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right so out of all of my books no one asked for this one to be updated but i am not peer pressured so you get what i give you...i will update the others though, i promise

Robyn jovially skipped down the cobbled, snow-covered street of Hogsmeade

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Robyn jovially skipped down the cobbled, snow-covered street of Hogsmeade. Her smile was bright as she pulled Arabella down the line of shops by her mitten-clad hand. She pressed her face against every shop window she passed, giggling at the displays and pointing each one out excitedly to her friend.

"Why are you so giddy?" Ara asked as Robyn watched someone hiccoughing magnificently after swallowing a sweet in Zonko's Joke Shop.

"What do you mean?" Robny replied, not able to tear her gaze away from the store and her lips spreading into an enormous grin,

"You're just extremely...lively." Arabella gave the girl a strange look as she pulled away from the window and began humming a tune under her breath, smiling at passers-by and dancing slightly on the spot. Robyn grinned at her friend and gestured to the lights strung around the shopfronts and the twinkling trees,

"It's Christmas, Ara!" she giggled, "What's not to be excited about?"

Arabella pulled a face,

"It's not even December yet."

"Then why is everything so Christmassy?" Robyn crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow challengingly,

"Marketing." Arabella said flatly and Robyn sighed loudly,

"Whatever, the bitch who stole Christmas-"

"It's the Grinch."

"I know what I said." Robyn narrowed her eyes as Arabella gasped loudly, "And I am going to go and flamboyantly throw tinsel around during an interpretive dance about how elves are under-appreciated whilst you stand here with a pout on your face that makes you look like a Placidochromis Phenochilus Mdoka." Robyn finished and Arabella looked at her blankly, "It's a type of fish." the small girl clarified and Ara put a hand to her chest as her mouth dropped open,

"How rude."

"Ta ta." Robyn lifted her hand in a wave as she walked away with her nose in the air. She heard hurried footsteps and soon enough Arabella was stood in front of her, blocking her path with her finger out in front of her,

"You do not get to walk away," she pursed her lips, "I get to walk away." with that she spun around so her blonde waves hit Robyn's cheek and she sashayed down the street.

Robyn rolled her eyes with a smile and turned to find a shop that sold tinsel when something caught her eye. Rory was walking out of the Three Broomsticks, checking over his shoulder and just looking very suspicious. Robyn frowned and made her way towards him but before she got to the boy, she heard Arabella's voice,

I don't want to look like a loner walking around by myself so I came back," she followed Robyn's gaze to Rory who was sitting on a bench with a relieved look on his face, "What happened to his date?" she asked and Robyn shook her head with a shrug,

"No clue." she replied and Arabella stayed completely silent, staring at Robyn until she turned to face her, "What?" she asked and Arabella blinked slowly,

"Well, find out then, you moron!" she whisper-shouted, pointing at their friend and Robyn made an 'oh' sound,

"No need to be so mean about it." she mumbled before focusing on Rory and tuning out everything around her.

'I cannot be in that place with Ruby anymore-'

"What's he thinking?"


'-since I like Ara. Everything would be so much easier if she just liked me back-'

"What's he thinking now?"

"Be quiet, Ara."

'-could be me and her in there.'

Robyn pulled herself out of Rory's mind and used the lack of Arabella talking to come up with a valid reason that Rory wasn't on his date because she certainly couldn't tell her the truth.

"So?" Ara asked expectantly and Robyn turned to her,

"He...she...she smelled of eggs." she spluttered and held her breath as Arabella stared at her,

"That's disgusting."

Robyn sighed in relief and turned away from Arabella, looking at the bench where Rory was sat...but he was gone. Robyn frowned and looked around for the sight of a tall, Arabella-loving, cardigan wearing boy. "Eggs? That's honestly vile." Arabella was still talking as Robyn searched her surroundings for Rory. "I mean of all things to smell of-"

"Who smelled of what?" a deep voice interrupted Arabella and Robyn whipped around.

"Rory!" Arabella smiled sympathetically and placed a hand on his arm, "We heard what happened with your date." she said and Rory raised his eyebrows, turning to Robyn who was smiling as innocently as she could,

"Is that so?" he asked still looking expectantly at Robyn,

"Yes, and we're very sorry. Me especially." Arabella continued and Rory feigned interest,

"Why you especially, Ara?" he asked through gritted teeth, not that Arabella noticed, and Robyn began to feel like she was burning under his fierce gaze,

"Well, I, for one, despise the smell of eggs and, hence, feel horrible that you had to experience that." she pouted patted Rory's arm.

"Eggs." Rory repeated slowly, finally turning to face Arabella, who nodded gravely,

"Don't get mad, but Robyn read your mind and heard that Ruby smelled of eggs which is just-" she stopped speaking to take a deep breath and Rory raised an eyebrow at Robyn, "just awful." Arabella finished.

"Well..." Rory cleared his throat and nodded, "It was...It was pretty bad, yeah." he nodded, biting his lip and Arabella tutted so softly,

"Oh, you poor thing." she cooed and ran a hand over his hair, "But not to worry," she smiled and squeezed his cheek, "You can just come around with us, now. I need someone normal to balance out Robyn's Christmas-induced madness." the blonde linked arms with both Rory and Robyn and began to walk down the road with them,

"It's not even December yet." Rory frowned and Arabella smirked at the same time as Robyn rolled her eyes,

"That's exactly what I said."

"Doesn't mean it's right." Robyn sulked, "It just means you're both equally as stupid."

"Or, equally as smart." Arabella winked at Rory and Robyn scoffed,

"Spell the word onomatopoeia." she was met with silence, "That's what I thought."

"Shut up, Robyn."

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