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Robyn was trying really hard to focus on the song she was hearing rather than the panicked thoughts of her two best friends but they were making it very difficult

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Robyn was trying really hard to focus on the song she was hearing rather than the panicked thoughts of her two best friends but they were making it very difficult.

'Fuck Robyn is going to hate me! She's going to think the dynamic is going to be off because two people out of our three are a 'thing' but it's going to be exactly the same...yeah, exactly the same. She basically set us up anyway, leaving us so often to go and hang out with the marauders, she practically played Cupid by making us spend so much time alone together. So, she shouldn't really be surprised.'

Robyn shook her head as she danced with Remus, looking into his chocolate brown pools and smiling, trying not to look at Arabella sitting on the sofa behind him, gnawing on her lip. Robyn let Remus twirl her around and closed her eyes, laughing,

'She knew I was in love with her. what was she expecting? I'm not going to say no when ARABELLA HAZELTON-GORE stares at me with her beautiful blue eyes, of course I'm going to kiss her. But Robyn doesn't care that we kissed, she cares that we didn't tell her. Shit shit shit, she's going to think we don't trust her but of course we trust her, we just didn't want to steal her thunder because she seemed so happy about Remus. If we told her she would spend all her time gushing about us and she needs to focus on herself more.'

Robyn sighed slightly and the music slowed down. She felt Remus pulled on her hand so she moved closer to him, his hands going to her hips and hers being placed on his shoulders. Robyn placed her cheek on Remus' chest and listened to his melodic breaths. She didn't want Rory and Ara to think that she was angry with them but it was Remus' day. She wanted to focus on him at least until his birthday ended, especially since all he wanted to do was send time with her, always making sure she was by his side even when he was talking to his other friends. Robyn's heart warmed at the fact that Remus wanted to be with her during his whole party and decided that she was going to talk to Rory and Arabella as soon as they left the Room of Requirement. Robyn opened her eyes and smiled up at Remus, seeing that he was already staring down at her,

"You look gorgeous." he said quietly and tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Robyn's cheeks flushed pink and she smiled widely,

"Thank you." she whispered, "I thought I'd make an effort for the new 'adult' Remus."

"You're beautiful no matter how much of an effort you put in." Remus' eyes sparkled and Robyn felt her heart skip a beat, "I think you are the most stunning girl I have ever laid my eyes on." he tenderly traced the freckles on the bridge of her nose with his fingers, "You're like this perfect doll and I feel like if I'm not careful I'm going to break you." Remus' voice got serious and Robyn's smile faltered. "Like if I take one wrong step, you'll fall out of my hands and shatter on the floor and I won't be able to pick up the pieces that I broke." Remus' eyes latched onto a scar on his arm and he took his hand off Robyn's face, looking down to his feet.

"Remus," Robyn started but he didn't lift his head. The girl placed a hand on his cheek and stood underneath him so he was forced to look at her, "You're not going to break me." she reassured softly and the boy scoffed,

"I'm a monster, Ro. All you have to do is come near me on a full moon and it would take seconds for me to rip you to shreds." Remus winced at the image and Robyn's heart cracked at the sadness in his face,

"Then I won't go near you on a full moon." she joked but Remus' frown only deepened, "I really like you, Remus. I think you're sweet and funny and surprisingly hot for someone so warm-hearted." she smiled and the corner of Remus' mouth twitched, "You can't help who you are but I know you'd never hurt me. I trust you, Remus. I want to be with you." Robyn's voice was entirely serious and Remus' eyes widened slightly,

"Really?" he whispered softly and Robyn nodded, her lips spreading into a smile,

"Now would be the time that you tell me you want to be with me too." she raised and eyebrow and Remus grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up, spinning around. Robyn giggled and gripped his shoulders tightly, her hair flowing out behind her. Once Remus stopped and put her on the ground, he leant down and kissed her lips softly, lifting one hand to cup her cheek,

"Be my girlfriend." he whispered as he pulled away, their foreheads still touching. Robyn grinned and pressed another kiss to his lips,

"I thought you'd never ask."


"Will you two stop staring at me like children who have just been caught stealing cookies?" Robyn turned to smile at her friends, sat in Ara's bed beside her and Rory and Arabella visibly relaxed at Robyn's happy expression, "I'm not upset that you kissed! I'm happy if anything. You two would make a great couple."

"Really?" Arabella perked up and Robyn nodded eagerly,

"Not that we're a couple." Rory pointed out but his eyes were shining, "We're just seeing how things go." he shrugged as though he couldn't care less but Robyn knew he was elated, having waited for Ara to reciprocate his feelings for months if not years.

"Ooh, this is so exciting! I have a boyfriend, you two are potentially together." she flopped back onto her bed, giggling softly with her hands on her cheeks, "Love is in the air!" she sang and turned her head to beam at her best friends, "You're not allowed to ditch me to snog though! I will not be abandoned!" she pointed a finger at the pair and they laughed,

"Don't worry, Ro." Arabella got up and walked over to sit on her friend's bed, Rory following after her, "We will always be the Hufflepuff Three." Ara wrapped her arm around Robyn's shoulders once she had sat up and Rory did the same on her other side,

"I love you guys." she smiled and they rested their heads on one another's, "Lupin's cute but he can't beat my Rory and Bella." she whispered, happiness lacing her voice,

"And I will forever prefer you to Rory." Arabella replied and the boy gasped loudly but soon shrugged,

"To be fair, Ro's my favourite too."


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