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"I want to go raceeee!" Lewis whined and the drivers nodded in agreement. 

So, I had some of the drivers over for New Years', right before we went into lockdown so...after Melbourne, I shipped all of them back to my house in Paris. It was absolute hell living with all of them. By May and June, the news with Sebastian grew, I was remodeling my company, along with making new Mercedes Uniforms.

To get try and change up our lives a bit, I started my youtube channel back up again with the drivers, and they got their own feature episodes. For example, I taught them all how to sew a button in case one fell off their suit or stitch up a whole, especially for Lando who always seems to be getting into some trouble. 

At the moment, I was on a phone call with Jean Todt trying to see what the heck was going on. 

"How much longer are we thinking? I have team bosses nipping at me to send the drivers back to training, but flights aren't allowed at the moment and to fly them out I have to use some of my Government connections?" I asked. 

I heard a heavy sigh. "It's mid-may, we are announcing our return to racing tomorrow, which will be the Austrian Grand Prix on July 3-5. Do what you want with that information," he replied before we hung up. 

"Daniel, Lando, Charles, Lewis, Max, Mick, Carlos, Alex, and George!" I called and all the drivers came running from different locations from inside my house. 

"I have managed to fly you in and out from time to time, but now all of you are going home for good, to get back to racing. I have had enough of the gaming and testosterone, and now want to be left alone." I explained causing the drive to chuckle with me. 

"You want me to leave?" Mick smirked. 

"No, but you have training as well Mon Ange." 

The drivers all smirked at our friendly banter and Mick who blushed slightly at my new name for him. 

"Sorry Mick, I'm going to have to steal my sister away from you for a bit, while getting back into training."

"Oh really?" I questioned not knowing of Lewis's plans either. 

"I need her back in F1 and not F2," he stated causing me to give him a look. "See, she made me a promise. I hope you won't get in the way of us." 

It was dead silent as Mick and Lewis had a staredown between each other. A few weeks ago, Lewis voiced his concern about Mick and me. Something about not trusting him, not being good enough for his little sister. 

Nico Rosberg shared some of the reservations around Mick, but at least he trusted me to make the decision of who I would date on my own. I think the pregnancy scare really messed with Lewis and the way MIck reacted stuck with him and if I'm being honest it stuck with me as well. 

"Lewis..." I whispered.

"Sister, I'm just making sure that he won't drive another wedge between us," Lewis replied with an edge to his voice. 

"I'm not trying to get in the middle of you guys." Mick snapped. 

"Hey!" I hissed as I stood between the two drivers. "If you two must know, I'm headed back to England anyway because I'm doing the final fittings for your uniforms." 

Lewis and Mick both let out heavy sighs, before stopping away to their own separate chairs. Fine! if they want to sulk, that is their decision. I am at my last straw with having all these drivers cooped up in my home. 

Of course, some of the younger started a streaming frenzy throughout the F1 world and everyone decided to join in. Each room they stayed in, had everything they could ever want, never mind my WiFi bill going up with all of them on at the same time. 

It's hard to re-brand a company while dealing with them. Honestly, I could rant about it for days, months, years even, but I am thankful that we are all healthy and safe. Which is what truly matters at the end of the day. Oh, and the laundry!!! You'd think they turned me into their personal maid. Ok, I'm done now. 

"You seem stressed." Mick pointed out and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. 

"Stressed you say? STRESSED? I'm calm! I'm happy! I'm not tired of cooking, cleaning, waiting on hand and foot for some of the neediest people in the whole world. How hard would it be, for you to get off your asses, stop streaming, and do your own fucking laundry or make your own food!" I yelled. "I honestly feel for your futures wives. Except, Charles who is one of my favorite drivers right now, because he helped me every day with breakfast, lunch, and dinner." 

The drivers looked at me wide-eyed as I breathed heavily from letting my rage out. I guess I haven't really had anyone to vent to, so it all just came tumbling out like that 

"You feel for our future wives, huh?" Mick smirked. 

"Mick...I swear on my life, if you say what I think you are, I'll put you on laundry and dishes." I hissed, but his smirk never fell. 

"Well, seeing as you are my future wife, I guess you'll have to feel sorry for yourself," he stated. 

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. 

I got up from the couch slowly and walked upstairs to the laundry room, where there were baskets full of clothes. I picked a few up, walked to the railing, overlooking the living room, and threw the dirty laundry straight at Mick. 

"Stella!" he exclaimed from under some of the clothes. 

"These need to be done before my guest leave, Mr. Schumacher along with the dished which I will assist with." 

"Yes, Mrs. Schumacher," he mumbled before running up to grab the baskets to put the clothes in. 

Before going downstairs, he slipped in a quick kiss causing my aggregation to slowly melt away. I think I could get used to being called Mrs. Schumacher. 

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