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"Oh, Stella!" I heard Kate whisper over the phone. 

I let out a small sigh, "He's gone." I whispered. 

"Can you get here soon?" She asked. "I'll have a room made or something so you don't have to stay in his house." 

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, but Mick and I have a house in Kensington near where Lewis lived. I do need to speak with Her Majesty about Silverstone. It was always so special for Lewis." I whispered. 

"I'll have a meeting set up when you arrive." She replied. 

"Thank you." 

She paused before continuing, "Alright, I'll get everything ready for your arrival, let's say on Monday after the race. We'll talk then ok. 

"Okay, see you soon." 

We hung up and I sat staring out of my office. I could hear the drivers talking in the sitting room, and I felt for them. This was going to affect the F1 community a lot, and I'm not even sure what to do, except take it one day at a time. 

After sitting in silence for a bit, I got up and walked to the room where the drivers paused their conversations. 

"Don't mind me!" I stated as I moved to grab the phone. "Hi, yes this is Stella Schumacher...of course it's wonderful to hear your voice as well. I would like to order fifteen large pizzas and garlic bread to be delivered....yes of course...thank Marcel, see you soon." I hung up the phone and cracked a small smile. 

"Did you order dinner for us?" Mick inquired. 

"Yes, from our favorite pizza place," I replied causing him to let out a small whoop before raving to everyone about this place I introduced him to. 

About thirty minutes later, the drivers were swarming around the pizza while I sat next to Mick smiling at them. It was just one big family...a crazy, loud, and sometimes obnoxious one, but family nonetheless. Lewis would want me to look out for them, I would think. Even if it's from afar. Maximillan and I can take care of that with our own resources. 

"Who is Verstappen?" I asked. 

"He's okay...um he feels horrible about the accident." 

I nodded before leaning back into Mick's side. I didn't say much for the rest of the evening. Slowly one by one the drivers left, till it was only Mick and me alone in our own home. Nico was letting Maximillan stay with him in his home. 

"Tomorrow, the story is going to break," I whispered. "The whole world is going to know." 

"Stella...I'll stop if you want me to. If it's too much for you or you don't want me to be away as much." Mick replied. 

I shook my head, "There is no way I could keep you from your dream." I paused before bringing up a question, "Why did you try to stop me from running to the accident?" 

Mick sighed heavily, before turning on the couch to look me directly in the eye. "I didn't know how you would react to seeing your brother."

Placing my hands on either side of Mick's head, I pressed my forehead to his. "I'm sorry for all the fighting and disagreements, life is too short, especially with the person I love the most." 

The two of us fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch. It was like the eye of the storm, one wave hit, and tomorrow we'll be ready for as many more that come. 


The next few days were a total blur. By the time we finally got to today, Sunday I was ready to get the heck out of Monaco. Of course, the world doesn't know Lewis is dead or anything so that announcement would be broadcast today before all the race festivities happened. 

Elio walked into my room with a black tulle knee-length gown, with white 3d flowers. Nico and him, and made our way down to the Paddock, where pretty much everyone waited for us. From there we moved to the podium, where I would address the world live and everyone here. 

"Stella!" Mick called right as I was about to step on the podium. 

I whipped around to see him running to catch me, his race suit weighing him down a bit more than usual. He grabbed my hand, and let me lead onto the stage. Nico and his family, Elio, and Maximillan all stood behind us in a show of solidarity. 

"To everyone here in Monaco and everyone watching from their homes, it is with great sadness I announce the death of my brother, Lewis Hamilton." I paused as many of the fans gasped or cried or screamed in shock. "He and some other drivers were racing around the track when another car hit him causing him to crash. He was thrown from the windshield, and without protection, he didn't survive. Lewis loved Formula 1, he lived for it. His love for F1 carried over, and I was able to create life-long friends, love, and family. Let not his death be in vain, but instead use it to really appreciate life. I know if Lewis was here, he would tell me to get on with it because..." I paused again tearing up, and Mick squeezed my hand, "Because I'm holding up the race, so I'll stop talking and let the race begin!" 

Everyone was silent, but then softly singing could be heard. At first, I couldn't tell what the lyrics were they sang his National anthem. By now the tears that I was trying so hard to hold back, finally fell and Mick moved to shield me from the cameras. 

When the singing finished everyone cheered and clapped as I waved before walking off the stage. 

The race went relatively well, with Max, Carlos, and finally, Lando taking the top three spots. I was handed the trophies and went out once more on the podium. This was the first time seeing Max, since the accident. 

He opened his mouth but I shook my head as I handed  him the trophy, "There is nothing you could ever say to me now." I whispered. 

He nodded and I posed for a photo before leaving the podium for the last time. Mick was already waiting for me at the bottom, shielding me from the press everyone else as we walked to the car waiting to take me home. 

"Where are you headed?" Mick whispered. 

"London," I replied. "Are you planning to come up anytime or are you going home?" 

"What do you want me to do, Angel?" 

I thought for a moment. There were some things that I needed to and also just take a breath. It's been nonstop these past few days and I'm not sure how much more I can take. 

"You have press and parties, so take the rest of today, sleeping and relax tomorrow, and I'll have a flight ready for you Tuesday morning." 

Mick gave me a quick kiss, "I love you, Stella." 

"I love you too Mick," I whispered before he had to walk away. 

"Where are we headed, Stella?" Elio asked from the driver's seat causing me to burst out laughing. 

"What in the world are you doing here?" 

"Mick called me actually, said he didn't want you to be alone." 

I smiled to myself, "Well then...let's go." 

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