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My doorbell rang and I paused my Tv show as I walked to open it. So far it's a few days into the quick break between the races and Mick hasn't been able to visit yet. I came back to my Geneva home, just in case he was in town and wanted to stop by. 

I opened the door and was engulfed in a hug. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled Mick inside the house. Peace. I guess that's the perfect word to describe the feeling inside. 

"I missed you more than you can ever imagine," Mick whispered before kissing me softly. He finally stepped back to look at me and confusion appeared. "You look sick...are you okay?" 

"Come sit," I whispered as Mick became more nervous and worried. "I'm sick Mick. The kind of sick, you don't get to recover from." 

Mick gripped onto my hand tightly while I could see him fighting back tears. I had to stay strong for him, now. For everyone at this point. 

"I went to the doctor a few days ago and it turns out I was misdiagnosed at the hospital I was at. I have an inoperable brain tumor, which was too small to detect back during the accident." I continued to explain. 

"You're dying?" Mick whispered and I nodded. 

There was a silence between us before Mick started crying. My heart broke for him and especially at the moment I hated myself for hurting him. All I could do was give him a hug and let him do whatever he needs to do or let out. 

"Is there not any surgery you could try?" he asked after a few minutes. 

I looked into his pink-tinted eyes. "There is and if I survived, I would be able to live a normal life, but there is a big chance I could die." 

"I know I can't ask you to risk your life like this, but would you consider" Mick whispered. 

I wiped tears from Mick's cheeks before kissing him on the forehead. He laid down with his head on my lap while wrapping his arms around my waist. Twirling my fingers around his blond hair, I felt both of us began to relax slowly. 

At some point, we both fell asleep on the couch and stayed that way for who knows how long. To be honest, the crick in my neck and back was worth it even if it was only for a little bit. 


"Please don't go." 

My whisper was drowned out by the airplane engines while I watched from the car as my jet took Mick to his next race. He was only able to spend the night before being shipped off to the next race. I was now left with the looming realization that, I might have just seen Mick Schumacher for the last time. Forever. 

See, the same night I called my doctor and decided to have the surgery asap. Lucky for me there was a spot cleared for tomorrow, and she advised it was better to do it sooner than later, so I agreed. 

I had to yell at Lewis to stay in the race. He was not going to forfeit all he's worked for just for me. I can't have that on my conscious. As for the other drivers, I don't really get to say goodbye in person.

Well, it's not really goodbye, but more of a just in case type of thing. Since I wouldn't get to see them in person, I left letters. Lando, Lewis, Max, Daniel, Carlos, and Charles, the people I was closest to in my life. 

"What should we do today?" Nico asked suddenly as he drove back to my house. 

"Ask me all question you have wanted to ask and don't hold back." 

Nico smirked. "Did you ever have a crush on me?" 



I chuckled softly. "C'mon Nico, you were my brother's best friend. You were always around and what not. Nothing like a real crush or anything, but it was funny." I explained.

"Alrighty then...have you ever kissed one of the other drivers?" 


"Made out?" he questioned. 


"Had sex!?!" he exclaimed and I looked him dead in the eyes. 


Nico's mouth opened and closed but no words came out while I was dying of laughter. This is pretty much a secret that I've kept from everyone but Mick. Which, explained why he doesn't really spend time with Lando...

"Do I dare ask who?" Nico replied. 

"Lando Norris. Abu Dhabi last year after the race and we left half way toward the club." I explained as Nico turned into the long  driveway. 

My home was built in the middle of a forest so there were trees surrounding everything. Hidden away from everyone, it was the perfect sanctuarary to stay in. 

"On the more personal side, who is going to get your house, money, and other assets if you were to not make it through surgery?" Nico asked. 

"Mick get's 1/4 of my money and my Monaco home. Lewis gets 1/4 of my money and my Paris house. Elio becomes lead designer the company. and then there's you..." I trailed off. 

The blond looked over at me when he parked outside. Wordlessly, I motion for Nico to follow me inside the my house and I gave him his letter. He began to read it out loud. 

"Dear Britney, of all the people who have came into my life, you have to be the person I'm closest to. From when I was a teen to now,  you have always been there for me and I hope I have always been there for you, when you most needed me. With that being said, I've decided to give you....." Nico got choked up as he read the next line. "give you half of my fortune, CEO of the company, the Geneva home, and my shares of the Mercedes F1 team." 

"As awesome as all of the things are, I rather you be alive than for me to have all this." Nico sniffed. 

"Yeah and I want to keep all this stuff too." I joked back. 

Nico wrapped me in a tight hug. "Then promise me you'll fight." 

"I promise." 

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