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"It's race day!" Mick exclaimed as I opened my eyes peering at him all dressed and ready for breakfast. 

"Mick..." I mumbled and his face dropped quickly when he realized something was wrong. 

"What's wrong, angel?" he whispered. 

"Morning sickness." 

Mick nodded confidently and left the room without another word. About five minutes later,  in walked Lando, George, Alex, Charles, Max, and Daniel with different snacks, blankets, and medicine while Mick talked with Sebastian as they entered the room. 

"What in the world is going on here?" I asked. 

"Angel, I feel really bad because I have to leave you right now, but the guys are going to keep you company," Mick replied. 

I cracked a weak smile. "Thank you, Mick and I love you. Please stay safe and good luck today!" I replied. "Just be extremely careful, I have a bad feeling."

Mick kiss my forehead before whispered a promise to be safe. With a final squeeze of his hand, I let him go do his jobs and the drivers tried to distract me from the God awful morning sickness. As much as I appreciated them, I just wanted to be home warm and cozy with Mick in one of our homes instead of traveling constantly. 

"So, how is fashion and Hollywood?" George inquired. 

I shrugged. "The business is still thriving, even the at-home fashion shows are successful. Of course, I need to get the 2021 designs started and movies, but in till then...relaxing." 

"You're still doing this with a baby on the way?" 

"Awesome," I replied to everyone's surprise. "Yes, I've spent my life growing this business, and they are actually my inspiration for 2021. Elio will be doing the main designing, while I'll be doing custom pieces for clients."

This is something I've mulled over in the past months and decided to stay CEO and lead designer, while also being a mom. Mick would be training and traveling more than ever while I worked and took care of the family. 

"Do you ever think it would be better just to be Mick's husband, a WAG, and leave all this behind. You are married to Mick Schumacher after all, the money will never be an issue if that's what you're worried about." Max stated and I sat up in bed and stared at him, while he sat on the floor. 

The other drivers stared between us. "No, I would never. You seem to forget, I have built a multi-billion dollar business. While yes Schumacher is my last name and husband is Mick Schumacher, but I built myself up and I'll be damned if I'll become just a WAG." I snapped back at him. 

Max surrendered to the amusement of us and we continued talking till it was time for them to leave. I was alone again wishing I had a friend to hang out with me for the times when it got lonely like this. 

Suddenly the door opened and in walked Corinna with the biggest smile on her face. "Hello, honey!" she exclaimed and tears started rolling down my face. 

"Awe, honey I know the hormones are a real pain, and Mick being away does not help anything," she whispered as I got hugged. 

"I really miss him." I whimpered. 

"Well let's watch him then," she replied and put the race on the TV. We cheered as we watched the race, my nerves still getting the best of me. 

Thankfully the race ended in us screaming in joy over Mick's win and just happy he won the Championship. Of course, I started crying again from the overwhelm of feelings and hormones, so Corinna went to go bring Mick back to the hotel so we could watch the race together. 

About an hour later, Mick walked into the room and flopped on the bed next to me. Curling into his side I could still smell the dried sweat causing me to gag. Apparently one of my pregnancy smell aversions is sweat. 

"Mr. Champion you know how proud I am of you, and how much I love you, but you've gotta take a shower or I'm going to be sick." I chuckled. 

"Oh my goodness!" he exclaimed and jumped straight from the bed and into the bathroom to shower. 

Ever since he learned I was pregnant, Mick has been extremely overprotective of me. Like I have not once driven if I'm with him if he has to travel we take my jet and stay in the nicest hotel possible just so I can lounge while he's busy, but he will be nearby. 

Mick even hired a private doctor that comes to whatever home we are in and does all my medical things there. Another goal of this is to keep it a secret from the Hollywood and celebrity media for as long as possible. 

With my large place in Hollywood, word of our marriage was quick to get out, but pregnancy has stayed a secret. 

I loved that Mick cared so much, but sometimes I worry about him. He tries to make everything perfect for me, and while I reassure him I'm fine if I even so much as breathe funny while sleeping he'll wake up straight away. I'll have his Mother talk with him or something. 

Mick came out of the shower in just a pair of grey sweatpants, displaying his chiseled muscles while he wore a goofy grin on his face. Gosh, I have got to be the luckiest person on the planet. And to think we almost didn't work out.

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