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i keep making the chapters in this book so long i'm so sorry

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i keep making the chapters in this book so long i'm so sorry.

Robyn collapsed into the centre of her golden coloured bed, smiling with her cheek against the soft covers. She giggled before rolling around, small enough that she didn't fall off the sides, and proceeded to starfish so she was fully stretched out.

"Are you quite finished?" Arabella asked from where she was unpacking her many, many clothes into her wardrobe, something the other two girls in the dorm: Julia Marine and Eve Peake, had already done before going back down to the Common Room.

"I missed my bed, Ara, let me relish." Robyn smiled at her friend who rolled her eyes before using her wand to levitate five dresses out of her trunk that were all the same except for the fact that they were slightly different shades of blue. "How many clothes do you have?" Robyn sat up and shook her head, her eyes widening when she heard Arabella thinking about the Undetectable Extension Charm she put on her trunk, Charms being the girls strong suit.

"Not nearly enough, darling." Arabella frowned, running her fingers over a red maxi skirt before hanging it up. "Anywho!" the girl soon beamed as she skipped over to Robyn's bed and sat down, "What are your plans for tonight, Ro?" she asked with a way too large smile for it to be deemed innocent. Robyn rolled her eyes and picked up a book, waving it in Ara's face,

"Why you pretend to have nothing in mind is beyond me, Ara." Robyn smirked at her friend before dramatically waving her arms around and placing a finger on each of Arabella's temples, "You, my dear, wish for me to accompany you to an inevitably rowdy party in Gryffindor Tower because you want to see Sirius Black again." Robyn spoke in a floaty fortune teller voice and Arabella tutted, swatting her hands away.

"You let me have no fun." she pouted, "But yes, you are correct." she beamed once more and flounced over to Robyn's trunk, rifling through her clothes. Robyn sighed as Arabella 'oohed' and pulled out a pretty, pale green dress. "This is nice! Where did you get this from, Ro?"

"You got it for me for Christmas, Ara." Robyn deadpanned and Arabella stuck out her tongue, "Also, I'm not going to the party."

"WHAT!?" Arabella dropped the dress and Robyn smirked at her dramatics,

"Well, I'm tired. All I want to do is curl up with a book and a cup of tea, make a chocolate biscuit if I'm feeling really reckless." the girl joked, something Arabella didn't catch on to.

"Robyn Eliza Morrow, you really are a sad, sad excuse for a teenage girl."


"I'm sorry, my sweet, but you'd rather read a book then party with the Gryffindors!?" Arabella threw her hands in the air and looked at her friend as though she had just committed a heinous crime, "The Gryffindors for Helga's sake, Robyn! If anyone knows how to throw a welcoming party it's them!"

"Aren't you tired of parties, Ara." Robyn wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, getting comfortable, "You went to tens of lavish balls with your family over the summer." Robyn knew that this statement was utter rubbish but said it anyway, hoping to get a detailed description of one of the balls so they'd be late for the party. Arabella's family was incredibly wealthy and pureblood, though they lacked the pureblooded views, much like the Potters, and simply wanted their two daughters to be betrothed to people they loved...preferably without criminal records or addictions of any sort but that was about as picky as they got.

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