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"I wish I had a boyfriend that travelled across the country just to see me

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"I wish I had a boyfriend that travelled across the country just to see me."

"The trek from the boys dorms to the girls isn't exactly easy, Ara!" Rory lifted his head from his girlfriend's lap to give her an indignant look and she rolled her eyes at him, flicking his nose.

"How long is he staying for?" Arabella asked Robyn and the small girl smiled,

"He's going back to London tomorrow morning."

"Ooooh! Staying overnight!" Ara and Rory squealed at the same time and Robyn wiggled her eyebrows with a grin,

"You might want to stay in Rory's dorm tonight, Ara my darling."

"And why would that be, Lovebird?" a smug voice sounded from the door and Robyn fell off of her bed.

"Remus, you're early!" Ara pushed Rory off of her and leapt up to give the tall boy a hug,

"How have you been, Bella?" he smiled as he was jumped on by an overexcited Rory screaming something like:


"Good thanks, Rem but I'm sure you'd prefer to chat to the rather beautiful blonde lying on the floor so we'll see you in a bit." Ara winked and grabbed her boyfriend's hand, pulling him off Remus and down the stairs.


"Yes, my love?"

"Will you be getting off the floor anytime soon?"

"I found Ara's secret stash of Honeydukes chocolate so probably not."

"In that case, I'll join you." Remus laid down next to his girlfriend and she grinned, putting a piece of chocolate in his mouth and nestling her cheek into his chest as his arm went back to its usual position around her waist.

"Hello, Moonboy." she looked up at him and he pressed a kiss to her lips,

"Hello, Lovebird. I missed you."

"I missed you t- what the fuck is that?" Robyn sat up abruptly, her eyes wide and Remus frowned in confusion,

"What?" he followed her line of sight to a particularly nasty gash protruding from his shirt collar. "Surely you should be used to seeing me with cuts by now, Ro."

"That's not a normal cut, Remus." Robyn said seriously, her fingers gently feeling the red skin around it, "And it's not one of your own because I got you that serum specifically to heal them so don't even try lying to me." she looked into his eyes and could tell straight away that something wasn't right. "There's something you haven't told me isn't there?"

"Robyn...I didn't want to worry you."

"I'm finding out right now." Robyn said decisively and Remus sighed as she looked into his mind - something that was getting harder and harder the more Remus learned about Occlumency.

I Already Know | Remus Lupin | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now