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"How does it feel being a child, Robyn Morrow?"

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"How does it feel being a child, Robyn Morrow?"

"If I'm a child, Remus Lupin, then you are a nonce." Robyn smirked at the boy across the table and he shook his head with a laugh,


"You're not a legal adult for another week anyway." Robyn leant her chin on her palm and Remus rolled his eyes,

"But, in a week, I will be seventeen years of age and will be able to legally order alcohol from this very establishment." he gestured to the very busy Three Broomsticks that they were in and brushed some imaginary dust off his shoulder. Robyn giggled,

"Why put so much emphasis on the word legally?" she raised an eyebrow and Remus leant forward, lowering his voice,

"Just because I haven't been allowed to doesn't mean I haven't." he smirked and Robyn dramatically raised a hand to her mouth before rolling her eyes,

"Is your 'rebellious' act supposed to impress me?" she raised her fingers in inverted commas and Remus reared his head back,

"Are you doubting my bad boy-ness, Birdie?"

"Thoroughly." Robyn smiled sweetly and Remus shook his head,

"And when will you learn not to underestimate me." he looked at her intently and Robyn bit her lip as she felt her cheeks heating up,

"When I'm given a reason not to." she hoped she sounded much more confident than she felt.

"That can be arranged." Remus looked very pleased with himself and Robyn wanted so desperately to wipe the smirk of his face so, she did the only thing she could think of, she dived into his mind.

'Fuck, I hope I sound more confident than I feel. Come on, Remus, it's not that hard. Just lean in, and kiss her. But what if she doesn't want to...that's sexual harassment...we don't want that. But what if she does want to? Well, if she wants to so much then maybe she should make the first move. Why does it always have to be the men that initiate these things?'

Robyn held back a smile at how secretly nervous he was and decided she should try to alleviate it a bit. She stood from her seat and slid into the booth next to him, hoping to God that her cheeks weren't bright red from the close proximity. She looked up at Remus and smiled, not needing to read his thoughts to see that he knew exactly what was about to happen. She moved upwards and closed her eyes, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. She went to pull away but felt a hand cup her cheek and Remus returned the kiss, his other hand going to rest on her waist. Robyn's heart began to flutter as she moved closer, reaching forward to grab his soft jumper in her fist. After a while they seperated, both pink in the face and smiling.

"You were in my head weren't you?" Remus whispered with a smirk and Robyn scoffed, resting her head on his chest,

"Thought I ought to shut you up." she muttered and felt his chuckle reverberate through her. She heard a noise outside and lifted her head, looking out the window to see a black dog, a brown stag and a white rabbit stood awfully close to the glass. "Are they-"

"Nope! I see nothing! Kiss me." Remus interrupted her and pulled her back into him, pressing their lips together once more. Robyn smiled into the kiss but didn't make any moves to stop it. Talking to their nosy friends could wait.


Robyn practically floated back to her Common Room. She and Remus parted ways at the staircase with another sweet kiss and both walked away with dreamy smiles on their faces at their perfect first date. The feeling Robyn felt was euphoric and nothing like she had ever experienced before. Her heart fluttered every time she thought of Remus' dimples and butterflies swarmed her stomach whenever she thought back to the kiss. The girl didn't even register that she had reached her Common Room and she closed her eyes, holding her hands to her chest and swaying on the spot. She was drowning in the feeling of Remus. He was like a drug that she never wanted to stop taking. Robyn knew that she was getting slightly ahead of herself. They had been on one date but she just couldn't stop the sunshine that flowed through her veins. She was an optimistic girl. Her mind was painted with flashing visions of her and Remus, hugging, kissing, dancing; always smiling. She hummed the little Hufflepuff tune as she tapped it on the barrel and skipped into the Common Room, immediately attracting the attention of Arabella and Rory who were sat on the sofa.

"I think the date went well." Rory commented as Robyn made her way over, trailing her fingers over the plants she passed, still humming a tune. She sat on the sofa and laid down, her head landing in Rory's lap and her legs in Ara's, her eyes fluttering closed. A smile graced her pretty face and her cheeks were blossoming with a rosy delight.

"I know that look!" Arabella put down her magazine and a grin spread across her face, "He kissed you."

"Actually," Robyn's voice was melodic and laced with happiness, "I kissed him." she opened her eyes and smiled at her blonde friend. Arabella's mouth dropped open with glee,

"AHHH! How was it!" she pulled Robyn up to sitting position with her hands and kept a hold of them, an identical ecstatic look on both of the girls' faces,

"Oh, it was heavenly, Ara!" Robyn could literally not have looked any happier, "I heard him thinking about kissing me so I just did it and, I tell you, the feeling of liking someone and knowing that they like you just as much is the best feeling in the whole world!" she flopped back down onto Rory's lap and looked up at her other friend. The delighted look on her face finally faltered when she saw his worried expression, "What is it?" she sat up properly and faced him. Rory sighed and reached out to hold her hand,

"I'm happy you're happy, Ro but..." he trailed off and ran a hand over his face. Robyn frowned as she shared a look with Ara,

"But what, Rory?" she began to get scared, Rory was usually delighted for whenever she was, it was unusual for him to be so downcast,

"I'm worried you're going to get hurt, Robyn." he looked his friend in the eye and Robyn tilted her head,

"Because of Remus?"

"I just-" he sighed again, "You're so loving, Robyn. I know how easily you get swept up in things but I also know how much love can hurt." his chocolate brown eyes flickered to Arabella and Robyn's eyes softened.

"Remus isn't going to hurt me, Rory." she offered him a reassuring smile, "I love that you worry about me but this is Remus," she laughed and Rory cracked a smile at the sound, "he's about as soft as they come." her heart warmed at the thought of her sweater-wearing werewolf and Rory's face relaxed as he squeezed her hand,

"I know Remus won't hurt you, Ro." he smiled warmly at her, "Because then I'd add some more scars to his collection." his playful aura was back and Robyn smacked his chest with the hand that he wasn't holding,

"I love his scars."

"You'd love to run your tongue over them."

"Ara!" Robyn whipped her head around to gawp at her best friend. Arabella had a wicked smile on her face as Rory chuckled and reached out to high five her,

"I don't need to be a legilimens to figure that one out, Roro." she winked and Robyn shook her head, giggling softly,

"Oh, I so want to!" she covered her face with her hands and her friends' laughter deepened. As Robyn blushed behind her hands, she didn't notice the fact that, whilst Rory held her hand in his lap, the fingers on his other hand were intertwined with Arabella's on the back of the sofa, and as he stroked her palm with his thumb - it didn't seem particularly platonic.

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