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"What the hell are you doing here!" Nico exclaimed as he saw the drivers entering the hospital lobby at the same time as him. 

"Max had to bright idea to drive after we finished and visit for a little." Lewis explained. 

Nico smiled slightly and led the group to Stella's hospital room. Despite the solem feeling, they all couldn't help, but crack a smile at the scene before them. Mick was asleep in Stella's hospital be, holding her hand. 

Lewis walked for to the bed and grabbed her the other hand. "Hey sis! It's me, you big brother Lewis. Lando, Charles, Max, Daniel, and Carlos decided to come along before our race.  We can only stay for a few minutes due to Covid, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you and hope you wake up." 

Lewis could've swore he felt her hand squeeze his slightly, but he kept that to himself. They only stayed for a little longer before they head back to the circuit. They came to Zurich not knowing what to expect, and left with more worry than ever before. 

And so the countdown began. Two Weeks. 

The first week came and went, still no sign of Stella waking up. Nico began to become more nervous as the Sunday before week two came. Mick came and went whenever he could along with Lewis who wasn't able to come as often as he wished. 

Week two rolled around and Nico sat Mick down for a talk. Mick knew of Stella's choice and as much as he wanted to override it, there was no way he could do that. He just wasn't ready to give up on Stella yet. 

Finally, Saturday came quickly and Monday would be the day where they would turn off life support. Nico sat beside her bed thinking about her brother who was in Russia, too far to reach his sister in time and he lost it. He couldn't do it. 

Nico overrode Stella's wishes and kept her on life support. She was able to breathe on her own, but other than that still not responsive. The doctors took her off the ventilator and kept monitoring her. 

Week Five. It was five days before the German Grand Prix. If Lewis won the race he would have equaled Michael Schumacher's record for wins. Stella still hasn't woken and Nico was starting to go a bit crazy. It was wearing him down and everyone around him could see it, but no one would dare question his motives. 

Lewis tried talking with Nico, but they just ended up getting into another heated argument which is how most of the conversations went nowadays. Without Stella bringing them together, they both reverted back to their old habits. 

Aside from them, Mick has been pretty quiet on the situation with Stella. Reporters constantly hounded him about his girlfriend and he, again and again, deflects the inquiries. He's been through so much already, he's just gone into autopilot at this point. 

Many people forgot about the main part of Stella's life, Hollywood. Back in the U.S news about her was going crazy as she was known by many there as well. Elio was left dealing with that part while also traveling between Paris, London, and Zurich. 

All in all, everyone was completely worn out from everything and in someway just wanted their closure. Even Nico was starting to lose hope, so with one last attempt he had and heart to heart with Stella. 

"That's it, Stella. You're not dead, I know you're not dead! You are stronger than this! After everything you've gone through, a brain tumor is not the way you are going out. You need to snap out of it and wake up, take a breath of air with your own two lungs, and get out of bed!" he yelled. 

He stared at Stella while breathing heavily willing everything for her to give any sign of life. He let out a frustrated yell and started walking out of the room when he heard a noise. The most beautiful noise he had to hear in a long time. 

Laughter. It started out quietly and slowly grew louder till there was full hysterical laughter. Nico turned around to see Stella laughing with tears rolling down her face. 

"You're the best Nico!" she chuckled as he ran over to her bedside. 

"You're not dead! You're not dead!" he jumped up and down before hugging Stella. 

"Dead? I just need a bit to get out of my head, but here I am new and improved," she replied. 

Nico let out a heavy sigh before slumping down in the chair beside the bed. They both just laughed, letting out the stress of the past few weeks flow out of their systems. 

Soon the doctors came in did an assessment on Stella and turns out she healed perfectly and the recovery process minus her no being able to wake up when fine. She would be free to leave in two days if all went well. 

"So, it's been two weeks since my surgery?" Stella asked and Nico huffed. 

"Five weeks." 

Stella paused. "You didn't pull my life support? Even after I directed you to do so after two weeks?" 

Nico hung his head. "Stella, I've already gotten this speech from Mick and Lewis. I wasn't ready to give up on you and I knew you were stronger than this." 

She grabbed Nico's hand. "Which is why I gave you the responsibility. You would do what was right in the end and I thank you for that." 

Nico smiled down at the girl. Only nineteen years old, but with the experiences of a lifetime behind her she was truly a fighter. From running away from home, building the biggest Fashion label, to working with a Government, and dealing with the crazy world of F1 and everything the drivers have put her through she really was special. All the pain and anxiety everyone around her went through was all worth it just to see her laugh again. 

Stella Hamilton was back. 

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