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it's our first eloise gif awhhh, dats my bub right there 

"Are you sure you don't want to borrow one of my dresses?" Arabella raised an eyebrow at her best friend who was rifling through her wardrobe like someone on the verge of a nervous breakdown

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"Are you sure you don't want to borrow one of my dresses?" Arabella raised an eyebrow at her best friend who was rifling through her wardrobe like someone on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Ara, I would love nothing more to wear one of your countless fabulous dresses." Robyn turned around and ran a hand through her hair, "The only problem is that you are a beautifully tall girl with endlessly long legs and I have a shocking likeness to a mushroom."

"Oh, do bugger off." Arabella rolled her eyes and got up from her bed, not-so-delicately pushing Robyn out of the way and having a peek at all of her friend's clothes. "Just because you're small does not mean you're not absolutely gorgeous." Ara reached to pick out a pair of dark blue trousers, "These are nice! Now if you pair these with one of my tops you'll look like someone off the cover of Vogue, darling." Arabella smiled at her small friend and patted her on the head before walking over to her own wardrobe,

"One of your tops?" Robyn asked unsurely and Ara nodded, grabbing a black shirt,

"Yes. And before you say something about it being too big," Arabella turned around and gestured to Robyn's torso, "You have great boobs for a small bitch."

"Charming." Robyn scoffed and caught the outfit that Ara threw at her,

"Now go and put this on whilst I think long and hard about makeup."

Robyn rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom, swapping her panda pyjamas for the chic clothes Arabella had picked out for her. Robyn looked at herself in the mirror and raised her eyebrows, Ara had done rather well. The small girl returned to the dorm and Arabella clapped her hands together with a grin before shoving Robyn to sit down on her bed and attacking her face with hundreds of brushes.

"Is this really necessary?" Robyn pulled a face as Arabella rubbed something pink and creamy onto her cheeks, "It is far too early to wear this amount of shit on my face."

"Shh, I know what I'm doing, you pleb." Ara scowled and reached for something that Robny thought looked scarily like a torture device - it was an eyelash curler. After what seemed like an incredible amount of time, Arabella pulled back from Robyn's face and beamed. "Amazing." she whispered and rushed to get a mirror. Robyn looked at herself and her eyes widened. Her skin looked perfectly clear with a pretty blush on her cheeks and a pink gloss on her lips, her eyes popped with the help of some mascara and some faint liner.

"Wow, Ara! Thank you!" Robyn breathed and Ara swatted at her,

"It's nothing, now go brush your hair and put on your shoes, you have to meet Remus in 15 minutes!"

"Oh, bugger."


"Arabella, are you not going to introduce me to your new friend?"

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