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"So, why did you decide on Monaco to rest?" I questioned Mick, once we were on our private plane. 

"I like our Monte Carlo home, it's just a change of pace from our other locations." He replied. "So, what business did you want to talk about?" 

I sighed heavily, "Toto wants me to buy half of his shares, be his other half in business. When he retires, I'll have enough experience to buy his shares and take over for him. Mattia, wants me to move the rest of my F1 funding to Ferrari along with uniform design." 

Mick's mouth flew open, "Stella! This is amazing, but they have to be offering you something once big and there has to be some catch as well." 

"The catch, is I remove funding from every team I have shares in only using it in Ferrari and Mercedes. Some funding will go to Alfa and Williams but the majority will be the two big teams." I explained. "They are offering lifetime contracts for the twins, one for each team." 

"Seriously? They're taking a gamble on children who aren't even born?" 

"Yes, and Mattia is taking a gamble on you. You'll be heading over to Ferrari soon anyways, so this just seals it in stone." I added. 

Mick leaned back in the soft creme-colored seats. He surveyed me with a worried look on his face. 

"What's bothering you?" I whispered. 

He huffed, "If I let you do this...no more business for the rest of your pregnancy. Just take it easy, please. That's my price." 

"Deal, I just have to talk with Lewis, George, and Charles, go over the contacts and press releases, sign stuff, and then I'll be done." 

Mick nodded while opening his arms and allowing me to curly up around him. He held me tightly to him, almost as if he didn't want to let go. A drop of water fell on my wrist and I realized I was crying. 

"Angel...what's wrong?" he whispered. 

"I don't know...you just seem different." I mumbled, "I guess I'm scared for you and our children who are going to have their history set in stone before they're even born." 

"If this is going to cause you to stress, then I don't think you should do it." 

I shook my head, "You deserve to drive for Ferrari, just like your father. I have the chance to give you that, and I'm going to take it. That's the sacrifice I'm making because it's worth it." 

Mick kissed my forehead while smiling down at me. For the rest of the journey, Mick held me in his arms, rubbing my back or belly every once in a while. Mick was my best friend, a partner in crime, and soul mate. Without him, my life would be a lot less exciting than it is now. 

When we landed in Nice, we took a helicopter to Monte Carlo and arrived at our penthouse, overlooking the water where our yacht was parked. Luckily wherever I live has a helicopter pad, so I can covertly leave and enter my homes. 

"Home sweet home," I whispered as we walked into the apartment. 

"I'll order some pizza, and you should go ahead and make those calls," Mick stated. 

"Are you sure? I'll be team principal of the opposing team." 

Mick gave me a boyish grin, "Yes, but you're my wife, which means even when you're with Mercedes you'll secretly be cheering for me." 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I sang as I walked away to the balcony, leaving Mick shocked in the living room. 

I sat looking at the water and people walking through Monte Carlo. It was calming being back in Monaco, yet sad as this was where a year ago Nico blew up part of the now rebuilt design studio. 

"Hey Stella!" a voice called from below. 

I looked down to the street to see Charles, Pierre, Lando, and George walking into the building. They were probably all going to chill in Charles' apartment which is actually two floors below ours. 

"Hey, you guys!" I called back. "Try not to get too drunk, I don't want to have to play nurse again for you guys." 

"No promises." they all called back causing me to roll my eyes playfully. 

"Hey, George?" 


"Can you and Charles come up here for a second?" 

"Sure, see you in a few!" 

Well, there are two birds, one stone. If I'm able to get both of them it would make everything faster with these deals I'm trying to make work. The final person is my dear brother Lewis. He needs to just get with the program or whatever, and then I'll have to start warming him up to the idea of his contracts and salary. 

Then I'll have Nico do an interview with me, to break the news along with statements. Honestly, I'll probably talk with him before I make my final decisions on what happens with the teams. 

"Angel! Pizza is here!" Mick called, wait for it...."STELLA BLUE SCHUMACHER!" 

I scrambled from my seat and rushed over to the foyer where Charles and George were standing awkwardly while Mick was eyeing me. His attitude was going to come and I would be hearing about this for a few days. 

"I just need like five minutes," I whispered before kissing his cheek. 

I led Charles and George to the balcony. They sat across from me on a couch, with semi nervous looks on their faces. 

"Ok, this is a big secret, but I will be buying half of Toto's shares and moving my funding from Haas and others to Ferrari. Toto and I will be in everything half and half. I'm telling this to you two because I'm sure you'll have questions and I want to answer them before this goes public." I explained. 

"So, you'll be a Team Principal for Mercedes?" George inquired and I nodded. "You don't have a problem with me do you, I mean if I'm to ever join Mercedes." 

"Let's be clear, you won't be replacing my brother till he's ready to leave, but I can promise you will drive for Mercedes soon," I replied. 

"Well, that's sounds great!" George exclaimed. 

Charles raised a brow, "And me?" 

"Like I said earlier today, you're doing everything perfectly." 

"What about Mick? Will I be driving with him sometime soon?" 

I nodded, "Earliest would be 2023 most likely." 

We all talked a little bit more till our dinner actually came and the two drivers left. Mick gave me silent treatment as we ate our dinner, before jumping in the shower. I took that time to talk with Nico about the deal, which he approved slightly. 

He was worried about the blowback Mick would receive with my heavy funding, so I arranged to have the money be under his company and we would be meeting about it tomorrow. Till then, I had to try and get back in Mick's good graces. 

"Mickey Mouse," I whispered as I sat next to him on the couch. 

"I'm sorry Angel, I'm just tired, and having people over right after a race isn't my idea of fun," he replied. 

I opened my arms, and Mick laid his head on my stomach allowing me to run my hands through his hair. I felt him relax slowly and soon he was fast asleep. After a few hours of watching TV is was clear, Mick wouldn't be waking back up. 

Slowly transferring his head, to pillows and covering him with a few blankets, I moved to our bedroom. I picked up my laptop and began sending out emails to many different people about the deal and getting it finalized. Tomorrow Nico was going to give me some advice on how to handle Lewis, but for right now sleep is the only thing on the agenda. 

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