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awh elle is so pretty i wuv her

awh elle is so pretty i wuv her

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it's a longun'

Robyn smiled softly and tears blurred her vision of Nathan's unbelievably scrambled handwriting as she read the letter he had sent her from Ireland. Madame Pomfrey had brought him back to full health and he had returned home to spend a few weeks with his dad, receiving therapy and sending daily letters to Robyn telling her how much he missed her. The small girl still got nightmares every night. Everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was the devastating sight of one of her best friends sitting on the floor of the blood-soaked bathroom. The only thing that allowed her to have a full night sleep was sleeping next to Remus. That's why Robyn stayed in his bed every night just like Eloise and Lily with Sirius and James. Unless Robyn could feel a strong arm wrapped around her stomach and her nose was filled with the intoxicating smell of chocolate and woodsmoke, she would be awake all night. It almost scared her the effect Remus had on her. She was terrified to ever be without him and as a muggleborn in an upcoming war, that wasn't a wonderful thing to live with.

Robyn carefully folded Nate's letter and reached over to grab Remus' quill from his bedside table so she could write a reply. Everyone else was at lessons but Robyn was given the day off after falling asleep in Transfiguration and obviously one of the Marauders skived off to keep her company. Despite Remus' insistent arguing, this time it was Eloise who got to spend the day with 'Birdie' and Moony was not happy whatsoever and had to be dragged by James and Sirius to lessons. Robyn finished signing her name on the parchment just as Eloise returned with snacks from the kitchen and threw them onto Remus' bed with a grin before sitting down opposite her friend.

"Viola!" she said in her perfect French accent, "Le dinner is served!" she offered Robyn a crumpet in a very over the top way and Robyn gasped, wiping the tears from her cheeks,

"Oh, how you spoil me, my darling." she fluttered her eyelashes and Eloise smirked,

"Only the best for my ladee." she continued in her french tone and Robyn giggled,

"I love it when you do your champignon voice." she bit into her fluffy crumpet and did a little happy dance that rustled Remus' duvet.

"I love it when Sirius does his champignon voice." Eloise sighed dreamily and Robyn snorted, flicking her arm softly,

"You're so in love with each other it's sickening," she said good-naturedly and Eloise rolled her eyes,

"We are not."

"You've been together twice as long as me and Rem and thrice as long as James and Lily but you two are the only ones still in the honeymoon phase."

"That's bollocks!" Eloise protested and Robyn raised an eyebrow sceptically, "Okay, but that's only because you and Moony act like old people and Lily still doesn't really like James."

"We don't act like old people!" Robyn breathed a laugh, "Just because we don't have to be touching 24/7 or plait each other's hair or paint each other's nails!"

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