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"Remember your manners, Red."

"Yes, Dad."

"Eat up all of your dindins, it's impolite not to."

"Of course, Dad."

"Don't be alarmed if his parents leave you to your own devices, apparently normal people do that sometimes."

"What? Privacy?"

"Something like that."

"How odd."

"I know." Tim nodded his head thoughtfully but soon smiled and pressed a kiss to his daughter's head, "You'd better get going then, my girl." he cupped her face tenderly and Robyn felt bad that she was leaving him for a week. She was also racked with nerves at the prospect of meeting Remus' parents. It had been almost a month since Remus had stayed with Robyn and Tim and the girl was almost certain that her introduction to the Lupin's wouldn't be as seamless as Remus' to her dad, simply because Remus was loved by all adults and Robyn was almost always overlooked by them. Remus had told her that his parents would love her, and his thoughts told her the same thing but she couldn't shake off the terrified feeling in the pit of her stomach that made her feel constantly ill. Robyn said a final goodbye to her dad and walked over to where Remus was waiting with her luggage. He smiled at her as she approached and held out his arm for her to hold on to.

"If you're going to be sick, direct it away from mum's petunias." he advised her and she gulped as Remus spun on the spot. Robyn had one last glimpse of her father and her little seaside cottage before the group under her feet was swept away for those few antagonising seconds before it was replaced rather forcefully. Her knees buckled and Remus gripped her waist to keep her upright. She pressed a hand to her stomach but managed to withhold a certain dignity and she stood up straight and managed a smile.

"What a lovely experience." she muttered and Remus chuckled before taking her hand and walking up a garden path that Robyn had only just noticed. Her eyes roamed the house and, she had to admit, it was so...Remus-y. It was a small detached house with a thatched roof and slightly greying brick but that wasn't really noticeable due to the thousands of colourful flowers decorating the exteriors. There were more types of plants that Robyn could name and she had a job looking at them all before they reached the front door and Remus slotted in his key. The lock made a hollow clunking sound as the key in Remus' hand turned and the door creaked loudly as it was pushed open. Robyn was slightly creeped out until she was greeted with the intoxicating smell of baking and she laid her eyes on the adorable decor of the house. She walked into the living room and smiled at the many pictures on the mantelpiece, showing a little boy with sandy, brown hair and rosy cheeks smiling toothily at the camera. Some photos moved in the frames, showing an infant Remus reading a book to his mum and playing catch with his dad, and others were still. Robyn walked closer to the photos and was about to ask about them when a loud gasp sounded from where the living room turned into the kitchen.

"Lyall! Lyall, there here!" a woman shouted and Robyn turned to face her. Hope Lupin was a small woman, with thin limbs and long, brown hair. She had a pretty face, with the same warm brown eyes as Remus and a pink glow to her cheeks that showed off dimples when she smiled, again, the same as her son. "Oh, Remus, we missed you!" the woman embraced her son and Robyn could hear a muffled conversation exchanged between the two. She couldn't hear what they were saying but she could hear something else:

'Oh, she's the prettiest little thing I've ever seen. She looks quite nervous, bless her. And look at those eyes, amazing! Oh, my Remmy has done so well.'

Robyn wasn't trying to listen to Hope's thoughts but they were rather loud and, considering the woman was a muggle, there were no Occlumency barriers that blocked Robyn from listening. Remus finally pulled away from his mother and turned to his girlfriend, gesturing for her to come over,

"Mum, this is Robyn." he rested a comforting hand on the small of her back and she smiled, trying not to let her nerves show on her face,

"It's lovely to meet you."

"And you, darling! Remus had told us so much about you!" Hope gushed and Robyn felt strangely at ease in front of the motherly figure. The closest thing to a mother she had in her life was her Aunt Lucy but with the only visits being once or twice a month, Robyn couldn't help wondering what her life would've been like with a mother like Hope.


Robyn sat on the sofa with Remus as Hope and Lyall occupied the armchairs opposite. Lyall was a kind looking man, with dark hair littered with grey and a tanned face with more smile lines than any other wrinkles.

"I'd love to hear more about your interesting Legilimens ability, Robyn." he smiled and Robyn perked up slightly. Most adults were wary of how easily Robyn could hear their deepest thoughts and desires but Lyall seemed calm and genuinely interested and Robyn launched into an explanation. Remus held her hand at her side and couldn't help the pride he felt at how easily Robyn was handling himself in front of his parents. Neither had said anything to him directly but he could tell they loved her, he would be more surprised if they didn't because he couldn't think of why anyone could not love Robyn Morrow.

After a delicious meal made by Hope, Remus showed Robyn around his house and garden, telling her little details like how the scorch mark on the trunk of the Oak Tree was due to a three-year-old Remus stealing his father's wand and having a slight malfunction. The couple reached a worn down shed at the end of the garden and Remus faltered, his face visibly paling.

"And this is the Lupin version of the Shrieking Shack." he tried to sound lighthearted but Robyn could hear the strain in her voice. Remus pushed open the delapidated door and Robyn caught sight of shackles and chain nailed to the walls that were covered in deep scratches. She felt her heart ache as she stood in the tiny shed that had held a young and inevitably terrified Remus once a month for seven years. Robyn hadn't noticed she was crying until Remus pulled her into a hug and rocked her gently, shushing her, "Dont cry for me, Little Lovebird." he whispered and kissed the top of her head, "I'll manage."

It was then that Robyn realised something. She gasped softly and pulled away from Remus' chest so she could see his pained expression,

"It's tomorrow night isn't it?" she asked and Remus' eyes widened,

"Oh, shit."

"Don't pretend you didn't know, you always know when it is." Robyn frowned but upon an inspection of his mind, she realised he had actually forgotten,

"I was so wrapped up with you coming to stay, it slipped my mind." he covered his face with his hands but Robyn pulled at them and held them in hers,

"It might be better if I'm here, I can-"

"You can stay inside." Remus interrupted in a tone that didn't provide room for any argument and Robyn reluctantly nodded, assuring him that she'd be waiting in his room for him the next morning.

In fact, exactly 24 hours later, Robyn wasn't curled up in Remus' bed like he had hoped, she was tiptoeing across the grass in her nightdress and one of Remus' jumpers. She reached the shed and tried to open the door but it was locked, of course. She could hear the sound of the beast growling within, accompanied by a scratching of claws against wood and, occasionally, claws against flesh followed by a painful howl. Thankfully, Robyn knew her boyfriend exceedingly well and in a matter of minutes she had located the key hooked over a tiny branch of the Oak tree. She walked into the shed, holding her breath and already severely regretting what she had decided to do. Two yellow eyes stared at her as she stepped through the door and she gulped, turning away from Moony to shut the door of the shed. A loud clank of the chains alerted her to his movement and she quickly ducked, shaking with terror and waiting for the feeling of teeth sinking into her skin, but it didn't come. She slowly turned and saw Moony with his head lowered, sniffing her cautiously. She daren't move and simply stared at the wolf. It was insane to her that her Remus was behind the matted fur and petrifying fangs but as she looked into the now calmer brown eyes of the creature, she saw him. Moony stopped sniffing her and lolopped back over to the corner of the shed, still staring at Robyn intently. The fear had numbed Robyn and she found herself approaching him. Five minutes later there were two figures curled on the wooden floor of the shack. Moony's deep breathing ruffled Robyn's hair as she cuddled into his fur. She lay on top of his back with a smile on her face. She had just tamed a fucking werewolf - Remus could never tell her what to do again.

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now