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i want to see fireflies irl sooo badd

i want to see fireflies irl sooo badd

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Remus hadn't spoken to Robyn all day. Evening had come and she was going to speak to him at dinner, hoping that he would hear out her apology. She walked into the Great Hall and headed straight to the Gryffindor Table - in doing so she didn't notice that neither Ara or Rory were at the Hufflepuff Table. As she got closer and closer to where the Marauders sat, she noticed that out of her 5 friends, only Peter was there.

"Hey, Pete." she sat down beside him and he smiled at her, "Have you seen Remus?" she asked and Peter nodded as he finished his mouthful of mashed potato,

"Yeah, I'll take you to him." he stood up and began walking out of the hall. Robyn frowned slightly before getting up and running after him,

"Is he angry at me? Are you sure he wants to see me?" she asked as she walked beside him but Peter didn't respond, he merely smiled knowingly and pointed to the corner of the hallway where Eloise and Sirius were chatting. "What-" Robyn turned to Peter and he placed something on her head. She lifted her hand to feel it and registered leaves and petals. She was about to ask Peter what it was but he had already started walking away, "How strange." she muttered. She hadn't even been able to hear any of his thoughts...had he found a way of blocking her out? Robyn shrugged and walked over to Sirius and Eloise, "Hi guys, I'm looking for-"

"Follow us." Sirius grinned and linked arms with the small girl, Eloise doing the same on her other side,

"How did you- am I missing something here?" She looked back and forth between the couple but they were wearing the same smiles as Peter as they kept their eyes ahead. Robyn decided not to question it as the three of them reached the doors to the courtyard. "Remus is outside? It's almost curfew what is he-"

"Over there." Eloise lifted a finger to point over to the fountain where Rory was sitting. Robyn looked at Eloise very confusedly and the girl giggled as she twirled her wand and Robyn's uniform was replaced with a beautiful white dress with a silk robe on top. Robyn felt the material flow over her fingers and her eyes widened.

"When the fuck did you learn that?" she asked and Eloise said nothing again. Robyn rolled her eyes and Sirius patted her cheek as Eloise squeezed her in a hug,

"Go." Eloise pushed her towards Rory and Robyn sighed, shaking her head as she walked over to the fountain, the silk robe she was wearing dragging along the stone floor.

"Are you mute as well?" she asked her friend as she approached and he leapt up, scooping her up bridal style and beginning to stride over the grounds, "Rory...Rory! What the fuck is going on?" she clutched to him as he walked over the uneven grass. She gave up with the questioning and admired the sunset, watching the blue turn to pink and purple as the sun dipped below the mountains. She suddenly felt herself being put down and Rory beamed at her, handing her a single white rose. He gestured with his head over to the Beech Tree and Robyn noticed James and Arabella stood underneath it. Robyn frowned at the pair of them being together but concluded that it probably wasn't the strangest thing about that night. She gave her friend a look before making her way over to them, hoping that big-mouthed James would tell her what was going on. Ara and James straightened up as soon as she reached them and they both took out their wands. Robyn stood with a hand on her hip, "Do you two fancy filling me in?" she asked and the pair of them simultaneously smiled at her, "IS EVERYONE ON DRUGS?!" she shouted and noticed James trying to hold back a laugh. Both of them lifted their wands and Robyn's eyes widened. James began transfiguring leaves into blankets and twigs into candles whilst Arabella charmed coloured fireflies to flutters around and sprinkled rose petals around. "Are you having an affair?"

"It's not for them, lovebird." Remus stepped out from behind the tree and Robyn stumbled backwards. Arabella and James walked away as soon as Remus appeared, laughing amongst themselves at the look on Robyn's face,

"Remus! I came to find you, to apologise. That's why I followed everyone. I'm not really sure why they gave me flowers and dresses - not that it isn't appreciated, it's a very pretty dress but-"

"They did it because I asked them to." Remus smirked and Robyn frowned,

"You did?"

"I had to do something for your birthday so I asked everyone to help make the evening extra special." he gestured around and Robyn finally had a chance to admire Arabella and James' work. An exquisite dinner was laid out on a white blanket surrounded by coloured lights and flowers. The fireflies' light reflected in Remus' honey coloured eyes and Robyn's jaw dropped slightly,

"You did this for me?"

"Well, it was Elle's idea to have dinner together and it was Sirius' idea to confuse you by none of them saying anything." he chuckled and Robyn rolled her eyes slightly, of course it was, "I got James and Ara to do the Charms and Transfiguration aspects because they're the best at it...evidently." he gestured around to the beautiful setting and Robyn's eyes sparkled as she looked at her boyfriend. Remus smiled and took her hand, pulling her to sit down on the blanket with him,

"It's perfect." she said breathlessly and Remus audibly sighed in relief,

"Good, I spent all day planning it." he rubbed the back of his neck and Robyn smiled up at him,

"I thought you were avoiding me because you were angry." she said honestly and Remus bit his lip,

"I was hurt at first because I thought you didn't want to celebrate our birthday with me but then I realised that you probably just didn't want to make a big deal about it...which I obviously could not do because you're too special for that." he stroked her hand with his thumb and Robyn felt her cheeks heat up. Remus had gone through all of this effort just to make her birthday perfect. Nobody had ever done anything like that for her before, probably because nobody had cared about her like Remus did. She felt special. She felt like she mattered to someone - to Remus - and it was the best feeling in the world.


Robyn's evening had indeed been perfect. The food was amazing and the company was even better. The couple had spent hours chatting and laughing, learning everything there was to know about one another, Remus was adamant to never miss a special day in Robyn's life again. The night ended with a stroll across the grounds, their joined hands swinging between them as their smiles as bright as the moon. They tiptoed into the castle, Remus' hand covering Robyn's mouth because she couldn't stop giggling. The giggling only got worse when they came across two people in a heated snogging session in a secluded corridor. Robyn almost fainted when she heard footsteps approaching them but it wasn't a teacher, it was Lily Evans.

"Hi, Rem." she smiled wearily and turned to Robyn, "Happy belated birthday, Robyn. I hope you had a wonderful day." she touched her on the arm and Robyn beamed at her. "I see you've noticed that wonderful sight." she pointed to the two people still making out and Robyn noted a slight bitterness in her tone. "I would split them up but I don't want to look Potter in the face right now."

"That's James?!" Remus' eyes widened and Robyn's jaw dropped as the redhead nodded with a curled lip. James was in love with Lily, who the hell was he kissing so passionately. It was only when James' head moved that the girl's face became visible. Robyn's mouth opened even further and she heard Remus breath in sharply. Her veins filled with dread as the girl's long blonde hair fell over James' shoulder, her perfectly manicured nails clutching at his shirt. Robyn wasn't sure why Arabella was kissing James. But she was sure that it would break poor Rory's heart, and she had no idea what she was going to do.

pLoT tWiSt

did you guys see that coming?

pls say no n let me believe i actually surprised you w something pleeaasseee

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