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*Themes of mental breakdown and suicidal thoughts*

"What could they possibly want with you?" Maximillian asked. 

"I honestly don't care right now. They are the cause of a lot of problems in my life and I won't have them starting more with my relationship in free fall." I snapped as I walked through headquarters. 

I was fuming. If water were to be poured on me it would change to vapor and evaporate. I'm tired of people meddling and getting in the way.

"You're upset about something else besides Mick," Max stated. 

I paused once I was inside my large corner office. "you know what Max...I am! I'm tired. Tired of holding it together for everyone, for Mick, for Lewis, for myself. I just want to let go." 

Max followed me out the balcony overlooking the courtyard of the building. I gripped the railing hard as thought flew through my head. Tears began flowing down my face, blurring my vision. 

"It's just too much," I whispered. 

"Stella...Stella, you need to listen to me and get away from the ledge." Max ordered. 

I just laughed. "What? You just want to keep your post as Director. If their prized agent dies, you're gone for good." 

Max let out a loud sigh. "No, Stella. I actually don't want you to jump off your balcony because there are people who need you." 

"WHAT IF I NEED SOMEONE!" I roared through my fast hot tears. "What if...for once in my life, I need to lean on someone. There is no one I can go to because I'm always picking up after and fixing everyone in my life!' 

"You're right Stella...you need someone to lean on, but you can't find that person if you jump." 

"The only guarantee in life is death. I would like to cash that guarantee in now." I laughed humorlessly. 

Max looked back as the door swung open and some higher-level agents came. "Get out and get me, Toto Wolff, here and Sebastian Vettel here, I don't care if you have to kidnap them." he snapped and they ran off. 

After a bit of coaxing Max convinced me to sit down on the group with him, but I sat on the ledge of the balcony. This went on for about 45 minutes till Toto and Sebastian came into my office, but froze when they saw me. 

I could see Sebastian calculating something before he ran forward and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Listen, I know full and well you can overpower me, but if you go over I'm going with you," he whispered. "You're going to come home with me Toto for a bit and then to my house. Only people you want will be able to come and see you and everyone else will be turned away." 

"You promise." 

Sebastian looked me in the eye while promising me. I let go of the railing and allowed Sebastian to pull me down. He held me tightly in his arms while I cried into his shoulder. We stayed there for god knows how long just being. 

Finally, I let go and followed Toto back to his car, where he drove to get on a plane back to his home in Switzerland. 

A few weeks passed a winter testing was coming up next week. I talked to Mick once to assure him I was safe but other than that I spent my time between Sebastian's and Toto's home. 

Most of the time I just spent sitting, not speaking, or just drawing new designs. Toto and Sebastian just accepted it and worked with me. It was Sebastian who finally convinced me again to have one of the drivers come to talk to me. 

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