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Robyn was in an unbelievably awful mood

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Robyn was in an unbelievably awful mood. Absolutely nothing in her day had gone well. To begin with: Arabella overslept so they were late to breakfast and there were no strawberries left, then Robyn realised that she hadn't brushed her hair and had to throw it into a very messy ponytail. In lessons: her potion exploded in her face and she got something slimy in her eye, the tortoise she was supposed to be turning into a teacup walked off the desk and died - this made her cry, she was too busy thinking about how she murdered a tortoise to focus in DADA and got shouted at by the strange, french lady - this also made her cry. At lunch, a boy called Billy managed to throw a pea into her ear, she stubbed her toe and swore in front of her Head of House in Herbology and, to top it all off, she heard someone thinking about how ugly she looked when she walked into the Great Hall for dinner - this was another thing that made her cry and she ran into the bathrooms to do so in private, thus missing dinner which happened to be her favourite. So, when Robyn was walking from the bathroom back to Hufflepuff Common Rooms and a certain distasteful thought floating into her mind she decided that instead of ignoring it (like she usually would have) she would destroy at the person who had the nerve to think such a thing.

The small blonde stormed over to a pair of Seventh Year, ready to shout in their faces, when they started talking.

"He's trying to recruit werewolves now." one of them, a Ravenclaw, said, looking far too suspicious for Robyn's liking and she decided to hide behind a pillar.

"Why would he do that?! Beasts are not going to be any help to wizards, vile creatures." the other, a Slytherin, pulled a face, "All they can do is go around killing people once a month, what are they going to do for the rest of the time? Play fetch with themselves and sniff each other's arses?" the Slytherin scoffed and the boy in blue robes laughed heartily,

"Useless creatures. If I were minister I'd have them all killed."

"No, I'd put them in a glass cage and watch them tear themselves apart every full moon until all that's left is a few shreds."

Both boys guffawed loudly and Robyn's face heated up. Fueled by anger, she marched over to the boys, her hands clenched into fists and her back straight as she tried to seem as big and intimidating as possible.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"What are you talking about, Mudblood?" the Ravenclaw pulled a sour face as if he'd smelt something horrid and looked down on the Hufflepuff. Robyn cringed slightly at the name but puffed out her chest,

"You two priveledged arseholes are standing here tottering on about werewolves as though you have a single idea what they have to go through!" she poked the boy in front of her harshly in the chest and his eyes filled with fury,

"Don't touch me, you filthy, little-"

"Go on! Call me a slur about my blood status! That's all you can think of because you've never needed to think have you? You have everything handed to you on a silver platter as if you're special but, really, you're just two bumbling fools with heads so big you can't see what's happening around you!" Robyn's chest heaved as she stepped closer to the Seventh Years, "You put others down so you can feel better about yourself because you've never had to face anything worse than a broken nail! Werewolves have to go through a transformation into a different creature every month! And not by choice, they were forced into it because the world is cruel!"

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