbed them on Robyn's arm. She squealed and swatted his arm away, brushing off her arm through laughs. Nathan grinned at her before running a finger over her skin, "Feel how soft that is! Exfoliated." he looked at her triumphantly and she giggled, getting out her wand and clearing any trace of Nathan's favourite biscuit from under his duvet.

"You have nice, clean sheets now, Nate." she told him and he rolled his eyes, "And if you do want to exfoliate I would recommend, and stick with me on this it gets quite confusing, an exfoliator maybe?" she smirked and he gave her a cross-eyed look,

"Exfoliators don't smell like chocolate hobnobs, Birdie." he said as though Robyn had forgotten the most well-known fact in the world, "Not to mention that if I get peckish, I can't scoop some exfoliator off my arm because it will taste of soap." he pulled a face and Robyn sighed,

"I won't ask how many times you've eaten soap."

"Seventeen and a half."

"That seems somewhat impossible."

"I managed it."

"Of course you did, Curly." Robyn ruffled his hair and he playfully tried to bite her. "Are you seeing Evan today?" she asked, leaning back against the bedpost and resting her feet on Nathan's legs.

"I am, in our favourite broom cupboard." he grinned and Robyn raised an eyebrow, "Okay, it's my favourite broom cupboard," Nathan corrected, rolling his eyes, "But Evan likes it because of what it means...you do know what it means don't you?"

"Yes, I know-"


"Thank you for clarifying, Nathan." she patted his knee and he winked at her.

"How about you, Birdie? Are you to rendezvous with Monsieur Lupin ce soir?" he poked her sides and she squirmed away, laughing,

"Oui," she smiled, "I'm meeting him and Elle in the library in- SHIT!"

"You're meeting them in shit?" That sounds unsanitary."

"I'm supposed to be there now!" Robyn leapt up and grabbed her bag from the floor, "Sorry, Nate! I'll see you tonight in the Common Room, yeah?" she pulled him into a hug and he kissed her head,

"Have fun, you cheeky minx." he told her and she smirked at him before hurrying out of the room, shouting a greeting to Ara and Rory when she passed them snuggling on the sofa. She ran to the library and spotted Eloise and Remus on a table, whispering behind their books and sneakily nibbling on a chocolate bar. She approached where they were sat and put down her bag, smiling at them as she took her seat,

"Sorry, I'm late." she said quietly and Remus grinned at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and kissing her in greeting as Eloise waved cheerily, "Nate was exfoliating me with a biscuit."

"Should I be jealous?" Remus raised an eyebrow and Robyn shrugged her shoulders with a small smile,

"He's a smooth man that Mr Kennedy is."

"Has he fed you and deliberately got stuff all over you face so he can lick it off yet?" Eloise asked and Robyn laughed,

"Yes, he has indeed." she shook her head and Eloise giggled at the look on Remus' face,

"I'll be having words." he mumbled with a frown and Robyn smirked, sharing a look with Eloise,

"Next time I want something licking off my face, I'll ask you to do it." she smiled, stroking his hair,

"I should think so." Remus murmured and Eloise cleared her throat,

"Too suggestive of a sentence." she squeezed her eyes shut, "If my charming boyfriend was here..." 

"Speaking of, did you tell Sirius about your pregnancy scare?" Robyn asked. A week earlier Eloise had been feeling unwell and it had been revealed that she was late for her period, as it happened, she just ate one too many peppermint toads and had 'no baby bum in her tum tum' as she so casually put it.

"Absolutely not." Eloise laughed and Robyn frowned,

"Why not?"

"There was no need to," Eloise shrugged, "I'm not pregnant and if I had told him about it, it would either make him nervous to ever have sex again or he'd get a stupid idea and actually want  a child." she ran her hand through her hair and Robyn and Remus nodded slowly, they couldn't fault her logic on that one, both possibilties were equally likely. "Also he doesn't need to be thinking about that at the moment, he's got enough to think about with Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix invitation. We all have." she muttered and Remus sighed,

"We're obviously going to join though." he muttered and Robyn kept her eyes on the table, not contributing ot the conversation.

"Of course we are," Eloise nodded her head, "But it doesn't make the prospect any less daunting."

"I suppose Pads and Prongs are still trying to convince you to recosider?" Remus asked and Eloise rolled her eyes,

"Not so much anymore," she bit her lip and looked out the window, the fear evident in her eyes as she thought about the upcoming war, "I think they've realised that they're not going to stop me."

"I bet they're still terrified for you...I know I am." Remus rested his hand on Robyn's thigh and she closed her eyes, placing her hand on top of his but not looking at him. Remus didn't know that Robyn had been invited to Dumbledore's office after him regarding the Order of  the Phoenix. The headmaster had recommended that she hadn't told anyone because she wouldn't be involved until she was of age and Robyn had agreed, she knew that Remus would hate thinking of her being in any danger. Not that it was going to stop her. Robyn wanted to fight with the Order and she wanted to make a difference. The upcoming war with Voldemort affected her and her muggle family and she was petrified. If she could contribute even slightly in keeping her Dad safe, then that's what she was going to do. Not to mention what a use she would be with her Legilimens ability. For all anyone knew, her ability to hear people's thoughts could save someone's life and she was willing to risk her own life for that distinct possibilty because no one knew what was to happen...especially not at war.

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